The trub has been separated, the cast out wort cooled and aerated and now its time to add the yeast.
Yes fellow brewers, its fermentation time... :beerbang:
This may seem that the work is almost done, but there is much more complicated stuff to learn. Today we were reintroduced to the brewer's friend, saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the following weeks we'll learn all his little tricks and magic on the way to the final product.
I will include a quote taken from our manual (thanks Burghard) It seems to sum it all up.
Five Laws of Applied Microbiology in Biotechnology
1. The microorganism is always right, your friend and a sensitive partner.
2. There are no stupid microorganisms.
3. Microorganisms can and will do anything.
4. Microorganisms are smarter, wiser, more energetic than chemists, engineers and others.
5. If you take care of your microbial friends, they will take care of your future.
D. Perlmann, 1980
The biochemistry lectures have begun in ernest, looking at the base molecular structures of nucleotides. This is complicated stuff. We sat our water chemistry exam yesterday. Not too hard, but I've said that before... :blink:
Last Sunday Mrs WJ and I and a couple of friends took a drive to Potsdam. A very elegant place with many castles, parks and lakes. We wanted to visit the
Meierei but it was too crowded to even get in there. (Sorry, no translation on the link, but you should be able to get a little out of it)
Anyway, off to the shops to stock up for Easter.