Well-Known Member
Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31
Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31
The Masai goat was really good however he gave me a really chewy bit on camera!!!
I first pitched a series about travelling around to micro breweries to the head of development at channel 9 back in the late 90's he said no. I pitched to channel 10, 7 and foxtel and they said no. I have revisited this idea a few times to no avail. I am currently trying to get this idea up in NZ where their seems to be more interest.
At least on my show I can go to the micros, check them and the beer out and then use it in the cooking. It is important to me as a foodie, a home brewer and a commited drinker of quality ale and lager that I give the Micros a voice on my show (and my up coming beer cook book). Getting a whole series up just on micros or just on beer is proving to be very difficult. I havent given up but I have been working on it now for 15 years. :blink:
I first pitched a series about travelling around to micro breweries to the head of development at channel 9 back in the late 90's he said no. I pitched to channel 10, 7 and foxtel and they said no. I have revisited this idea a few times to no avail. I am currently trying to get this idea up in NZ where their seems to be more interest.
At least on my show I can go to the micros, check them and the beer out and then use it in the cooking. It is important to me as a foodie, a home brewer and a commited drinker of quality ale and lager that I give the Micros a voice on my show (and my up coming beer cook book). Getting a whole series up just on micros or just on beer is proving to be very difficult. I havent given up but I have been working on it now for 15 years. :blink:
Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31
Rule 1 - The first rule of steak club is that you do not talk about steak club
Errr.... I think you just ****** that up?
I've often thought of a channel 31 show food/beer but never got off my backside to look at what I'd need to do.
As a group of boys we used to get together every week for "Steak Club". Steak Club had certain rules that must be followed...
...Anyway, I have no idea if such a show would work and there's no way I could leave my job for the time it took to put the show together so I'll just have to dream...
Yep seen the Oz and James show and of course I would love to do something like that here but there are two roadblocks to it - population and distance. They have a much bigger population and therefore earn more revenueand can attract more sponsors to the show. Travelling around Australia takes much more time and costs lots more than travelling around Britain.
As I said I will keep plugging away and one day it will happen.