Katie And Lloydie In Melbourne

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Cheers CM... I was going to bring my lastest brew across for you and Rook but I dont think it will be complete. It might be the beer i christen our Keg fridge with! Im so going to miss bottlling.
1. Katie
2. Lloydie
3. Rook
4. CM2
5. Maple
6. Wardhog
7. Warmbeer
8. Leigh
9. sappas
10. Neill

thats all the spots. if anyone else wants to come let me know by Wednesday or you miss out.

edit: KT no worries on the beer., i might have 1 bottle left of my mongrel black bavarian/schwarz ale for you to sample. I know rook has about 4 bottles i left over at his place from the last case swap. He should be getting into them as they'll kep him warm on these cold nights
We are flying out tommorow, wont have internet for the week....

So see you guys at Mrs Parma on Friday lunch...


We are flying out tommorow, wont have internet for the week....

So see you guys at Mrs Parma on Friday lunch...



I'll give you a call Katie, have a safe flight.....give the mile high club a go :)

will see you at Mrs Parmas KT. ive PM you my mobile in case rooky cant get you or you cant get him or whatever.
Guys/girls, not going to be able to get there til about 1:00pm.

Damn work getting in the way of my precious drinking time.

So, hold a seat for me, I'll order my Parma once I get there, the service is usually pretty quick.

no worries.

you'll just have to start drinking 'chiefs' when you get there to catch up.

knowing full well whats going to happen tomorrow (Maple & I gave it a trial run last friday), Im working a half day. so, no work to worry about (just the missus wanting to know when im coming home).
I maybe able to find time to get away from the orifice and pop in for a couple of beers but won't be doing lunch.
I MUST buy myself a diary and remember to use it.

Sorry guys, I clean forgot this was on, and had already been to the pub by the time Rook rang me to ask if I was coming.

Thanks for the free lunch ;)

Nah, sorry, completely forgot to pay for my meal on the way out. I blame the 3 Brother's Chief at 6.8% abv.

Can whoever covered for me PM me, and we'll work out a way to get the money to you, maybe at the case-swap.

Don't want to get a reputation as a shirker.


Yep, two of us were free-loaders Brett...didn't realise until I got home.

Good to put a few more faces and names to screen names...especially the jetsetters :D
Back in Perth and it's freezing.

I could easily live in Melbourne what a fantastic city. You can get a beer in every cafe, supermarket. So many resturants to choose from. Mrs Parmas was fantastic. Meeting up with the guys was great, thanks to The Rook, CM2, & Maple for staying on it was a lot of fun. We ended up in Hardware Lane (after change of shoes) drinking wine and eating cheese at the Mill....

Also funny to bump into Devo at the Turf bar!

Glad to see the mystery of the two unpaid parma's.

Will be back!
Back in Perth and it's freezing.

I could easily live in Melbourne what a fantastic city. You can get a beer in every cafe, supermarket. So many resturants to choose from. Mrs Parmas was fantastic. Meeting up with the guys was great, thanks to The Rook, CM2, & Maple for staying on it was a lot of fun. We ended up in Hardware Lane (after change of shoes) drinking wine and eating cheese at the Mill....

Also funny to bump into Devo at the Turf bar!

Glad to see the mystery of the two unpaid parma's.

Will be back!

Welcome back to freezing Perth,

Sounds like you had a blast? Anyways look forward to hearing all the stories..


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