Kegging Setups

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This is the guy:


While he doesn't list them, he is happy to get other sizes made up by the manufacturer, so I got 5/16 JG fittings at both ends. I had to wait an extra week, but I wasn't in a hurry. I haven't looked lately, but the pound was only buying about $1.50 when I got mine.

One thing to note if you do decide to get these, there is no direct connection between the collar and the valve. If you wind the collar in, it pushes the valve together and slows the flow, but if you wind it back out again it relies on the internal pressure to force the valve apart again to increase the flow.

It took me a while to realise this after I had closed my valve completely and because the seal was so tight, it wouldn't reopen when I wound the collar out again. Once I sussed out how it was built, I just pulled the JG fittings gently in opposite directions to open it again.

I'm very happy with the pour I'm getting from these combined with picnic taps.
This is the guy:


While he doesn't list them, he is happy to get other sizes made up by the manufacturer, so I got 5/16 JG fittings at both ends. I had to wait an extra week, but I wasn't in a hurry. I haven't looked lately, but the pound was only buying about $1.50 when I got mine.

One thing to note if you do decide to get these, there is no direct connection between the collar and the valve. If you wind the collar in, it pushes the valve together and slows the flow, but if you wind it back out again it relies on the internal pressure to force the valve apart again to increase the flow.

It took me a while to realise this after I had closed my valve completely and because the seal was so tight, it wouldn't reopen when I wound the collar out again. Once I sussed out how it was built, I just pulled the JG fittings gently in opposite directions to open it again.

I'm very happy with the pour I'm getting from these combined with picnic taps.
nice looking system .. those kegs are giving me a horn.....
ty for the link for the flow contollers .. I'll stop looking for "cheap" Cellis now and make some "poor mans" Cellis with cheaper taps and some flow controllers.
You've probably saved me $200..... tyvm
Have recently built a collar. Needs a coat or two more of varnish and some fittings...

My chest freezer is about 80% complete now. It's been a year, with me away a lot of the time, the freezerator is basically beer dry and now I'm brewing like crazy to restock it, the wife and friends drank it dry while I was away for 5 months.

I have a main gas regulator set at about 125kpa, feeding a 3 stage secondary regaulator for low carb english beers, normal (2.5), and wheat (3.0+) beers.

My 5 months in America was amazing and insightful. The diversity of beer and their low cost, so good. The tax that the brewery's have to pay is only 10% of which Brewery's in Australia have to pay. It's no wonder that the American beer industry is so far ahead of Australia. If you are interested in how the US vs AUS tax laws differ regarding the brewing of alcohol, look it up, I'm surprised that there are any brewery's in Australia at all with how the Australian Government Taxes the Brewery's. Get behind them, drink their beer, support the Fair Go for Brewery's Tax reform.

The DogFish Head Tap Handle and bottle opener are from DogFish Head, Milton Brewery on my visit. Visted the Brew Pub in Rohobeth Beach, Delaware, US, the brew pub manager took me back into the brew pub brewery, WOW!, kid in a candy/toy store, and wow, such a simple brewery/setup. Any HERMS is more complex, amazing to be back there were I'd seen the Discovery Channel, Sam Calagione, Brew Master series brewing their amazing pilot brews on such a simple/basic gas fired home brew setup type mash tun. Any seasoned home brewery would have been at home brewing at the brewpub.

Have recently built a collar. Needs a coat or two more of varnish and some fittings...


*ahem* is this porn material or glamour photography? Can't see the collar and the mention of it was just to sneek in a fancy picture huh! :p
It is a very nice photo... What did you take it on? What AV setting did you use?
In all honesty I was just taking some pics with a new lens I bought. Just a bit of a teaser as I haven't finished the collar yet Shot is at F1.8 on a 50mm cannon lens. 550d is the camera. If you have a DSLR i highly recommend going out and buying a similar cheap prime lens.

Here are some pics of the build, dodgy photos taken on my phone camera.

I built the collar in two stages, I built the inner support first as well as two little retaining bars that sit inside the recess that normally holes the basket. I then cut the outer to fit around it, the advantage was I could slowly shave away the mitre cuts until it fit without gaps.






In all honesty I was just taking some pics with a new lens I bought. Just a bit of a teaser as I haven't finished the collar yet Shot is at F1.8 on a 50mm cannon lens. 550d is the camera. If you have a DSLR i highly recommend going out and buying a similar cheap prime lens.
The nifty fifty is the best value for money lens on the market. Simply awesome sharpness and a price that can't be beaten. My nifty fifty rivals my 70-200 f/2.8L for sharpness, although build quality leaves a little to be desired. Can't ask for much from a $130-$150 lens though, eh?
It is a very nice photo... What did you take it on? What AV setting did you use?
Will be a very wide aperture by the look of it. He says it was the 50mm f/1.8 lens, so it could be f/1.8. Very narrow depth of field. Try the largest aperture (smallest number) you can do on aperture priority (Av)... the shutter speed doesn't matter as long as you have enough light for a sharp shot.... for 50mm, don't go any slower than 1/50th of a second, hand held.
Very nice mitre cuts.

The way I did it with the internal frame first made it easy. Using a circular saw I could then slowly shave teh mitre cuts smaller and smaller until they fit properly.
Finished this a couple of weeks ago. Can't believe I have beer this good in my house. I just got out of hospital a week or so back and am on a cocktail of drugs so can't really drink and there is three perfect beers in there - torture! Not that I'm not sneaking in one or two :ph34r:

The Tooheys old thing is covering a scratch so can't get rid of that. Added an adjustable latch from the big green shed for good measure. Takes away from the look a bit but with SWMBO getting her occasional Heineken out from inside I'd rather be sure it's shut. I put a strip of adhesive rubber from Clark Rubber between the freezer and the collar - about $12.

Funny story when hooking up - was getting ready for my first beer. Screwed on the Celli's but wasn't paying attention that they had a collar on the outside allowing them to be removed from the front and one of them was barely screwed on. I'm sitting on a milk crate straight in front of it. Hook up the gas and pull on the handle to pour beer - tap comes off in my hand and a gusher starts flying at me straight out of freezer cartoon style. Have to quickly flip up the lid and remove the gas - luckily I have a plastic mat on the floor so the carpet was spared :huh:

The Celli's are so awesome - if you're ever thinking of getting them, don't hesitate. Short beer lines and a great pour! Best investment yet.

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice in the Forum while working out my plan. :icon_chickcheers:



new chesty with kegs and fermenters in there. bought on ebay for $500 inc delivery, 468l but not as deep as most chesties so its wider. It can easily do 10 kegs. I currently have 5 in there with 4 fermenters. no serious taps on top yet.
Did the freezer come with the 2 doors or have you found and fitted them? It seems very functional to have duel doors.


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