Mash Tun Big Esky

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Im keen as to upsize my brews and have a 200l stainless drum but am struggling to get my hands on another. thinking of getting a 200l esky and turning it into my mash tun. Does it matter though that the esky is a rectangle shape? will this dramatically effect my brews?
ive seen guys use them for the smaller batch sizes but wondering how it will effect a brew round the 200l mark?

I think there is a effect if you have a thin grain bed. I used a 70lt one and its fine. I am not sure what depth of the grain it starts to matter or if its a % type or what, I think a deeper grain bed is better as the water runs threw the grain so it has to travel further. If you batch sparge it will mean nothing but if fly sparging and you got a 70mm grain bed it may be detrimental.