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Love music, don't get to as many festivals now with a young family but it's all good :)

I have been playing acoustic guitar now for about 4 years, with a bit of luck this will be my next purchase


Would love to learn to play the didge

Kabooby :)
Am I the only male in Australia that has not tried to play a guitar?
It seems all my mates play if only a little,also my son,grandsons, cousins etc all play or once played a guitar at some stage.
Also have a mate that has $10's k worth of guitars in a collection, what's with these things? :huh:

Mind you I have 13 [now] expensive Yadaki, Mago [didges] in my collection, each to their own. <_<

Just received 5 PMs asking advice on Didgeridoos, this site is amazing not only for brewing info.
Lucky I work for PRS & Marshall distributors in Australia and have all the toys at work!! :p

Any 'spare' JVM 410's just sitting around gathering dust?? Do you trade for beer? :chug:

Pantera and A Life Once Lost make great brewing music...and drinking music for that matter!

Pantera gets a hammering here :beerbang: There was no one like Dimebag :super:

I have a beer or ten for dimebag at that sad time of year.
I listen to music when I brew but my schecter have to rest as my hands are full
Some people talk to their plants and flowers. I wonder if someone talks to their yeast babies or even plays music for them?

I admit that I talk to them and like to hear them farting... ;)



EDIT: Somebody should start a poll...

I'd like you all to meet the love of my life who has been keeping me from brewing of late. My wife (wait she is) bought me this for our 10th anniversary about 6 weeks ago. I've wanted one for around 20 years.

A 2007 Les Paul Standard, 50's neck, Heritage Cherry Sunburst. I've named her Michelle.

View attachment 20885
A topic well worth bumping, Duff. Absolutely awesome guitar there! Lucky!

sory about going off topic, but...

hereis another good instrument i enjoy with beer.

View attachment 20887
Looks broken. I like that. :D
Hear about that seppo kid who dropped outta school so he could focus on Guitar Hero full time? For comps? A real winner.
Well, I have not kicked myself in a while, so I I may as well tell you guys the story. When I was a young bloke in the early 80s I used to muck around in a garage band playing Bass. I had a Hyakawa Fender Jazz copy, it was a nice guitar, but it weighed a ton. One day the owner of the music store where we used to hire PA gear called me over to look at a Bass he had for sale. It was a Gibson, Les Paul shape, with a lot of wierd looking slides and knobs on it. It was $400. For some reason I never bought it. Several years ago, I got to thinking about that guitar and what the hell it really was. It happened to be one of these


A Gibson Les Paul Triumph Bass. Only 393 ever made in the natural finish. Kick, owww........kick, owwww..

Here is a link to the page for all the Bass lovers


One day the owner of the music store where we used to hire PA gear called me over to look at a Bass he had for sale. It was a Gibson, Les Paul shape, with a lot of wierd looking slides and knobs on it. It was $400. For some reason I never bought it.


And I respected you! :p
Years ago, I got offered to buy a guitar, couldn't play one, still can't very well. The dude wanted $50 for it, he seemed to need it and seemed to have this urge that I'd regret not buying it one day if I didn't. Turns out it was a genuine US '67 Fender Newporter, an accoustic with a Strat headstock. Today I'm glad I bought it, still unhappy that I can't play it that well...

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