James Squire Golden Ale

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Having a look at this thread recently, planning to brew one of these to see what it might have tasted like before I got hold of one.

My question is to do with yeast...

The label on the bottle says it is an English style summer beer, beer advocate describes it as an English pale ale, the JS website describes how it won 3rd in an english category....ratebeer.com lists it as an american pale ale.

Should it have an english yeast?

Most of the recipes posted have american ale yeast, one I've seen with english ale.

My only concern would be the english yeasts reputation to scrub out the hops - but dry hopping may aleviate this?

Any thoughts?

Here's my version. On of the best extracts ive made to date. Now ive jumped ship to AG i think i may be re-jigging the recipe to suit. Awseome Amarillo on the nose with a great pillowy head retention. The SAF-04 made a big difference to the beer, helps make a great clone yet individual in its own right.

Note: I had a very cloudy ferment, gave it some finings to clear her out. That is if you want yours golden like a fireburst and not like you have cataracts. :D

Golden Ale Clone
American Wheat

Batch Size: 22.00 L

Boil Size: 12.00 L
Boil Time: 60 min

1.00 kg Light Dry Extract (15.8 EBC) Dry Extract 26.7 %
1.00 kg Wheat Dry Extract (5.0 EBC) Dry Extract 26.7 %
1.50 kg Amber Liquid Extract (12.0 EBC) Extract 40.0 %
0.25 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (118.2 EBC) Grain 6.7 %
15.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (60 min) Hops 15.3 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (20 min) Hops 6.2 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (10 min) Hops 3.7 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
20.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
1 Pkgs Safale S-04 (Fermentis) [Starter 50 ml] Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile
Est Original Gravity: 1.056 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.016 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.2 %
Bitterness: 25.1 IBU Calories: 496 cal/l
Est Color: 17.2 EBC Color: Color

Mash Profile
Mash Name: Single Infusion, Medium Body

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 0.65 L of water at 74.4 C 67.8 C 60 min

Brewed this 27/10/08 and kegged it about 2 weeks ago. Just tried my first glass of this and have to say that it is the best extract brew I have made so far. Thanks Fourstar - thought I better post and let others know that this recipe is worth brewing.

Turned out exactly as Fourstar described - nice amarillo aroma, great head that has a nice slighty off-white colour, however is a little cloudy (perhaps due to the wheat extract?) but that doesn't bother me.

Pretty damn close to JSGA and no doubt will get better with a bit of maturing. Off to have another now...
No point stating a new thread on this sublect when so many already abound.

Looking at doinig a JSGA all-extract brew, so I'm just sorting out the hop scedule. Will be using a can of Morgans Pale malt, a can of cooeprs wheat malt, and wonder what sort of hops I should be using for my 60min boil (and how much). For the rest of the hopping, I'll follow:

??gms ??? @ 60mins
12gms Amarillo @ 10mins
12gms Amarillo @ 0mins
15gms Amarillo Dry Hopped in secondary for 7 days

I have cascade, saaz & fuggles onhand (as well as Amarillo of course - enough to cover the whole lot if need be).
No point stating a new thread on this sublect when so many already abound.

Looking at doinig a JSGA all-extract brew, so I'm just sorting out the hop scedule. Will be using a can of Morgans Pale malt, a can of cooeprs wheat malt, and wonder what sort of hops I should be using for my 60min boil (and how much). For the rest of the hopping, I'll follow:

??gms ??? @ 60mins
12gms Amarillo @ 10mins
12gms Amarillo @ 0mins
15gms Amarillo Dry Hopped in secondary for 7 days

I have cascade, saaz & fuggles onhand (as well as Amarillo of course - enough to cover the whole lot if need be).

Hey Jase

Is the morgans unhopped? If it is, I would probably throw 10g of Amarillo in at 60mins, just enough to get some bitterness in there but not too much... If its hopped, you may not even need a 60min addition...
No point stating a new thread on this sublect when so many already abound.

Looking at doinig a JSGA all-extract brew, so I'm just sorting out the hop scedule. Will be using a can of Morgans Pale malt, a can of cooeprs wheat malt, and wonder what sort of hops I should be using for my 60min boil (and how much). For the rest of the hopping, I'll follow:

??gms ??? @ 60mins
12gms Amarillo @ 10mins
12gms Amarillo @ 0mins
15gms Amarillo Dry Hopped in secondary for 7 days

I have cascade, saaz & fuggles onhand (as well as Amarillo of course - enough to cover the whole lot if need be).
Have a look at this post,
Although this was an AG batch the hopping schedule is not far off the mark as per the comments from the guy who actually used to brew it (dig) in the post below, you could use any clean bittering hop for the 60minute addition I think that MSB use Super Alpha but I had the other stuff in my freezer

not to flog a dead-horse (or thread) but I just had this tonight and whilst I'm no expert on the tasting side of things, it sort of reminds me of honey/syrup on toast. This stuff is dead set amazingly good!

so good i'm now about to order a fair chunk of Amarillo!
Woo-hoo! Another convert! :D

Interesting to hear your description, never thought of it that way but the Amarillo does taste a bit 'golden-syrup-on-toast'-y, doesn't it. I'm holding off doing one because my locals prices have jacked up to $7.60 per 50g package. Might do a mail order and save myself the trouble.

Or are these the prices everyone is paying at the moment?

- boingk
even my Mrs who HATES beer smelt it, said it smelt awesome and had some and this is a woman that cannot stand anything beer related.

I just went to Asquith Home Brew and got one of their last 50g bags of Amarillo pellets. The guy said they won't be getting anymore in? apparently no one is bringing into the country anymore?

the bag of 50g was about 8 bucks or so
even my Mrs who HATES beer smelt it, said it smelt awesome and had some and this is a woman that cannot stand anything beer related.

I just went to Asquith Home Brew and got one of their last 50g bags of Amarillo pellets. The guy said they won't be getting anymore in? apparently no one is bringing into the country anymore?

the bag of 50g was about 8 bucks or so

I just got 90g from Craftbrewer for about the same price to do my version of the JSGA, so if you need more he has some. It's still a work in progress, but the last one was very close so I hope this'll be better. Probably going to be more hoppy than the real one, but that's OK

2.83 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcett)Grain 63.00 %
1.35 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (4.0 EBC) Grain 30.00 %
0.22 kg Crystal Malt - Light (Bairds) (110.0 EBC) Grain 5.00 %
0.09 kg Crystal Malt - Medium (Bairds) (140.0 EBC)Grain 2.00 %
9.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (60 min) Hops 8.8 IBU
9.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (30 min) Hops 6.8 IBU
9.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (20 min) Hops 5.4 IBU
9.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (10 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
9.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (1 min) Hops 0.4 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1.00 tsp Polyclar (Secondary 5.0 days) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272) [StartYeast-Ale

I'm hoping that what you heard about supply running out is just a rumour...
I'd be trying Craftbrewer at $9/90gms if your local won't/can't get it for you
Just put this down but modified a little as I didn't have US56 yeast so just used the supplied kit yeast, not sure how much of an affect that is going to have :|

1x Coopers Sparkling Ale
1x Coopers Liquid Wheat malt
1x kit yeast
17g Amarillo hops @ 10
17g Amarillo hops @ 5

when would be the best time to throw the rest of the pellets in? if i'm not going to secondary or is it a must with dry hopping?
anyone else think that JSGA has lost its flavor lately?

I used to love this beer - it was full of amarillo which I love. But lately it hasn't been tasting nearly as good from the bottle - a bit bland.
Had a bottle on the weekend which seemed on the money, but theres talk that the production has shifted to SA. I heard somone describe it as now being akin to a Tooheys New with a single Amarillo flower jammed in the wort transfer line.

Sad stuff, but another excuse to brew more beer!

- boingk
Anyne think this will be overhopped.. Just did the boil for a JSGA 'style' with hopping as follows:

10g 6.3%AA Cascade @ 60 min
10g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 60 min

20g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 30 min

15g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 15 min

Will be dry hopping in secondary with 5g cascade, 5g Amarillo

Too much ?
Anyne think this will be overhopped.. Just did the boil for a JSGA 'style' with hopping as follows:

10g 6.3%AA Cascade @ 60 min
10g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 60 min

20g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 30 min

15g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 15 min

Will be dry hopping in secondary with 5g cascade, 5g Amarillo

Too much ?

I reckon it will be fine... I have just put down my second version of this this arvo...

30g 9.5% Northern Brewer @ 60m
20g 8.5% Amarillo @ 20m
20g 8.5% Amarillo @ 0m

Came out very nicely last time around...

Anyne think this will be overhopped.. Just did the boil for a JSGA 'style' with hopping as follows:

10g 6.3%AA Cascade @ 60 min
10g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 60 min

20g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 30 min

15g 8.2%AA Amarillo @ 15 min

Will be dry hopping in secondary with 5g cascade, 5g Amarillo

Too much ?

IMHO I love the combination of Amarillo & Cascade, but would not use Cascade as a bittering hop, use Amarillo for bittering & then include Cascade from 20 min onwards with further additions of Amarillo.

Its hard to tell if its OTT without knowing the batch size & IBU's You are aiming for.

I hope they have improved the JSGA from when I last had it, the first time there was unmistakeable Amarillo flavour & aroma, but when I had it back in Sept/Oct last year it was so incredibly bland & disappointing with no Amarillo presence at all, I just couldn't believe it was the same beer.

heres a few on top of Dr Smurto's and Bconnery's

23L batch
1 can of Coopers Lager
1kg of wheat LME
Steep 250g of Crystal for 20mins (add 25g of Amarillo too)
Dry hop 15g (although you could probably just up the above addition to 40-50g instead if you wanted to)

Have just tried this one and been drinking for the last two days, thanks! it tasted awesome.
I found it hard to put down my glass, drank to much and then I went to sleep.
IMHO I love the combination of Amarillo & Cascade, but would not use Cascade as a bittering hop, use Amarillo for bittering & then include Cascade from 20 min onwards with further additions of Amarillo.

I use Galena as a bittering hop in mine as a general rule (just noticed Ross has Magmun back in stock :D ). I did this for economy once so I had enough Cascade and Amarillo for flavour and aroma and have never gone back.

I know this is getting off topic but apart from fresh POR hops that I use for bittering lagers I honestly cannot taste any difference between using low or high AA hops except the former costs more to get targeted IBU.

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