Holy thread resurrection, Batman!
And greetings from the UK.
I am posting here to see if anyone is still using these SS mini-kegs. There's not much on any UK forums regarding the kegs and certainly nothing as in depth as this thread that I can find.
By way of an introduction I have been using the cheap "easy kegs" for years and have about 20 on rotation. Four fit in an under counter fridge and I use the top taps (partystar deluxe/beer king 2000) to dispense. Fill from FV with some primings to condition and store until needed. Dispense around half the keg without additional CO2 until the pressure reduces then use a touch of CO2 as & when necessary to keep the beer flowing. I aim for "normal" UK cask beer levels of carbonation, so NOT warm and flat

but a little gentle tingle rather than an aggressive fizz.
I have had too many messy failures recently and have lost my supply of free kegs (new or used once) to replace the kegs as they get old and knackered so have looked as the 5L SS kegs as a natural (but more expensive!) replacement.
I have read the whole thread and it started nice and positively which led me to believe I was on to a winner, but then I hit the pages where people were having problems with poorly finished(?) kegs leading to tainting and discolouration of the beer and faulty regulators. I've come out the other side now but see updates on this thread have tailed off.
I have bought 1 keg so far and filled it on Tuesday before I found this thread so cannot now check the inside. THe outside all appears fine and dandy with no obvious defects.
What I would like to know, as above, is are people still using these and, if so, did the quality issues improve? Is anybody using these successfully for long term storage? My aim is to gradually replace all my old kegs over time and continue priming, conditioning and storing in kegs, and carry on with a 4 tap set up.
Any updates would be greatly appreciated.
Oz (In The Garden of England, on the Other Side of the World.)