aamcle said:
Got them thanks.
There only seem to be the user manual and the code, are there any build instructions? That is instructions - connect wire to X. And so on?
Atb....... Aamcle
It's all based on the "Original Braudino Board" build
2 sided board and later adapted for the
one sided versions others have developed since. You can choose whatever version of the board you've built in the sketch and set it by removing the // in front of the include code.
// Supported PCB
//#include "Pcb_Brauduino_DanielXan.h"
#include "Pcb_Brauduin

You do the same to select the language and also select between if you have chosen to build your controller with a 2 or 4 row LCD.
// Select your LCD
//#include "LCD16x2_ITA.h"
//#include "LCD20x4_ITA.h"
#include "LCD16x2_ENG.h"
//#include "LCD20x4_ENG.h"
The program adds extra features like storing up to 10 recipes you want to keep on the controller just to name one.
A few people experiencing EMI might be interested in the following. I've had trouble with EMI scrambling my screen when the controller started priming the pump, so I asked Max the following:
Max, I prime my 'March Pump' manually and don't need the 'Prime Pump' feature on my controller. The main reason is because the EMI produced always scrambles my LCD Screen. What code should I block out too remove it?
My screen works fine for the rest of the time when I unplug & resume the cycle.
Max answered:
The "Pump Prime" Function is called by pump_prime(); in VOID auto_mode.
Is just one line, in Manual Mode the Pump Prime is not present.
On my Auduino IDE its at line 1040 in this section of code, just // the pump_prime() like I have. I haven't had an issue with EMI since blocking it.
if(!(resume)){ // if starting a new process prompt for water
Menu_2();//pulisce lo schermo
hopAdd =0; //reset hop count at teh start of the processes
pumpTime =0;
pumpRest =false;
// pump_prime();
x = 0;
So basically ArdBir is updated code that can be tweaked easily to work on the various boards based on the original "Braudino" by Matho. If you've built one of them you'll be able to load the sketch code onto it and gain the extra features.