Kegging Setups

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beer-head said:
Bar and keezer setup finally done in time for summer. Freezer was $70 and holds 4 kegs! Absolutely loving it!
Awesome job beer-head, superb!!!
My four tap keggerator nearly finished, just need drip tray, to go with my three tap keggerator which I have inside the house ready for my wife's 40th birthday bash in December
Neat build. More pics please.
That's really good thinking there, if you glue another piece of timber across the middle it will give you somewhere to mount the drip tray too.

Accentuate the old style screen door look.
timmi9191 said:
+1 for more pics.. Super neat build natdene
Ditto, just picked up a free fridge and would love to have it looking this good!
Diggs said:
Ditto, just picked up a free fridge and would love to have it looking this good!
I like it as well, nice concept, you'll quickly have a following.

Thanks for the thumbs up guys!
I will try and take some more photos for you but there's not much to it.
It's a 6mm thick board of mdf primed then with three coast of black board paint with left over decking boards around the outside. Screwed the decking board through from the back of the mdf.
The taps hold the board to the fridge with a bit a silicone at the bottom to hold it place
Does it curve with the convex of the door (the mdf), or is it flush in the middle and a little proud on either side?
Hi Diggs,
Yep nice and tight in the middle and a little space either side, taps are @ 100mm centres with about 130mm to the edge of the decking board
scon said:
Just in case anyone else in the future has the same problems I had, I managed to get the bolt out of two of the font connectors using a 9/16" spanner and used some rubber matting we use to put under chopping boards when prepping food so I could actually grip the thing.

This is what it looks like when dissassembled. I have two of the little olive's in this picture so you can see it with and without the hose.

Those threads look a little tatty. Make sure you clean both the female and male threads with a thread file/needle file/emery paper to take away any rough edges and gauling. Otherwise it will bind up again. Two winds of teflon tape helps a little for ease of removal later if needed.
nice work.
Booo.... so it appears that my setup has a leak. And now my CO2 bottle is empty. It didn't even carbonate a single beer - so sad.

So what's the best way to find the leak? Submerge various parts in water? For parts like the regulator etc where that's going to be hard put some soapy water on it?

Also, for barbed connections, is a clamp required to ensure it's airtight?
Should be able to hear the leaks if it's gone that fast, mine had a tiny leak couple of weeks ago and I could hear it with my brother revving the crap outa his land cruiser just outside my shed.

On the clamp thing, yes fit clamps to all barbs under pressure, I use re-usable worm drive clamps (standard automotive clamps), way better and all u need is a screw driver and u can use them as many times as u want.

Once u clamp all the lines, put a lil dish washing liquid in with a heap of water in a coke bottle, shake the bee-jeebus outa it and then spray the foam around all the joints, you'll see if there is a leak.

I'm after a three tower font and taps. PM me when you are getting rid of them both or just the taps mate. Cheers

Mall said:
Hi all, after advice please. My Keg King unit: has the standard taps, plastic.

They tend to drip quite a bit so I will replace. If I go with Perlcik 525s, can I replace the collar too? The plastic collar is not durable and having to undo and re-do to fix leaks has burred to holes for the wrench to fit into.
Picked this nifty fella on the weekend from a fellow AHBer (431neb)...

It looks like a little bit of a mod to the door trim and it will in fact fit 4 kegs in there.

All I need to do is sneak a purchase of a couple more taps past Mrs Grumpy and it becomes a sweet 4 tap thing of

Hold tight folks soon my little single tap bar fridge kegerator will be on the market.
Added a third tap to my kegerator


Then worked out I can fit four kegs inside if I remove part of the door skin. Damn it now where am I going to put a fourth tap?

Truman said:
Added a third tap to my kegerator

Then worked out I can fit four kegs inside if I remove part of the door skin. Damn it now where am I going to put a fourth tap?

Looks awesome mate... I run a 3 tap keezer and struggle to keep all taps pouring at once, due to time to brew... let alone different styles etc... am working on doing so atm, by drinking less, brewing more and basically being pretty rad... will have a constant flow by xmas.

So, just a thought - keep the 3 taps full and run a in fridge tap/bronco for the 4th, as a specialty type beer - as in, "Hey, do you like stout? - I will pour you one.." - open door use tap.

Mall said:
Hi all, after advice please. My Keg King unit: has the standard taps, plastic.

They tend to drip quite a bit so I will replace. If I go with Perlcik 525s, can I replace the collar too? The plastic collar is not durable and having to undo and re-do to fix leaks has burred to holes for the wrench to fit into.
This weekend I replaced one of the KK plastic taps that came included with my KK two tap font (looks the same as yours, although i have two holes in the font, not three).

The shank on the plastic tap is quite short, so it was a little fiddley to fit the longer shank of the SS tap. Replacing two of the taps would have be difficult without an adjustment to the collar that sits between the outside of the font and the tap.
Truman said:
Added a third tap to my kegerator
Looks like a great set up.

What about a hidden tap on the exposed right hand side of the fridge. Like Cocko says: for a special brew.

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