London Pubs (and Paris suggestions?)

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Another lucky bastard :).
Start simple,get a pint of cask ale doesn't matter what it is but get into it by starting simple. Farking lovely cask ale...drooling.
That means you had a great time? That's awesome. I'm looking forward at visiting those pubs.
Bumping this.

I'm heading back over to Paris and London in a week or so and have a slightly more relaxed itinerary this time.

If anyone has any updated 'must visit' pubs/bottle-o's in Paris or London I'd gratefully take suggestions on board.

Will definitely check out la cave a bulles in Paris. Don't speak the lingo so I'll happily buy up and enjoy in the comfort of my hotel room.

Arrive London midday on a Saturday so I am dead keen to wander the Bermondsey Mile ( that afternoon. The only downside is my long lost cousin is having a 40th that evening and I want to stay tidy. He's an ex-special forces man so I'm anticipating some heavy drinking (stereotype?)...prefer to arrive at the party quite sober.

Will definitely go to a Brewdog establishment this time. Also keen for The Gunmakers in Clerkenwell and a Fullers Brewery tour if I can squeeze it in.
Kumamoto_Ken said:
Bumping this.

I'm heading back over to Paris
jealous o so jealous, Paris (France) so much to see so little time....

live it up :)
One of my old favs in London was the toucan just off soho square. Not anything special from.a craft beer point of view but I spent too many nights in the basement drinking Guinness and red breast before stumbling back to the tube and waking up on my couch the next morning.
Don't go to the Gunmakers, it was sold and is nothing of what it was.

Also, Bermondsey Beer Mile gets pretty busy from 2-6, but you can usually be comfortable at Partizan, so I would aim to get there last, doing the top half first then Four Pure, the come back up to Partizan.

There are a few good places around Camberwell, the Bear and Stormbird. There is also a great pizza place, Theos, near Stormbird that has good wine and Orbit and Kernel on tap by the jug. It is a good spot for some grub and not too pricey (for London).

Old Coffee House in Soho is worth a look in for best kept Brodies beers (cask), and the Chesham Arms if around Hackney, has a killer beer garden. But only if you are nearby, don't trek for it...
O'Henry said:
Don't go to the Gunmakers, it was sold and is nothing of what it was.
Cheers mate, appreciate the advice. I'll give it a miss.
The Dove, it backs on to the Thames, near Hammersmith bridge.
It used to be a haunt of Michael Jackson (The Beer Hunter).
It's a Fullers pub.
Plenty of lovely real ale.
One of the bars sits only three people.