Mid year NSW case swap - tasting notes

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# 12 - SKb Choc Chill Stout


I had this after an oatmeal stout and 2 black IPA's and the flavour certainly wasnt missed.

Jet balck in colour, not sure how much chilli went in but it was a pleasent combo with the choc flavour ( was that from adding Lactose ? ) There was a good balance with the dark malts used and a nice clean ferment, overall enjoyed the beer in a sunday evening.
# 3 - MickeyR - John West IPA (Chinook)


The colour of this beer to me was awesome, really apealling amber/red malt hue, not sure if that was the intent but it appeared very nice, brilliantly clear with a nice foam head that persisted through the pint. The malt character of this beer was in perfect balance with the hops used, to me seemed more a pale ale as it didnt have a big aroma, hoppy flavour or solid bitterness you find with american IPA's, however I really enjoyed it, smooth on the palate and not to dry. Great Beer.

Personally Id take that same malt bill and double all the late hops and dry hops to get a more resinous flavour and aroma into the beer, pushing it well into the style of IPA ( personaly preference for IPA's )
# 18 - Contrarian - APA with galaxy and home grown cascade flowers


It certainly has Rye in it! Im guessing about 15% or more after having this one last night. Its a 4 month old beer and the hop aroma had faded to very low, but the flavour of the malt and its spiceyness certainly appeared, not over the top but assertive.
I have written down notes for a few of these... at home...
I will get around to upping them here.

just a note, if you have been keeping the beers in a warm place, mine should be about ready to down (#15)
I put a couple of mine in the ferm fridge at 20 for a few days and tasted it over the weekend, and it seems good.
Pratty1 said:
# 12 - SKb Choc Chill Stout


I had this after an oatmeal stout and 2 black IPA's and the flavour certainly wasnt missed.

Jet balck in colour, not sure how much chilli went in but it was a pleasent combo with the choc flavour ( was that from adding Lactose ? ) There was a good balance with the dark malts used and a nice clean ferment, overall enjoyed the beer in a sunday evening.
It has choc nibs, spices (soaked in vodka) plus lactose in it. The lactose has an effect of making the Chili come out at the end of drink the theory was to make it start with a coffee flavour (a bit light in this one), transition to chocolate and finish with chili and spices at the end of the mouth feel.
Pratty1 said:
# 18 - Contrarian - APA with galaxy and home grown cascade flowers


It certainly has Rye in it! Im guessing about 15% or more after having this one last night. Its a 4 month old beer and the hop aroma had faded to very low, but the flavour of the malt and its spiceyness certainly appeared, not over the top but assertive.
Hate to say it but that label wasn't mine, must have been from a previous swap. My beer was only bottled a week or so before the swap. Can't remember the grain bill off the top of my head but there's a good chance there was some rye in there, ends up in a lot of my beers.
Tasted #7 Marksy's ESB on Sunday to go with some roast pork belly.

Unfortunately it didn't get 3 days in the fridge as recommended as I was a little bit impatient.


Nice and smooth, gentle hops taste, great head, needed to warm up a little. Slightly over-carbed for an ESB. It seemed to be missing a little something in the malt department....probably should have left it in the fridge as recommended.
am enjoying marksy's ESB (#7) now. very nice. I wouldn't be able to tell in a blind taste test if this was homebrew or commercial. very smooth, nicely carbonated, well rounded and no sharp harshness that has been present in a few of the others. it's a great example of an ESB in my opinion. nicely done and thanks!
need to start drinking these. the three kegs just blew so ill be cooling these shortly as well as one of mine.
I've been drinking all of mine at room temp (~12C) as the room they're stored in is already pretty chilly and it gives me a better chance to taste how well rounded and mature they are -- the rough edges in green beer is really evident when the beer is at room temp.
Topher said:
Joshs white stout was like wow wtf. Possibly too sweet for me.....i like my stouts dry and roastytoasty....but i still very much enjoyed it. How did you do it man? Close your eyes and its a dark choc bomb beer. Open them and it looks like a vb! Well done.
Base grains were half/half Pils and Wheat.

Roast/Choc comes from a touch of smoked malt in the grain bill and Yirgacheffe coffee, cold steeped and added in the whirlpool. I had planned on using cacao nibs in secondary but didn't have much of them, so will get more and use them for the next attempt.
Sweetness would come from the lactose. I was going for a White Milk Stout.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I'll start drinking mine after Dry July. Feel free to help me out at https://au.dryjuly.com/profile/joshbutton
mines good to go next week from the tasting i just did.
the carbonation is just a touch low
just tried Josh's white stout. too sweet for me mate. I had to give it to my wife. I'm guessing you had about 5 IBUs on that one? Perhaps I'm just too accustomed to drinking my 70 IBU IPAs :)
Just posting the list up so I know what's going on

1 Pratty1 Robust Porter 5.00% 14-Aug
3 MikeyR John West IPA 5.70% now it's a chinook
6 Masters Lager 4.90% now
7 Marksy ESB RTD
9 Topher Dry Irish Coffee Stout 5% now with cold brewed Ethiopian Jimma coffee (own roast) or IPA made with 100% weyerman Munich1 and chinook and citra. 6%
10 Paulyman Zythos/Mosaic APA - est 5% ABV - RTD Now.
11 reman Hefeweizen 5.10% NOW!
12 Skb Chock Chili Stout 6.80% now
13 barls Smoked Brown 14-Aug
14 Josh White Milk Stout (of sorts) - 5.5% - RTD 20 July
15 n87 Vienna Schwartzbeir 4.50% 1-Aug
16 Cortez Oaked RIS 8.30% now
17 Digety Tawny Port soaked Oak RIS 9.20% now* *Won't hurt to age a bit
18 Contrarian Galaxy Cascade APA 4.80% 25-Jun with home grown Cascade flowers
19 Fatgodzilla Dark Bitter 15-Jul
20 mb-squared Equinox/Mosaic IPA 7.30% now
21 Hobospy Innis & Gunn clone
1) Pratty1 - Robust Porter - 5.00%

Pours near black with a small tan head which quickly dissipates. Brown highlights when held to the light.

Roast on the nose upfront with sweet malt and caramel notes as the beer warms up. Coffee beans and chocolate.

Flavour has roast and coffee initially. Lingering espresso notes. Medium sweetness with a nice chewiness to it which is balanced well by hops and roast. Low carb with a medium finish. I'm picking up some nice esters which add to the complexity.

Overall a lovely beer for a cool night.

while i remember

1 Pratty1 Robust Porter 5.00% 14-Aug
3 MikeyR John West IPA 5.70% now it's a chinook enjoyed this one tonight, was an ipa after my own heart not too bitter but pleasant and drinkable
6 Masters Lager 4.90% now drink this now, I'm going to agree with whats been said its clean and crisp but head is large bubble and collapses quickly. maybe add some dextrin malts or wheat to promote head retention
7 Marksy ESB RTD
9 Topher Dry Irish Coffee Stout 5% now with cold brewed Ethiopian Jimma coffee (own roast) or IPA made with 100% weyerman Munich1 and chinook and citra. 6%
10 Paulyman Zythos/Mosaic APA - est 5% ABV - RTD Now.
11 reman Hefeweizen 5.10% NOW!
12 Skb Chock Chili Stout 6.80% now
13 barls Smoked Brown 14-Aug ready to drink now i really enjoyed the taster last night
14 Josh White Milk Stout (of sorts) - 5.5% - RTD 20 July
15 n87 Vienna Schwartzbeir 4.50% 1-Aug
16 Cortez Oaked RIS 8.30% now
17 Digety Tawny Port soaked Oak RIS 9.20% now* *Won't hurt to age a bit
18 Contrarian Galaxy Cascade APA 4.80% 25-Jun with home grown Cascade flowers
19 Fatgodzilla Dark Bitter 15-Jul
20 mb-squared Equinox/Mosaic IPA 7.30% now another i enjoyed as it was just a pleasure to drink
21 Hobospy Innis & Gunn clone
3) MikeyR - John West IPA - 5.70%

Pours a deep amber with a massive off white head which quickly collapses. Bright.

Big piney resinous nose. Some stone fruits and hints of malt.

Huge bitterness upfront which lingers. Pine and herbal notes. Malt takes a backseat. Finishes medium dry with medium carb.

Overall an excellent IPA. Really loving the chinook. Assertive bittnerness and pine notes make it exceptionally moreish.

#11 – Crispy Hefeweizen. Shared with a friend in a tasting session, photo of beer attached. Smell of a banana paddle pop, very strong smell. Cloudy, slightly muddy look. Tasted very strong banana, slight caramel, I have to admit really not a big fan.
had barls' smoked brown (#13) tonight. nicely carbonated, but still a little 'hot' so I think it could benefit from a bit more maturing. overall though, it was quite nice. both my wife and I enjoyed it.

#9 – Topher IPA. Also shared this with a friend… At first it was too cold in a glass so was bitter but the hops did not come through. When we let it warm up a bit it was nice, and the nose got better and better not fruity more earthy. Looked great in the glass got a phot but clearly I am a computer idiot as I cannot attach photo to the thread and with some guidance I am sure I can.

My only disappointment was that I got to the bottom of the glass and had shared it, and needed more to appreciate it and understand it more. So my “gut feel” was very nice but as I drank the first half too cold I wasted some.

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