Well I thought I would add my discoveries, good for me so far...... maybe, and this is not knocking the good work from others or the bad luck from others as I may still have ticking time bombs.....
I bough 4 x 5 ltr kegs bulk buy 2. Cleaned with percarbonate soak for 1 hour then rinsed with water. I spray light starsan only if filling and leaving full for more than a few days like nows trip for easter, for bbqs over night I usually just rinse the mini with hot water then fill.
Ive used them solid last Christmas for 3 weeks. most of the time they carried beer for 1- 2 weeks. Ive used them over past several months sporadically for local social events including leaving beer fo upto 2 weeks in them, still no issues.
watching this thread has made me anxious that ive got sus ones but at this stage I'm still happy with them.
Ive kegged up some brews filled from my primary stocks for easter camp next week, these were filled to the absolute neck, under pressure till foam leaked out of the pressure valve 6 days ago. and I tested a pot of these today to make sure I wasn't dragging crap beer away, all tasted and appeared exactly the same as the ones in my primary cornies, so I'm either one of the lucky ones or I got kegs from the Monday/Tuesday welder and not Fridays one

pictured is my lovely crisp rice lager and my LC pale ale abit darker due to the crystal , I also had my 3 rd mini yesterday filled with my nelson sav lager which I took to a friends house last night which dispensed amongst a few and was great and the same as the mother keg at home and no one knew any diff.
I feel for you guys after watching things unfold and hope at the same time mine don't fail in the next few years as one would hope at least a decade of use with stainless or more...
I'm still following this like the rest of yous
I have not tried the rice rinse test on these and my 4 th keg is full with a stout and I'm taking these all away next week , so I hope mine don't fail soon otherwise Ill be pissed lol
my mini reg has been OK with adjustments but does leak the bulbs out fast which I'm sure is an internal leak. BTW it has no serial number so its prob a dud anyway..
Carry on the good works guys, not taking anything away from this thread , just adding my observations with my gear, maybe it was poor workmanship on some and not others?
Edit". My minis are slightly magnetic in the rolls and bottom and non magnetic that I can feel in the sides and are marked beer can..
Another idea, is that I got mine from bulk buy2 , but maybe mine were made at an earlier date or later than some others and all shipped at the same time????