My Day At The Vlb

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I just read this entire thread. I hate you, I love what you are doing, god damn I wish I could do it - I think if I start saving now I could do it in 2010 hahaha

Seriously though, what an amazing experience. Ive now found a definite education goal :)

keep us up to date mate!
That's it for the second module, one more to go...

Yesterday we had our brewing arithmetics exam. No more calculations of hops isomerisation, CCT volumes, extract content, malting losses, etc etc. We also did our first triangular tasting test of beer in sensory analysis. The lecturer added some ethanol to one of three samples of the same beer. When he told us about the test, we were afraid that he was going add DMS, or butyric acid or something just as nasty... :unsure:

The weather is getting very nice and after classes yesterday the staff and students gathered around several kegs of beer outside the cafeteria. I saw two kegs being changed during the evening... :chug:

Today in the lab, we tested beer for alcohol content using the distillation method. Man, did that lab smell terrible, especially for those of us who woke feeling a bit seedy this morning!

Just gonna catch up on some sleep now...

The hops are powering along now. There are a couple that haven't started yet, though. The weather here has been warm and sunny.

This week we started on the topic of cold processing. We've also touched on the subjects of yeast propagation, cell metabolism and packaging. Our test brews are filtered now and after some lab tests this friday, we can start drinking them... :p

The VLB has the job of testing the one litre glass steins used in the Oktoberfest. They make sure that they are durable and can withstand the constant punishment of the "Trinkspruch" The upshot of this is that the ones that make it are given to the students to take home... :beer:

We had little time to rest from our studies after the end of Module 2. There are lab reports due, brewing reports to be done, revision of material, etc, etc

Back to the grindstone.

I've just spent all morning in the laboratory testing our beer and I have to say it looks good. The style is a traditional German pils. The mash was infusion only (without specialty malts) and hopped with Hallertau Merkur and Spalter Select. Fermentation was with a bottom fermenting strain developed at the VLB.

I'll post some of the results and you can test your research skills and interpret them.

Alcohol - 4.25%ABV
Colour - 5.4EBC
pH - 4.3
Free amino nitrogen - 122mg/l
Bitter value - 20BU
Foam stability - 130
CO2 - 5.53g/l
Total polyphenols - 95ppm
Original extract - 11.05%

Some are outside the optimum ranges, but not by much. Oh, and it tastes pretty good.

The rest of the week has been more lectures on the technical side of filling and packaging. Lots of formulae and specifications for each type of package.

Well its back to the report at hand to evaluate and compare the four beers.

I've just spent all morning in the laboratory testing our beer and I have to say it looks good. The style is a traditional German pils. The mash was infusion only (without specialty malts) and hopped with Hallertau Merkur and Spalter Select. Fermentation was with a bottom fermenting strain developed at the VLB.

I'll post some of the results and you can test your research skills and interpret them.

Alcohol - 4.25%ABV
Colour - 5.4EBC
pH - 4.3
Free amino nitrogen - 122mg/l
Bitter value - 20BU
Foam stability - 130
CO2 - 5.53g/l
Total polyphenols - 95ppm
Original extract - 11.05%

Some are outside the optimum ranges, but not by much. Oh, and it tastes pretty good.

The rest of the week has been more lectures on the technical side of filling and packaging. Lots of formulae and specifications for each type of package.

Well its back to the report at hand to evaluate and compare the four beers.

Whistling Jack,

I've just re-read the thread the umpteenth time - too cool for school! :D

I love the updates, and I hope you don't ever forget to tell us what's going on. The last post was a bit beyond me as I don't even use a thermometer as I have the force.


This week started with the wonderful topic - treatment of brewery waste water.We learnt about COD, BOD5, TOC,etc etc. Quite an interesting subject when you get down to it.

More brewing technology, the role of zinc in yeast metabolism and the exploration of different fermentation vessels. Packaging focussed on PET and PEN bottles. I had no idea of how many different types there are!

Sensory analysis today and the lecturer gave us beer with isoamyl acetate (banana flavour), diacetyl and DMS all in large concentrations... :blink:

As reported in another thread, there was a party at the pilot brewery last night and everyone had bock coming out of their ears. Courtesy of a section of the class, I now know what bock means in Turkish... :D

All partygoers were asked to bring food or beer. Mrs WJ made some lamingtons which went down a treat.

Well more work on the brewing assignment.

Microbiology lab has been quite interesting lately. We've spent the past weeks looking for contaminants in process water, tank beer and fermenting wort. Needless to say, we've found plenty thanks to the doctoring (pun intended) by the microbiology professor.

So far, I've found enterococci, Escherichia coli (I hope that was a laboratory colony :blink: ), lactobacillus, pichia (wild yeast) and several strains of fungi and molds. Not to mention our old friend saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In cold processing, the topic has been pipe and tank materials and what makes them corrode. Also pumps, hoses and fluid dynamics. Brewing technology lectures have just left fermentation. This was, in my opinion, the most complex aspect of the brewing process.

Tomorrow, we have the last of our chemical-technical analysis labs, looking at sulphur dioxide, vicinal diketones (diacetyl) and proof of pasteurisation.

Another four day weekend coming up and Mrs WJ and I are heading to the Baltic islands. That and some more study and work on the major assignment.

Those four-day weekends sure relax one! The island of Rgen off the Baltic coast is just one big tourist trap, though. Not too crowded yet because of the cool weather.

The thing I did observe closely while driving in the countryside was the vast acreage of canola planted for biofuels. No wonder the European spring barley supplies are dropping each year. They should be planting barley!

Back to the lab today for the continuing saga of beer-spoilage microorganisms. Today we evaluated previous cultures and got some more going to test the purity and type of yeast in starters. Packaging continues with the concept of aseptic filling and labelling techniques.

The brewing project continues to its climax and we now have the results of the exhaustive testing that was done. My group turned in a pretty good brew by the standards. Good news today is that the brewmaster at the pilot brewery is going to let some of us make a special beer (of our design) for consumption at the farewell party!... :beerbang:

Must get back into the assignment, its getting bigger than Ben Hur!

This week started with the wonderful topic - treatment of brewery waste water.We learnt about COD, BOD5, TOC,etc etc. Quite an interesting subject when you get down to it.

More brewing technology, the role of zinc in yeast metabolism and the exploration of different fermentation vessels. Packaging focussed on PET and PEN bottles. I had no idea of how many different types there are!

Sensory analysis today and the lecturer gave us beer with isoamyl acetate (banana flavour), diacetyl and DMS all in large concentrations... :blink:

As reported in another thread, there was a party at the pilot brewery last night and everyone had bock coming out of their ears. Courtesy of a section of the class, I now know what bock means in Turkish... :D

All partygoers were asked to bring food or beer. Mrs WJ made some lamingtons which went down a treat.

Well more work on the brewing assignment.


I hope you got to have a "special" beer with your Turkish compatriot on ANZAC day?

I hope you got to have a "special" beer with your Turkish compatriot on ANZAC day?

The irony, although its lost on these guys (and gals), is that they work for a very large brewery which produces Foster's under licence.

They are great people and some of them have ties to Australia.


Ps. No we didn't get to have a beer together on that day, but we've had many already... :party:
Chemical lab is into revision mode at the moment with some more practice in water analysis. With the final exams approaching, its time for some full-on study. So much ground covered in all the subjects!

The hops garden is progressing well with all but three rhizomes making the cut. Some are over head high now.

The Brewmaster is pondering our request for the use of his brewhouse for next weekend and in the meantime one of the microbiologists is preparing a yeast starter for us. I think we may be making either an Altbier or an APA (the preference of the USA contingent). There is a very good range of malt and hops at our disposal.

The report is going great guns, so time out yesterday for some recreation. Down to the park to watch the Berlin Crocodiles AFL team's first home game of the season against the Rheinland Lions. Not the result the boys would have desired, but they have a lot of fun.

Classes are moving along now as the lecturers try to finish up the material before exam time. Yesterday we had the last of our practical sessions in microbiology before two weeks of testing. Tomorrow is also the last day in chemistry lab.

The lectures in brewing technology covered the subject of fitration and colloidal stability. Alll those compounds, trans-2-nonenal, ethyl-3-methyl butyrate, etc etc :blink:

This weekend a few of us will go into the pilot brewery and make a special beer to be served at the graduation party. We only have three weeks to get it on tap, so I came up with a simple Altbier recipe using Weyermann malts, Hallertau Magnum and Spalter and the yeast cultured in the mcro lab.

There will be a BBQ and a quantity of beer to consume. You're all invited!... :beerbang:

More school today and time to finish ny brewing assignment.

Brewday on saturday went really well. We had about fifteen people turn up and lend a hand. Our brewing plans were changed at the last minute and we ended up with a wheat beer. Not complaining about that!

There was lots to eat and drink, including some Raki. Not sure about this stuff, interesting taste.

The rest of the weekend was spent tapping out my final brewing assignment. Thank goodness thats done. This week will be mostly finalising the lectures and we have practical exams in microbiology and chemical-technical analysis.

Classes as normal today...

Well, the last day of classes today, ahead of ten days of examinations...but what a way to end it!

The lectures in brewing technology covered the topic of special beers. How to make them, where they are made and of course what they taste like. The lecturer brought in samples of different beers which we all had the chance to taste.

Only problem was, the lecture was from 8am to 10 am. Most of the class were pretty wasted at the end. I've made a list of the styles we sampled...

- Berliner Weisse
- Frankenheimer Alt
- Frh Klsch
- Huber Weissbier
- Schneiderweiss Kristall
- Pilsner Urquell
- Aecht Schenkerla Rauchbier Mrzen
- Schwarzer Alt
- Kostritzer Schwarz
- St Louis Gueuze
- St Louis Kriek
- a honey beer which will remain nameless :huh:

A good selection and well received by all :beerbang:

Oh well, time for some study *hic*...

Good luck with the exams.

FYI Pilsner Urquell is distributed by Coca Cola in Aust. Maybe the can get distribution rights for the rest of the list?
Thanks, Brewtus

Since I tasted Pilsner Urquell from the tap at the source a couple of months ago, fresh and unfiltered, even here it doesn't taste as good anymore... :p

Still very nice though...

hey, good luck to you with the exams.

Do they have planned to do a farewell party at the end?

you have to tell us everything till the end ;)

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