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so that means you should be able to make a great beer with the sound ya like? :ph34r: ;)

i often hear music that makes me go wow i wish i could drink a beer that tasted like that.
only thing is, it's like when you try to remember things in a dream, as soon as you concentrate on the details it evaporates in front of you. and it's hard enough making beers like you imagine them to TASTE, let alone SOUND! but yes when i get round to drinking it in the end, i'll think, too bright, too muffled, too high-pitched, too honky, etc.


  • JimiFire.jpg
    13.5 KB · Views: 12
oh u *******!
I'd be tempted to split those stacks up to each end of the shed and get some stereo digital delay happening.
An old thread, but it's another slow arvo here.

The mustang's alright, but the yamaha is more fun to go mental on, and never goes outta tune.

The Mustang? All I see is that Marshall half stack :super:
A 100W JMP MkII.
It only goes up to 10 sadly, Duff. :super:

Almost sold it a couple of years ago. The day before the sale I cranked it up, then rang up the buyer telling him the sales off.
I fell in love with it again.
Very nice! My bro has a Cube 80, and that thing goes off as well. We cranked it up out front of our Grandparents coast house one Xmas, and people on the beach 120+m away said they could hear it. Underwater! Yeah!!!

Hahaha, good times, good times...
i'm getting into amp modelling software
getting all the classic amps and trying a few different guitars through them
i get to play with mic placement and stuff, it's pretty cool
thinking about running it direct into PA and foldback but need a new yet to be released flash based laptop to run the software. HD's and massive low frequencies don't go together.

I'd like you all to meet the love of my life who has been keeping me from brewing of late. My wife (wait she is) bought me this for our 10th anniversary about 6 weeks ago. I've wanted one for around 20 years.

A 2007 Les Paul Standard, 50's neck, Heritage Cherry Sunburst. I've named her Michelle.

I find having music on when brewing helps me work to a rhythm and the tedious parts like cleaning seem to go a bit quicker and easier. I hope the music listened to doesn't have an effect on the taste though! Last brew i put down, I was listening to I Killed the Prom Queen, Slipknot's new album, and Morbid Angel. Lol
Mitch :)

I'd like you all to meet the love of my life who has been keeping me from brewing of late. My wife (wait she is) bought me this for our 10th anniversary about 6 weeks ago. I've wanted one for around 20 years.

A 2007 Les Paul Standard, 50's neck, Heritage Cherry Sunburst. I've named her Michelle.

View attachment 20885
Yum Duff! That is a tasty looking axe!
I think if I bought another axe i'd buy an LP.
Its just a shame I spend most of my money on beer instead! :party:
Well, sorry guys, i may not fit the scene here. But this is my masterpiece. I'm as good at playing it as i am brewing beer, and that is beginner at best.

But sitting in the country where all you can here is crickets and the water flow by in the creek, the sounds it gives echoes incredibly.

Accompanied by the taste of a fine beer.. impeccable.

Is that a bongo drum? :blink:


sory about going off topic, but...

hereis another good instrument i enjoy with beer.

Ahhh Music - My first true love!!

The infection has brought me a G5 running Logic 8 numerous outboard processes and heaps of other gear. I do a lot of recordings for mates and just love the production side of things now... but since I found brewing the G5 has gotten pretty dusty.... and the studio has been taken over by my 2 fermentation fridges ;)

Lucky I work for PRS & Marshall distributors in Australia and have all the toys at work!! :p

Music and beer... LIFE IS GOOD!! :D

Rock the f*ck on!!


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