Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy September 2013

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Grainer said:
OK I got a price list but a bit unsure of the BB process... and exchange of cash ..apparently G&G do not accept the payments... I dont have heaps of time ..but Ill try look into it.. G&G . suggested pick up about December 15...
Hey John, if you're looking at running one of these, might I venture to PM a former BB organiser for advice on spreadsheets and potential pitfalls. Without naming names, I believe *Cocko* was an adept when handling others sacks of seed in exchange for money, and pulled it off very professionally.
technobabble66 said:
What he said.

What's the minimum order size?

Depending on price & how splits might work out, i could be up for 1-4 bags, i guess.
[Maybe: 1/2-1xMO, 1/2-1xGP or Ale, 1/2xWheat, 1/2xMunich, 1/2xAmber, 1/2xVienna]

Also keen for 1/4's if 3 others can be bothered.

Fwiw, i'm ok if we don't get it done before xmas, so don't stress yourself if it's gonna be a struggle to coordinate everything in relatively short notice at a busy time of the year.

Anyone got a spare mill? B)
I'd go the other half on your Munich and your Wheat. Interested in Euro malts primarily.
Well think I will do this.. just need moderator approval at a few cut of dates..most likely pickup will be 14th or 21st December.. with 1 week to get payments in.. Stay tuned.. New post soon for BB..

btw I do take bribes LOL
I'd go the other half on your Munich and your Wheat. Interested in Euro malts primarily.

If that means weyermann & dingeman plus maybe Simpsons then you're on, baby!

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