Wubba lubba dub dub!
Only after the last step, and not always.Do you chill down between steps or just tip from one into the other?
Will almost always decant if pitching into a lighter style beer, OR I'm using a floccing bastard like WLP005 etc that drops without any extra effort. Otherwise, you'll need a couple of days near zero for most yeasts to drop, longer for some non-floccer's.
If have the time to let it drop out, I usually will, as that means I can do a vitality starter prior to pitch.
BTW - Going from a 500ml to 2L, I'll put 200g DME into ~1.7L water, and boil until I'm left with 1.5L (or by weight 1.7kg). I'll then add the 500ml to that to get 2L.