LNP win in Tasmania

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+1 for the butchering bit.

I thinks it is more a "yeah bit it might taste funny" & " but ..you know....is it any goos".

A lot of it is perception. I preffer to eat hogget over lamb. Better flavour etc. But if you asked 90% of the population they would screw there nose up at it.

All it is is old lamb.....and its not that old...and its actually more expensive.
Hogget and mutton... so good. And so hard to get.
We dont get lamb, we get dirty old butchered sheep because they are about to die and dads mate cant eat a whole one, there is no difference in them if you smoke, slow cook or braise them. Cooking normally will probably always show the older sheeps tuffness, but meh.
Airgead said:
Just heard the best description of modern political discourse -

A billionaire, a bogan and a refugee are sitting round a table sharing 12 biscuits. The billionaire takes 11 of them, turns to the bogan and says "watch out for that refugee... he wants your biscuit".
Why only take eleven?
Gina would take 13 and make you apply for a job that you wouldnt even earn enough to buy the crumbs.
So she takes 10 from 11 and puts the 12th into an offshore holding account in the Maldives.
wide eyed and legless said:
Still doesn't make 13, take the twelve and let them wonder where the crumbs come from.
Note to self: Not every one will see the irony
jlm said:
As a new-ish Tasmanian resident (2 years) I found the election interesting, mainly because I was used to 2 sided shouting matches back on the mainland not the 3 cornered comp where everything the the mob in the other 2 corners says is ******.

Some rough stats from the bureau (and not quite comparing apples to apples due to the info available and state vs. fed employment )........a shade over 10% of the working population in Tas are employed as public servants.........Back in my old home of QLD the number is a shade under 7. Can't be arsed looking up other states atm. So when the former govt. decides to thin out the public service a bit the state is up in arms. Probably their own fault the way they went about it, all the headlines were about "frontline" jobs and if I can go back to my wife's tenure in the public service in QLD its the layers upon layers of management (one of which she was) she thought needed pruning.

So now Willie's coming in and is going get us back in the black, with only 500 jobs going from public service numbering a bit over 20 000. Can't wait to hear the response from the mob when the Latrobe hospital is shut down (cause seriously......Devonport is too far away).

I think he's probably got it wrong with tearing up the forest peace deal, seems like some in the industry would like it kept (TasChris, you about? Your input could be of use here........don't act like the OP's little statement waving goodbye to a forest on your back door that he's never been anywhere near didn't get your attention) and others would at least like some input from green groups to get something happening again so they can sell their product.

Good luck Wills. You're going to need it. We're poor, illiterate, unemployed and demand you get the state "back on track" but demand you don't take anything away from us in the meantime.
Hi jlm, sorry I am slow replying however I have been taking a break from brewing and AHB due to work and family pressures.
I will declare my affiliations... I am a forester in NW Tas and I am responsible for harvesting in this part of the state. I voted Liberal with preferences to PUP then independent, then Christian something or others then Labor then the Green candidates. These views are my own and do not necessarily represent my companies views
The forest debate has been raging in Tas. for the last 20 plus years and will never end as many of the combatants do not want the war to end.
The IGA ( Inter Govermental Agreement) is largely a construction by the State and Federal Labor Governments.
Industry and the environmentalists did not reach agreement...some industry and some green ENGO's sat down and hammered out an agreement which was then handed to state gov who then changed large parts of it and then said to industry and ENGO's ..."Toe the line and there is a bucket of money on offer from the Feds." The industry players who were to benefit then rode rough shod of the industry doubters to ensure they got their cut. The green ENGO's did the same with the more radical environmental groups.
The CFMEU had their noses in the trough to the tune of $80,000 per annum from the deal despite the fact that there a few union members in the timber industry and those that are seem to be mainly AWU, (remember of course that CFMEU backed Gillard and AWU did not)
Those players from Industry ( eg Ta Ann), green ENGO’s ( eg Wilderness Society Environment Tas etc), the Unions (CFMEU) and state Greens and Labor who are in the cue to get a hand out keep on pushing the line regardless of truth.
A couple of inconvenient truths
50% of Tassie forests are already reserved from harvesting
Every hectare of forest logged on state forest is regenerated back to as good as, or better, than what is was.
Forestry is the only carbon positive industry in Aus.
Australia is a net importer of timber, often from rain forests of Asia .Why shut down forestry in Aus that we have control over and is World’s best practice
Mainland Australia prop Tassie up with GST revenue...Can Tassie afford to close industries down?
Roughly 100,000 ha of the 374,000 ha of land listed for world heritage listing has been logged before and thus does not meet the criteria, however was nominated and accepted. This is the area the Liberal wants to delist (74,000 ha of it)
State Forest timber is covered by AFS and thus PEFC certification, the world’s largest certification body for timber, forestry etc. FSC is nice to have but is not the be all and end all.
Most customers will buy wood whether it has FSC certification or not.

Tasmania is a complete mess and we need to have a government that will create the environment that can assist us to work our way out of the black hole we are in. We cannot expect the rest of Australia to subsidise Tasmania. Tasmania currently has a handout mentality, a sense of unearned entitlement, this needs to change.
I voted for a change in direction and for a change in culture. For once the silent majority spoke up with a huge swing to Liberal. I hope Liberal unpicks the IGA no matter what pain this causes as it is not in the best interest of the state or the nation.

Sorry for the long rant

Ahh ****, you Tasmanians have a government here in south Oz once again we have fuckall,both parties are so equally undeserving that no one can decide who should be in power.
Interesting that the overwhelming majority of income comes from the regional/ country areas ,yet the pollies spend buckets of money in the metro areas where the majority of votes really are.
Staying in power is one thing but it seems that giving a **** isn't .

I should put this in the rant thread... Nah bugga that.too hard,should be a pollie.
spog said:
I should put this in the rant thread... Nah bugga that.too hard,should be a pollie.
And then get one of your staffers to do it.
When it comes to timber and carbon credits and storage...its a no brainer. If you want to store carbon then timber is really the only option. Timber is infimetly renewable and once harvested the stored carbon is stable for hundreds of years. As a building material it uses far less energy than steel and concret/brick. Up here on the NSW Nth Coast trees are not a problem. Bloody things grow like weeds. When the logger go into an atea (particularly private) land they dont strip the place bare. They slecectivly log the best ttrees and lave the rest to grow. Once a place is logged they wont be back for 20 years. The only clear felling is the pine forests and some patches of plantation hardwood. Interestingly, one of the big major mill owners up here has pointed out that most of the tall hardwood trees only grow to a100yrs then either die or get blown over in storms. This is from a man who has been in the game for 50yrs , he knows his **** when it comes to trees and beleives in a blanance of sustainable logging and the envioronment.. The greens want there cake, but when you press them about the house they live in,what its made from and how sustainable and carbon balanced it is they go a bit quiete. They make noise purely for the sake of making noise

And I would of derailed this thread too, if it wasn't for you meddling hippies!