Knurling on a Mashmaster Mini Mill

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huez said:
I started noticing issues with mine when i tried milling maris otter, then after that i had issues with every type of grain.
Dang. That sucks! I only had issues with Simpsons MO but the Fawcetts MO has been fine. Also used Wey floor malted Bo Pils over the last few months with no issues. Maybe that sack had been poorly stored and dried out too much or something.
huez said:
I started noticing issues with mine when i tried milling maris otter, then after that i had issues with every type of grain.
Thats interesting, I think I may be in the same boat.

Cant recall if mine got slower, or it coincided to when I got a sack of MO, but I definitely had problems which suddenly increased in severity. Frank replaced the main drive roller, for which I was very grateful, however I havent noticed any difference - I have to push the grain through with the mash paddle handle and it still takes half an hour. I have been meaning to chase it up with him, need to do that.
Mr B said:
Thats interesting, I think I may be in the same boat.

Cant recall if mine got slower, or it coincided to when I got a sack of MO, but I definitely had problems which suddenly increased in severity. Frank replaced the main drive roller, for which I was very grateful, however I havent noticed any difference - I have to push the grain through with the mash paddle handle and it still takes half an hour. I have been meaning to chase it up with him, need to do that.
I could have been in the same to be honest, maybe i just didn't notice it until i got a sack of MO. But after that it was a nightmare ha! At its worse it was taking an hour for 5kgs.

Frank is pretty good on the emails, i've always appreciated his honesty. No harm in a follow up email. I recently spoke to him and the new design is definitely on its way
huez said:
I could have been in the same to be honest, maybe i just didn't notice it until i got a sack of MO. But after that it was a nightmare ha! At its worse it was taking an hour for 5kgs.

Frank is pretty good on the emails, i've always appreciated his honesty. No harm in a follow up email. I recently spoke to him and the new design is definitely on its way
Has anyone had an update on the new rollers?
"Hopefully" by late December I was told last week.
I was told before Christmas a couple months ago. He's at the mercy of the manufacturer though, seems to be some hold ups
Wetting the grain definately helps. Running the grain through dry can take upto an hour for 5 kg. Around 120ml into 5.5kg took under 5 minutes.

I wonder what the crush is like with the fluted rollers, one could imagine the husks being rather damaged. Perhaps a flour build up in the flutes as well?
Someone will get one and report back in time I guess.
Fluted rollers are one of the major standards in professional mills, the other being large diameter smooth rollers, so I'd be surprised if there are inherent problems with the flutes. I've always read that there's less tearing with flutes than with knurls. If that's a word.
Well I hope all is good, one day my poor old valley mill will have to pack it in and perhaps this maybe the replacement.
well I sent an email off this morning (didn't see the point hassling people over the xmas break), will see what comes of it. From posts in the other thread it sounds like some of the replacement knurled rollers are beginning to have the same issue. I wonder if they will replace with the fluted or offer a pay-the-difference arrangement for the upgrade (the new mills are 50 bones dearer than what I paid a year ago).

link to post in other thread:
The only thing I can see with a fluted mill is an inconsistent crush, are the rollers in sync? If not where the grain falls into the hollow of both flutes then the crush would be less, if this is how it is supposed to work and presuming the rollers aren't in sync then the crush would be more where the peak and the hollow mesh in.
Has anyone got a fluted mill?
malt & barley blues said:
The only thing I can see with a fluted mill is an inconsistent crush, are the rollers in sync? If not where the grain falls into the hollow of both flutes then the crush would be less, if this is how it is supposed to work and presuming the rollers aren't in sync then the crush would be more where the peak and the hollow mesh in.
Has anyone got a fluted mill?
Fluted Rollers
  • asymmetrical saw-tooth fluted rollers designed to provide a cutting on cutting crush as found in high end commercial mill rollers
  • angled flutes to provide additional strength, durability and a improved crush distribution
  • made from heat treated 420 Stainless Steel
That makes sense then, so the mills with the free running knurled roller will not be able to interchange to the fluted.
I was a fitter machinist and made my own with a free running knurled roller,but I case hardened my rollers and they are still working fine.
Liam_snorkel said:
well I sent an email off this morning (didn't see the point hassling people over the xmas break), will see what comes of it. From posts in the other thread it sounds like some of the replacement knurled rollers are beginning to have the same issue. I wonder if they will replace with the fluted or offer a pay-the-difference arrangement for the upgrade (the new mills are 50 bones dearer than what I paid a year ago).

link to post in other thread:
Wondering the same thing myself actually. I would prefer to simply replace the rollers on my mill rather than the whole thing since apart from those, there is nothing wrong with it. Different grains go through more easily than others which is annoying, it would be nice to have them all pretty much the same, rather than spending 45+ minutes milling a few kg of MO and then 30 seconds for 500g Munich or whatever. Will keep an eye out.

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