Mercurios Menu Kenya Speacial

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Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31
Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31

Gardening has a much much larger demographic than specialist brewing does. None of my mates will work for free - we have all been there and done that too many times! The whole channel 31 thing is really for people who want to break in to the industry and for every success story there are probably 100 that dont make it. My show averages over 850 000 audience when all is said and done which is a lot better than channel 31 and much better for the micros that get on.

I will keep chipping away at the major networks and foxtel and see if I can succeed one day.
The Masai goat was really good however he gave me a really chewy bit on camera!!!

I didnt get to see the show :(

All i can picture is Bear Grylls eating that goat nut cut strait from the sack

The Kenya speacial will show on Channel Seven 2 (digital channel) on the 4th of June - dont know what time only know that it will be screened again that day.

A lady in Kenya made me a tripe dish - I like tripe but I like my tripe cleaned and bleached and cooked for hours and preferably not with sour milk that has been sitting in the African sun all day while we have been cooking.

Fresh goat nut??? Easy! :(
I had a little lol to myself when you ate old mates fish beside the pool...the look on your face seemed like you'd rather have been eating the smoked fish that you made.

I also liked the ladie's explanation out on the lake... Yeah we know the lake has been fished out and we need the smaller fish to breed to replenish stocks, but we're taking 'em anyway
Managed to catch bit's & pieces as I was getting ready to go out, glad it's on again so I can watch the wholr thing.
Merc, I'm sure if you wanted to get some exposure on the local channels there'd be a heap of AHB'ers willing to throw in a bit of time to help, myself included. I can see where you're comming from rating's wise and viewers, but IMO getting a bit of airtime on 31, ABC or what not might get a bit of audience you otherwise might not have gotten.

I can see it now, Paul Mercurio & AHB present The great beer journey, or some **** like that :lol:
I first pitched a series about travelling around to micro breweries to the head of development at channel 9 back in the late 90's he said no. I pitched to channel 10, 7 and foxtel and they said no. I have revisited this idea a few times to no avail. I am currently trying to get this idea up in NZ where their seems to be more interest.

At least on my show I can go to the micros, check them and the beer out and then use it in the cooking. It is important to me as a foodie, a home brewer and a commited drinker of quality ale and lager that I give the Micros a voice on my show (and my up coming beer cook book). Getting a whole series up just on micros or just on beer is proving to be very difficult. I havent given up but I have been working on it now for 15 years. :blink:

Woohooo you are a top bloke, if only they would listen to you. Love it, keep up the good work. Looking forward to this cookbook aswell. :icon_cheers:
I first pitched a series about travelling around to micro breweries to the head of development at channel 9 back in the late 90's he said no. I pitched to channel 10, 7 and foxtel and they said no. I have revisited this idea a few times to no avail. I am currently trying to get this idea up in NZ where their seems to be more interest.

At least on my show I can go to the micros, check them and the beer out and then use it in the cooking. It is important to me as a foodie, a home brewer and a commited drinker of quality ale and lager that I give the Micros a voice on my show (and my up coming beer cook book). Getting a whole series up just on micros or just on beer is proving to be very difficult. I havent given up but I have been working on it now for 15 years. :blink:

SBS ran a series called Oz & James Drink to Britain. They visited quite a few commercial breweries as well as a few home breweries. They even had a local home brewing competition in one of the local pubs. Great show about two lunatics drinking their way round Britain to find the ultimate British beer.
I reckon there would of been quite a few viewers tuning in each week. Pity that there's not enough interest according to the TV big wigs.
Yep seen the Oz and James show and of course I would love to do something like that here but there are two roadblocks to it - population and distance. They have a much bigger population and therefore earn more revenueand can attract more sponsors to the show. Travelling around Australia takes much more time and costs lots more than travelling around Britain.

As I said I will keep plugging away and one day it will happen.

Heads up: June 4th 5.30pm channel seven 2 Kenya episode replay if you are interested.

I cant remember what Bosieri's fish dish was like. I generally remember bad dishes so it wasnt bad. I must admit my smoked fish with the Lipton Chamomile brine was pretty tastey.

Sadly they have fished that lake out.
Do you think, given the shift in consumer tastes, that it might be a better prospect to have a craft beer/home brew program.

Wish I'd got to see Masai women, they are excellent specimens of the fairer sex.

I'm enjoying the series. Haven't gotten around to the Kenya special yet, but it's next in line on my IQ.

What about BYOB - Australia?
Paul ever thought of getting a couple of mates and a camera and filming your own and get CH31 to screen it..the microbrewery gets some advertising..that's how few show's got started..Vasil got his beginning on CH31

I've often thought of a channel 31 show food/beer but never got off my backside to look at what I'd need to do.

As a group of boys we used to get together every week for "Steak Club". Steak Club had certain rules that must be followed.

Rule 1 - The first rule of steak club is that you do not talk about steak club
Rule 2 - Each week everyone brings along a steak for themselves to cook how they like it
Rule 3 - Each week everyone brings a "special treat" they have to share with everyone. This can be any food product: dessert, salad, main - mostly it was gourmet sausages, cheese platters, something marinated in a homemade marinade etc
Rule 4 - Each week everyone brings something to drink, usually wine or some kind or craft beer to share
Rule 5 - if it falls on the ground you have to eat it
Rule 6 - once a month is bring a friend night where girlfriends etc were allowed to enter the inner sanctum.

The location would vary, for a while it was just a brazier and a hot plate with a paint scraper as the main cooking utensil. We also has a share house that had an open fire and one night decided we were hungry so got two logs and stood them on their ends and got one of the shelves from the oven and placed it on the logs and used it to grill some steaks in our lounge room. A mate who is a metal worker happened to pop over and saw it and measured up our fireplace and made a free standing grill/hotplate that was perfect for our fireplace. So every week we would have mates over and cook up steaks in our lounge room. The house smelled of meat for days afterward.

Anyway so the thought is that we would get on the road in a van and travel to different locations and do a Steak Club style meal once a week. Most of the show would be each of us visiting a different local food producer to source a "special treat" to share with the group and then visiting a local brewery/winery as well for the drinks. This would give us the chance to check out the different food and beer/wine specialties of different regions. There would be the opportunity for beer/food matching, special guests and all sorts of other things.

Anyway, I have no idea if such a show would work and there's no way I could leave my job for the time it took to put the show together so I'll just have to dream...
Errr.... I think you just ****** that up?

I was waiting for that.

However, as we've all moved on and are married with kids now the statute of limitations has now passed :icon_cheers:.
I've often thought of a channel 31 show food/beer but never got off my backside to look at what I'd need to do.

As a group of boys we used to get together every week for "Steak Club". Steak Club had certain rules that must be followed...
...Anyway, I have no idea if such a show would work and there's no way I could leave my job for the time it took to put the show together so I'll just have to dream...

I'd watch that. Especially if it was just a bunch of unknown blokes. Kinda like "Save Your Legs". A doco about the Abbotford Anglers who toured India for their end of season trip.
Merc, I love it how old mate let you cook up your dish and then when he did his he tells you about making sure you add bones to it! Classic.
Yep seen the Oz and James show and of course I would love to do something like that here but there are two roadblocks to it - population and distance. They have a much bigger population and therefore earn more revenueand can attract more sponsors to the show. Travelling around Australia takes much more time and costs lots more than travelling around Britain.

As I said I will keep plugging away and one day it will happen.

What about if you teamed up with a couple of charismatic & funny wine aficionado's / sommeliers and visited a couple of wineries and a micro-brewery each episode?

You could limit each episode to one wine growing region which would cut down your travelling costs & time. Because lets face it, fine wine has a far, far wider interest than craftbeer in Australia - particularly with the explosion of the boutique wine industry over recent years, and featuring micro-brews on a wine show would showcase them to the great unwashed and generate a renewed interest in beer other than megaswill, and that can only be a good thing for all of us.

Surely TV executives would be partial to a tipple of good wine and could see the show take off.... no?