you can't taste anything down there?Would it be asking too much to have a few palates sent down to Tassie?
you can't taste anything down there?Would it be asking too much to have a few palates sent down to Tassie?
you can't taste anything down there?
you can't taste anything down there?
No we can't, we don't get it to taste it.
Send a few pallets while your at it.
So, i popped my bottle of the single batch IPA tonight that i picked up last week and unfortunatly im disappointed.
Well balanced, sweet toffee and strong hop aroma. Good smooth sweet crystal caramel character, moderate palate, lingering bitterness, well balanced and deep hoppy cascade aromas.
So, whay am i disappointed? Well there are some light spicy phenolics, overtly spritzy carbonation, loose moussy head and kinda becoming dimensional.
Looks like i might have myself a bad bottle/bottle infection. Would be the 1st ive ever had from Little Creatures.
still tastes good but it looks like its beginning to head south. highest carbonation ive seen in a commercial beer to date.
Bummer. <_<
Quoting just incase if the LC boys are following these threads.
Just to gauge your tastes how you think the Mikkeller stateside IPA was compared to this?
how many beers do you think i buy! :lol:
Havn't had it mate, sorry. Is it quite similar on the palate?
Hercules Double IPA - Great Divide Brewing Company
Get yourself a Titan IPA. Sex in a glass. Well a pine forest actually. :icon_drool2:
Lagunitas IPA is also very very good. Ive got a bottle of saranac IPA awaiting me, cant wait.
Also Southern Tier IPA is quite good as well.
And I thought the Southern Tier Imperial IPA was was a bit average.
I didnt have the imperial, i had the regular. :icon_drool2:
Get yourself a Titan IPA. Sex in a glass. Well a pine forest actually. :icon_drool2:
Lagunitas IPA is also very very good. Ive got a bottle of saranac IPA awaiting me, cant wait.
Also Southern Tier IPA is quite good as well.
Ahh.... yeah the Imperial is 11% and a bit :huh:
I liked the Imperial more than the regular actually. I thought it was a hop riot. What part of the balance didnt you like?
I actaully quite liked the saranac IPA, despite the condecention of so many, it is quite similar to the LC SB IPA