Lion introduces "Tap King" - party keg / growlers

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tricache said:
I don't understand :huh: you are spewing you built a full keg system because of a mini plastic keg device....riiiiiiiiight
Oh I am sorry to disturb you, although I was being slightly tongue in cheek (perhaps in hindsight should have used an emoticon)!

Tis a very simple system that will get a lot of people into kegging who have space considerations, I for one am satisfied with my kegerator through and through. One vessel to fill and a long-lasting CO2 cylinder FTW.

But once again, great work on modifying it for HB'ers needs :)
I'm sure someone later down the track will modify a lid on these with a diffusion stone to force carb, as it is it's a cheap alternative to 9l kegs for portability.
Finished 1x3.2 today and tried to take it apart, fucked if I can find a triangular screwdriver or even a bit small enough to kinda fit. I went to Jaycar and struck out, online I can't find anything smaller than 2.0mm and its not tri-wing?
Will get on the angle grinder tomoz and make something.
Next step is to find 12g cartridges, my bicycle ones are all 16g. I wonder if 8g can do the job??
Would be awesome to hook up a sodastream 330g bottle!
Anyone know the thread size vs tap-a-draft thread?
luckyphil61 said:
what are the size of the screws to replace ,i presume they are metric
They are a pretty strange size, M2.5 x 10mm CSK. Not too common....

I just used M3 x 10mm CSK with out drama. On the first bottle, I actually used 4G x 10mm timber screws (all I had at the time!) and they worked fine as well (this bottle is the one I tapped earlier in the week and is working like a champ).
northside novice said:
you will always feel a bit dumber after you unload

watch the ashes, its loaded with ads for the tap drafty thing , the latest one is richy singing his only song.. hello ?

then move to qld and walk into a tap a poof outlet =
Uh-huh.......... :unsure:
Bentnose said:
Hmmm, can't seem to get the screws out. I found this on E-bay, the screws seem to be about 2mm across, it might fit.
I reckon that would work, the each side of the triangle is about 2.2 - 2.3mm. That would mean from the middle of the base to the tip of the triangle (as indicated in that picture on Ebay) would be about 1.90mm (thanks Pythagoros!!).

I've actually grabbed an old screwdriver and hit it with the bench grinder to make a triangle headed screwdriver - mostly because I'm impatient. Wasn't as hard as I thought and works perfectly, doesn't look real pretty though.....

driftdaddy you inspired me. I got out the angle grinder and a file and wallah, the screws now come out with ease thanks to my new triangular screwdriver, yours actually looks a bit prettier than mine. The screws seem to be self tapping without a point and a shallow thread that is widely spaced. Very little force is need to unscrew/screw them, I'll just continue to use the same screws.
Bentnose said:
driftdaddy you inspired me. I got out the angle grinder and a file and wallah, the screws now come out with ease thanks to my new triangular screwdriver, yours actually looks a bit prettier than mine. The screws seem to be self tapping without a point and a shallow thread that is widely spaced. Very little force is need to unscrew/screw them, I'll just continue to use the same screws.
Nice work! You're right on the thread, it's not a normal metric thread like you'd find on regular machine screws.
I've been reading that the CO2 for paintball guns may contain impurities that are damaging to your health, are the CO2 cartridges you used, driftdaddy, food grade? It seems that food grade unthreaded CO2 cartridges aren't super easy to find, I found these that state 100% CO2 and I e-mailed the company just to check it is food grade, should be if it is 100% CO2. Threaded ones are plentiful.
Bentnose said:
I've been reading that the CO2 for paintball guns may contain impurities that are damaging to your health, are the CO2 cartridges you used, driftdaddy, food grade? It seems that food grade unthreaded CO2 cartridges aren't super easy to find, I found these that state 100% CO2 and I e-mailed the company just to check it is food grade, should be if it is 100% CO2. Threaded ones are plentiful.
Not too sure.......I'll check it out though. Thanks for the heads up!
Spotted these yesterday at the local IGA, $10 off already(the dispenser bit), guy behind the counter said its not selling very well.
I'm assuming if you're looking for a screwdriver, the heads are most likely known as tri-lobe. The slightly larger sizes are at bunnings/masters...... Could be wrong though!
yum beer said:
Spotted these yesterday at the local IGA, $10 off already(the dispenser bit), guy behind the counter said its not selling very well.

It may just end up that us home brewers buy up kit till we've got enough bottles etc and it dies out of the market
NickB said:
I'm assuming if you're looking for a screwdriver, the heads are most likely known as tri-lobe. The slightly larger sizes are at bunnings/masters...... Could be wrong though!
I think the tri lobe is another term for tri wing, if Google is correct, they are different than the triangle, Wikipedia has a list of screwdriver types, the triangle is known as a TA, the Tri wing is just below, look towards the bottom of the page hows that for unecessary information
driftdaddy or anyone else that has or is thinking of using the TAPKING for homebrew how you found somewere that we can get 12g Co2 Chargers that are Food Grade and that are unthreaded?

I am looking and if I find I will post if anyone else finds them please post were we can get them.
fine whip has the threaded and non threaded

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