1. Grainer: 1 x Marris Otter, 1x Bohemian Pilsner, 1x Vienna Malt,1 x Munich Malt, 1x Trad Ale, 1 x Wheat Malt Pale 1x Briess Red Wheat (Cocko split) 1x Briess Midnight Wheat (cocko split) ..... would like to go in some split specialty grains

such as 1/2 Roast Barley, 1/2 Crystal Medium[/font][/color]
2. Cocko: 2x Briess Pale Ale, 1x JW Dark Crystal.
3. northbrew: 1x Marris otter, would be keen to split 1/2 Crystal Medium with you.
4. Spiesy: 1 x Wey Pils ($52), 1 x Biess Pale Ale ($51).
Keen to go splits on 1/2 bag Wey Munich ($51 total) and JW Wheat ($38 total).
5. Technobabble66: 1 x Maris Otter, 1 x Wey pils, 1 x Wey Munich (1/2 split w Mardoo), 1 x Bestmalz Wheat (1/2 split with Mardoo), 1 x Wey Vienna (1/2 split w JB )
Keen to split a 1/2 Briess Victory
6. DU99 Briess 2 Row.and split munich/wheat with Spiesy..
5-way splits [First person is the Sack Holder. Sack is cancelled if we don't get all 5 spots claimed]
Bestmalz Melanoiden (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) Mardoo 3) 4) 5)
Simpsons Medium Crystal (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) JB 3) 4) 5)
Simpsons Chocolate (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) JB 3) 4) 5)
Wey CaraRed (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) JB 3) 4) 5)
Simpsons Amber (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) Mardoo 3) JB 4) 5)
Briess Midnight Wheat (techno66) - 1) Techno66, 2) 3) 4) 5)
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