I wondered if you could cancel your order with ATHB before he shipped, but didn't find you on the MKIV spreadsheet. Was it with Beerkat?wide eyed and legless said:Cian, if your mate is still interested he can have the 2 x 4litre I ordered, $195 AUD PM me and I will pay, the delivery is taken care of.
How are my concerns flawed?Zorco said:You haven't arranged your replacement yet. This hasn't been established as a permanent fault.
Lastly, Why not ask now for a refund and escape the drama?
bradsbrew said:How are my concerns flawed?
Whilst i appreciate what you are trying to do, i really don't need someone to act on my behalf on a purchase i made by myself. Call me a loner.
Zorco said:I can see your perspective
The MKIV bulk buy has been on the cusp of conclusion when the first concerns were raised.
First concerns were raised on post 27 of the initial eoi before the first bbuy.
It needed to be understood if it was a product fault, and to what extent; by a rational approach.
The spreadsheet collates the data and informs everyone of the quantity of the problem. That way the community has access to essential information not only for MKIV, but for any future issues.
Why keep the spreadsheet secret squirrel in a pm environment, it would serve the whole community to have it in an open and transparent environment.
I don't think you understand what it is I'm actually doing or why.
A crusade?
Loners or not, you and everyone have access to all accounts of the issue and direct conversation with the suppliers in a collaborative forum..
Not when its all by pm? How does everyone has access?
I'm serving the community as part of my commitment to MKIV with everyone in mind and leaving a framework of information and data for all to use.
As above.
As soon as I can get out I intend to, which will be soon and I've enjoyed every part of the challenges.
Approaching the retailer with an issue has always been the intended point. The retailer can now aggregate all the concerns to better and more fully address the issue with the supplier. In fact, handling it the way we have here encourages more people to look for the problem and add their evidence.. this supports any retailer with their conversation with the suppliers - which ultimately improves the support we all receive for our problems.Jack of all biers said:However, Brad is also correct that normally an individual with a faulty product would approach the retailer for a solution.
I am wondering if the problem occurs or is more pronounced when the kegs are not full?EalingDrop said:Someone asked about long term storage a while back....
I had some Adnams Ghost ship clone in a 4L mini keg and in bottles. Stored for 9 months. Naturally carbonated.
My observations (Mini Keg vs Bottle)
Colour: No difference
Clarity: Yes, but if you unsettle the yeast sediment, they look exactly the same.
Taste/Aroma: Yes, the bitterness of the bottled is more pronounced whilst the mini keg retained more hop aroma. A little metallic taste, like drinking warm beer out of a can level.
This might be of interest to the rust/weld issue discussed in the forum- The keg was filled close to the brim, passed the weld joint.This particular mini keg however is 3 years old bought back from the UK.
I have a Pineapple Wheat beer currently stored in the ATHB mini kegs (BB MK 2) and in some bottles as well. Will do a side by side.
I'll rest this keg on the side so the weld is submerged in beer.
Hope this helps provide further understanding of the issue we've had with the recent dodgy batch of mini kegs.
Bottle conditioned (Left), Mini Keg conditioned (Right)
You've got write access from the PM gezz, go for it.gezzanet said:Pls add me to the spreadsheet. The photo in post 515. The one with the black silicon tube. Thanks
I happen to have a keg half filled (also naturally carbonating). Will see how it goes.bradsbrew said:I am wondering if the problem occurs or is more pronounced when the kegs are not full?