My 1st A/g Biab.

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I've just finished cleaning up after doing my 1st AG BIAB. It went so well I need to tell someone about it. Tried telling the wife, but she wasn't that interested (bloody non-beer drinkers), so I'm telling you guys.

I've been doing shitloads of research, trying not to ask too many questions (apparently that gives some people the *****) and getting some equipment together over the past month or so. Got a 50 litre keg (legitimate purchase), had a tap fitted, bought a mongolian burner, organised for a temp. controller for the fridge and yesterday my oxygen regulator that I got on E-bay turned up. Had today off, so I thought, lets give it a go.

Developed a Dr. Smurtos Golden Ale recipe on beersmith using some grain I had ordered plus some I had left over from doing a couple of partials. Came up with

23 litre batch
3.25kg Pilsner
1kg munich malt
1kg wheat malt
300g Caramunich 1
22g Amarillo @ 60 mins
27.5g Amarillo @ 20 mins
26g Amarillo @ 0 mins
Safeale US 05 yeast

Mash @ 65 for 90 Mins
60 min boil.

Have been reading about some people getting low gravity/efficiency when they start AG brewing so I was a bit worried about that.
Took a pre boil reading - Beersmith said I should get 1.042. I got 1.042. Whew, so far so good.
Got 22.5 litres into the fermenter. Took an OG reading, Beersmith said 1.047, I got 1.047. You Beauty!

One thing I did learn - I need to install a pulley in the shed for pulling the bag out of the kettle. That things heavy and hot.

Sorry if I'm waffling on, But I feel a bit like Big Kev. (excited that is, not lying on the ground, clutching at my chest) :D

Well done Mattress! Theres no going back now it only becomes more of an obession (in a good beer drinking way).

Also never be afraid to ask questions as you never know what important info you may have over looked.

Happy brewing :beer:
the good Dr is a awesome beer to kick off on

I made a batch today as well :) nom nom nom :chug:
My wife isn't a beer drinker either. She hates the stuff. But she loves me, and at least pretends to be interested. :)
Congrats on your first BIAB, and on "hitting all the numbers".
Pulley/s for sure - and a cleat to tie off.
Well done, sounds like everything went to plan. Nice work on hitting your targets.
Nice one Mattress, its pleasing to see all the planets lined up for you from the very beginning! B)
As you'd relate though, in general we've found that SWMBOs could not be less interested in your wins with brewing. That's just too bad though, keep them to yourself and she can have the vino/ tart fuel/ spirits, means more of that excellent beer for you! :D
The recipe looks fine to me, so long as the %AA of the hops is not ridiculously high, somewhere between 7 and 10% I'd guess.
My wife isn't a beer drinker either. She hates the stuff. But she loves me, and at least pretends to be interested. :)
Congrats on your first BIAB, and on "hitting all the numbers".
Pulley/s for sure - and a cleat to tie off.

+1 on all counts. :icon_cheers:

The numbers thing is curious. Time and again I invent my efficiency, or round things off (e.g. malt to nearest 100g), and I still seem to hit the numbers. Observer bias in the measurements or something. I recently did a strong beer (OG 1.100) so I knew I was going to get less than my usual 75% efficiency, so I made up a number - 65%, and bingo! I still hit my numbers. Good luck, not good management, I suspect.

Thanks guys for the comments,

Took a few photos of the day

Took a while to mill over 5 kg of grain.







Everything worked out and I had a lot of fun. Even managed to do 3 loads of washing during the day :rolleyes:
Nice one mate! now for the yeast to do it's part and your all good. I just keg'd 40L of golden ale and quick carbed em, Tasting bloody great!

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