Just Bought A New Av Receiver - At A Steal!

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I know a lot of people enjoy all that - I'm just not one of them.

I've never heard a properly balanced surround system in someone's house. Christ, I don't recall being in a cinema where it didn't shit me to tears.
Typing in caps is screaming on the internet. It implies high volume and anger. I am not making this up.

I'm pretty sure I also pointed out that the things you were right about had pretty much nothing to do with the discussion.

OOhhh I dont know about that...seems very relavent to me....and some others..

Maybe you should state EXACTLY where you are coming from...instead of saying yeah, but no , but yeah, your right , but thats not what its about...

Maybe you need some vinyl in your life and a set of cheap paper come speakers..or maybe a Xtall radio set
LMAO ^ Agreed with bum.
Actually I think people get it more "right" in their lounge room come home theatre than the cinemas these days in terms of both SQ and PQ. Though movies are another one where dynamic compression is abused.
Paper cone speakers are the bomb. Many audiophiles agree that paper cone speakers simply sound better than the exotic materials used in some of todays speakers.
As for valves and vinyl- ahhh bliss. There is just something "romantic" about the warm glow of valves and the slight crackle of vinyl. Then again we could go back to monoaural sound and erradicate the issues with stereophonic. But then were going back to speaker and source design - heck if we keep going we might get back on topic about AV recievers.
ooh xtal set. now you're talking.... an old RCA or Stromberg Carlson headset...
No argument there, Komodo. I can't listen to that squashy shit.

And, ducatiboy, I have more records than anyone I know has CDs.
Gramaphone anyone.....

My dad has one in perfect condition....sounds awsome...but getting 2 of them sync'd together for stereo is a real PITA
But then were going back to speaker and source design - heck if we keep going we might get back on topic about AV recievers.

Wouldn't staying on topic in an forum called "Off Topic" be breaking the rules?

I agree with the joys that can be found in paper cones but I do not - ever - use "audiopholies" as my benchmark. Audiophiles are those guys who think they can hear their cables, right? Yeah, I'd totally listen to those guys.
WHAT...you mean you cant hear the electrons bumping into each other causing distortion and fragmentation of the electrical wave that is only audible in selected rooms of your house, and only when the moon is full....

Whatever you do....dont let the smoke out of your amp...its a real ******* to get it all back in..
Audiophiles come in all shapes and sizes. Some people believe that cables can make a difference - I'm one of them. Some take this thinking to an extreme stating that cables need to be 'x' feet long weigh 'y' have 'z' number of conductors etc.
I on the other hand want just want big cables with a high strand count of thin strands because electrons travel faster around the perimeter of the strands - this is more important in my opinion for interconnects - for speakers who cares. I couldnt give a damn about what its insulated with how long it is etc how much it costs (actually the cheaper the better IMO). I dont think that having smaller cables for tweeters really makes a difference - but horses for courses. I know I can hear things that some of my peers can't hear (particularly noise) and then theres other things my peers swear they can hear that makes me think they are seeing fairys and smoking a crack pipe.

Most audiophiles arent extremist & I know of at least 3 people on this site I would class as audiophiles who havent once made a comment in this thread. Most just simply love music and want to hear the best possible reproduction of their favorite artists.
I'd be careful putting all audiophiles into a box marked "cable tossers".

Audiophiles have differing opinions on nearly every thing to do with the reproduction of music. from cables to box design to room design to source selection to power filters to driver selection to active vs passive, closed vs vented vs IB etc. The quest for the best possible sound is what makes them "audiophiles".

And LOL at Ducatiboy stu's comments about the magic smoke. Its harder to get back into your speakers :p
I'd be careful putting all audiophiles into a box marked "cable tossers".

Yeah, that was uncalled for and I retract it.

I maintain the theme though - which is that audiophiles generally are more interested in colour than transparency (regardless of what they say). I have no time for audiophilia (even between consenting adults).
Of coures big fat cables are going to be better than skinny ones, this is obvious from an electrical POV, but I just dont get it when they ramble on about OFC specially twisted cable....

One could go to the extreme of using fixed, measured lenght cable that take into account the wavelenght of the frequencies that you are dealing with ( much like you would with RF )

But it doesnt really make much difference when the guys next door a fighting and playing Doof music at level 10, and old matey is pulling a burn-out in his Corrolla ;)
You'd be supprised Stu. Many audiophiles claim that using smaller diameter cables for tweeters makes a difference and avoids "skinning" pfft - that IMO is a load of wank.
Just chucking big cables isnt the answer either because a large diamter cable with a low conductor count but larger conductors isnt as efficient. Though this really is negligable at the end of the day. I do believe that twisted pair interconnects makes a difference also. But to be honest its a completely different conversation and one thats not relevant and not something that I think should be dumped on people unless they wish to discus it. For all I know the effect could be purely psychoacoustic - but it makes me happy and thats all that matters as far as im concerned.
I maintain the theme though - which is that audiophiles generally are more interested in colour than transparency

This I agree with to a point - more so the eccentric type audiophiles are like this. They also seem to be the ones that get most vocal about things thus discrediting a lot of what the more cluey audiophiles have to say.
I love valves and vinyl - I dont beleive that valves are a good source of acurate amplification because of the way they colour the sound. Same with vinyl but to a lesser degree and for different reasons. Thats not to say they dont sound good and I dont enjoy listening using these mediums I just dont think they are the most acurate way of reproducing sound. Kinda like wearing sunglasses to an art exhibition - things might look good - but they are different to the way the artist intended.
I dont suppose anyone knows much about the Onkyo TX-SR605....I might be able to get my hands on one second hand at a good price...if I can bargain the right price that is...any idea how much they are worth? (under $500 SH?)

So the guy got back to me, he wants $600 for the 605.

Havent made a lower offer yet, thinking I might offer $400 and see what he says.

I think if its going to be $600 then I am sort of worth keeping my dough and spending the extra on a new one...but if I can score it for $500.....

Anyone got any ideas?

Cheers, Pok
So the guy got back to me, he wants $600 for the 605.

Havent made a lower offer yet, thinking I might offer $400 and see what he says.

I think if its going to be $600 then I am sort of worth keeping my dough and spending the extra on a new one...but if I can score it for $500.....

Anyone got any ideas?

Cheers, Pok

Go for $500

but offer the $400 first...then $450

Do the haggle...
I ended up going with all new gear

So I did the deal today, slightly more than what I was planning to spend at the outset ($1500...ok so nearly double...)...but I will have a system that should last me a good decade if they are treated correctly.

Dali Concept 6's, Dali Concept 1's, Dali concept Centre, Dali Concept sub, Onkyo 606

Grand total of $2700..

Pretty darn happy with that

Cheers, Pok
Audio on AHB... wonders don't cease! I have a couple of low end JMLabs fronts, running 2 channel via a Plinius 8200MkII. I love my gear, it's nice and scales well. When the JMLabs run out of puff, the lows are taken care of via a Richtor Krackatoa sub. It's all good.

I use a Sony 790 AV Receiver as a pre-amp. I hate Sony SQ - those two words are almost an oxymoron. I'm very glad I never comitted to buy some of their ES gear.

Also have some components together to make my second pair of speakers. T/L boxes blow my hair back, was thinking of trying to make some 40cm Tube speakers.... I have some Vifa midrange drivers and tweeters, but lack any crossovers (suggestions to buy some are welcome!).

Cheers - Mike
Make the crossovers yourself....not hard

Just source good quality capacitors

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