My Family Car Stickers

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Patriotism and Anzac spirit being eroded away, thank God that was explained to me.

Here I was thinking it was redneck rhetoric.

Standing corrected now. Where do I buy one of these patriotic stickers?

thinking, i would never accuse you of that :lol:

still as predictable as ever i see..

drop in for a beer one day, you remember my place, it's the block with the lynching tree and the 17 car bodies upside down on the front lawn.
That's not so, I drive past it all the time, it's a lovely place with a big new fence out the front. Land line hasn't been playing up at all? I could check the pit for you.
now they use the southern cross. so unfortunate

Ever noticed how these Southern Cross stickers when crossed form the actual point for the projectile through the rear screen, straight to the rear of the persons head??......and why do they get car stickers tattooed on their forearms?? B) ;)
it's about the Anzac spirit being slowly eroded away.

+1. I ummed and erred about posting, I am not trying to antagonise, I just find the topic really interesting. I acknowledge my previous post was certainly antagonistic, but it has rightly been rebutted so I have been forced to think out my stance. And I love that.

Too true, standing up for ideals, courage in the face of tyranny and overwhelming odds. A real and genuine attempt at the embodiment of freedom, a real and genuine attempt at individual liberation, not just a capitalist quagmire. The ANZAC spirit embodies all of these things as well as the notion that everyone can get a "fair go", of the little Aussie battler, of helping out those in need, standing by your mates. So what happens when, in a booming post-war economy (and then to the present day) all of these ideals come under risk from a variety of political (and I mean that in the broadest possible sense) interests? Do we just move to Canada or do we stand up and exercise the very rights and freedoms that were fought for? If we do not appreciate, respect and utilise the concept of inherent, immanent rights of the person that the diggers helped establish (and great respect to those to this very day who are still serving the nation that stands for these ideals even if the ideals are under threat and in times where their safety is challnged in ever more pernicious and deadly ways), then those rights and ideals will be eroded along with the ANZAC spirit. And these are universal ideals and rights that we can proudly say as Australians we are able to exercise and enjoy far more than most other people on the planet.

To qoute the great Bazza "the best little place in the world, no risk".

So to a point I agree with the sentiment but unfortunately I think it is worded in such way that is easily abused and used in place of meaningful contribution. I also think that (if we all could really be bothered) that the slogan is American in origin and that a great deal of their libertarian notions came from France, and arguably it is dogmatic misconstrual (e.g. quoting "right to bear arms" but leaving out "a well regulated militia being necassary to the security of a free state") of the revolutionary ideals of northern Europe anyway. "Don't tread on me" meant something once, but it is now verging on hypocritical.

"Australia" is a huge term with a heap of semantics and it doesn't just mean Government, but the ideals that make this country great are the same ones that allows me to say with great pride I am a patriotic Australian, and I love this country enough to voice my opinion if I think the policy-makers are getting it wrong.

The knee-jerk stuff on tv from the USA isn't patriotism. Patriotism by definition is to do with defending rights, rights are based on concepts of justice and justice by it's very nature is tied to ethics and morality. I like my morality served on a steaming hot bed of logic and reasoning, not a crusty bread roll of religious dogma.

Anyway, big posts don't get read and that is just my opinion, I respect all others and as an Australian whose state has formally adopted a charter of indivdual rights derived from the UDHR I respect and support everyone's freedom to have a well considered and informed opinion about whatever they like. :icon_cheers:
Found this in the inbox this morning.

With the title:

KIWI - My Family

View attachment 44087

disclaimer: No offence to Kiwis.

Can't be offended now... cause i said "No offence"


Sorry...couldn't help it :ph34r:
I'd forgotten about this cracker, 'I shoot and I vote'

This has strayed from the OP. Let's start a new thread! Yay! :D
It wasn't so long ago there was the cultural cringe, and being patriotic was down-right un-Australian (tall poppies, modesty and all that).

Kid's these days have a sense of patriotism imported from US TV shows.

Sounds like some old blokes have forgotten too.
I love my country as much as the next Australian.
Unless the next Australian has one of these stuck on his / her rear window.


...makes me ashamed to be card carrying National Socialist sometimes..
Yeah, they're pretty horrible.
My personal fav/hate is "The Goddess is Dancing" I have allways wanted on that said "The Goddess is Dancing & people are stuffing money down her bra!"
I love my country as much as the next Australian.
Unless the next Australian has one of these stuck on his / her rear window.


...makes me ashamed to be card carrying National Socialist sometimes..

I know of a Maori Kiwi with one of these on her car, v fkin sad
^^A Kiwi has that on her car?


That must be the most ironic thing in the history of ironic things..
i have a sticker that i have yet to put on my reads,
"i am as confused as a baby in a topless bar".
is this permisable.......cheers.......spog........
Not many will have seen these but around here you see "I <3 Frankston" stickers on the back windows of far too many cars. Every time I see such a vehicle parked somewhere I wish I had a razor blade to cleanly remove the "ston" from the end in the hope that they never notice.
Not many will have seen these but around here you see "I <3 Frankston" stickers on the back windows of far too many cars. Every time I see such a vehicle parked somewhere I wish I had a razor blade to cleanly remove the "ston" from the end in the hope that they never notice.

I know nothing of Frankston, but I've heard a few stand up comics take the piss.

Is this what they are alluding to?

If so, Frankston has a few 'sister city's' in NSW..
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I love my country as much as the next Australian.
Unless the next Australian has one of these stuck on his / her rear window.

...makes me ashamed to be card carrying National Socialist sometimes..
More appropriate when the sticker has been modified...

I have

on my car & it is the only sticker other than the obligatory rego & service stickers. I wanted to put a sticker that said "I'm a ******** that blindly follows the pack & would jump off a bridge if someone else mentioned it or I thought it would make me look cool", but as they say a picture tells a thousand words.

Another of my pet hates is those coloured "****** bands" that althletes & non athletes wear on their wrists to enhance their "performance". Together with man cuddling, chest & shoulder bumping I have grave fears for mankind.


Anzac Spirt?
Isn't that doing someone else's dirty work and getting shat on for it?