Steve - thank you - the system is amazing! An absolute gem to brew on.
Ideas for code improvements - I've thought of a few more substantial changes that would be pure awesome

- touch screens, auto hopping, wireless mash schedule delivery from a smartphone app... not necessarily
A lot of time needed to do these
+1 to djar's idea - I was thinking this the other day when I was going through mashing.
Here is some brainstorming on other ideas:
- option for countdown to start (already available) - in auto setup could ask - set a countdown? y/n and then set amt in mins.
I can put that in
- to automatically switch to manual mode at the end of the cycle - but I like this cause I use the pump to whirlpool, I'm not sure if it would be a common desire.
Sounds like a custom thing but I'll look into it
- show a count down during the pump break
Pump break is set for a maxium of 2 min but will start if the temp falls too much so it would be hard to implement
- make temp ranges 'accelerate' when changing - eg: if it has been held for 2 seconds, start jumping by 0.5C, if 4 seconds, start jumping 1C
- numbers cycle through ie - if you hit the upper range, it goes to zero and vice versa (good for when you want to get to 100 and temp is currently 35 or so)
I like to add these changes so I'll work on them
- store stats about the system: eg: for last auto brew: ramp rates/times from stage to stage, total brew time from start to end of boil.
Again sounds a bit custom and I would have to work out how to get the info out too
I've been thinking about using it for other things as well:
- a sous vide mode - can set temp, has a pump break every 15 mins, but otherwise pump stays on - same as manual, can hit the pump button to turn it off/on manually. No timer.
- apple cider pasteurisation - idea came from I figure it would be safer in the brau and can put a lid on it and have it set to a precise temp.
So - would either be a set temp for a set number of mins and then beeps at you to remove the cider, then push the button to start the timer for the next batch. or... this is more interesting... not sure if it is possible - but was thinking have the brau get to temp, swap the probe for one that goes inside an unsealed bottle full of water at the same initial temp as those being pasteurised, placed in with the batch being pasteurised, and then have it beep completion when it hits the required/targeted pasteurisation temp.
ok - those are some ideas
Those last 2 would be low on the list for me at the moment