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I was recently very impressed by my Summer Pilsner. It has all the qualities that one would ecpect from a Chezch Pilsner. But with one difference, I cant explain this in any way know to brewing.

Now you might say I am on drugs..... indeed....well Ok maybe I did inhale. I digress, this latest beer of mine has a nearly sorrowfull quallity to it, it lingers on the pallet for a long time and develops into an experience to behold. Truly one of my best beers to date.

Now I said earlier I couldn't explain this in brewing terms, so I believe it has something to do with the Music I was listening to on brew day. You see I am a Saxophone Player in my spare time as well, So as a Sax Player often does I put on one of my John Coltrane CD's and submited to the roller coaster ride there after. I experienced hatred, anguish, longing, lonliness, emptiness, the absolute Joy!!! But the brewday was the smoothest on record in fact.

Now 8 weeks later I am sitting down to this mysteriusly crafted beer and wondering if any one out there has ever felt spiritually moved by a beer. Is it the next level in brewing?
Yep it must be great....'Hops' you have in your Pils...
:p :wacko:
Mind you, I do get a warm feeling inside when I down a pint of something that I made from scratch and tastes half decent.
Yep it must be great....'Hops' you have in your Pils...
:p :wacko:
Mind you, I do get a warm feeling inside when I down a pint of something that I made from scratch and tastes half decent.

Well I have made a beer with the good cousin twice removed. It gave me a warm feeling too, due to the TLC (tender loving care ;) ) in it. But that is another story :D
hop#*cone*#&, i too am a musician (classical singer) and a brewer, and although i think spirituality is a heap of shit in general, i taste beers as music too. i don't want to weird people out but i taste beer in sound. eg melanoidin malt is like a french horn. yeast bite is like a metallic screeching. cascade hops are nasal voices. the sort of bitterness you get from roast barley is like a bassoon. tettnang hops are like flutes. these sounds also correspond to colours. it all comes up in a graph inside my head.

somebody call the psychiatrist!

I'm looking at the recipe for HC's pils - maybe you forgot to put in the dope in the ingredients there because it wasn't in the list? :p

NM - I've just called the psychiatrist, expect a knock on your door from a couple of men wearing white suits!

It's an interesting topic, don't know if i would explain it the same way but when i taste a very well made beer that satisifies my palate it's sort of like a mini-epiphany, at least for the first couple of sips of a new batch.
NM, it's called synesthesia as you probably know. Linketty. FWIW, I experience this thread as a glass of hefeweizen. :lol:
I see it the other way round.
Not the music inspiring the beer,
but the beer inspiring the music.
I think my guitaring sounds best when im legless.

There's also a great sense of self satisfaction when you go ass up
and destroy everything in your path and end up bleeding all over the floor
without putting a scratch on your instrument.
Lately I have been listening to Muddy Waters, some ways I hope he doesn't influence my beers :D
totally agree Dr.G :D
two things you never drop when you're pissed: your beer and your guitar
My strumming elbow doesn't work without a few pints of lubrication. Although too many :chug: and I start singing :rolleyes:

Here's my new addition to the family
Best birthday present ever!
(if you count the ones you give yourself)
why dont you bring your daughter around on the weekend and i'll plug her in the marshall,
I will lubricate your elbow for you too.
Barry, that's funny :D

tempting as that sounds Dr.G I'm planning a brewday on Saturday. I still have to decide what I want to drink :) Some K&Kers would like to see a stepup to AG - the stupid way. You may want to attend and measure temps etc.
I still haven't done anything to fix my sparge problems, just looked at everyone elses setups and think WTF???

You can take Black Moma for a run on the amp simulator if you like.
Bring some of that wheat beer with you.

so that means you should be able to make a great beer with the sound ya like? :ph34r: ;)


wish i could make a beer that matches the colour of my PRS

nice prezzy :beer:
Oohhhh jeddog, you have just made me drool :super: I'd love a PRS and a standard Les Paul, one day :rolleyes:

Tangent, is that a standard humbucker in yours? I'm thinking of a stacked one for my Strat, or maybe some Lace Sensors :)

droool over PRS (damn it , there's another one I want now!)

Duff - standard for a couple of months ;)
My 1928 Conn New Wonder Series II Alto


Still screamin' like the day it was built.
I like to listen to loud music while brewing, thou an actual instrument is bit beyond me. :)
I like to listen to loud music while brewing, thou an actual instrument is bit beyond me. :)

The only instrument I can play is the radio - it keeps me company on a brew day - cricket in summer & footy in winter!
The love of my life.


Ive refitted her with push pull pots for single coil & reverse phase tones ala jimmy page
& new dimarzio pickups. Super distortion in the bridge & humbucker from hell in the neck.
The guy in the shop laughed at me and said it was a poor combination. He was wrong.

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