It's All Happening-----finally

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Retaining wall with fill behind it Screwy! Good stuff...

Geez that last shot really gives you the perspective how much slope you have in the backyard :eek: .

Looks like a roof wetting party is coming up soon YEA!!



Ya reckon we should give him one month? (Don't forget the pizza oven Screwy) :D
Max 3 weeks Perry it's only a slab, 4 walls and roof FFS... We ain't building the Story Bridge now? Are we Screwy?



Don't bloody jinx him Chappo. How long has it taken the poor ******* to get the pad organised! It is Gumpie remember.
5pm..............Everything was ok up to then...........

The plan shows the patio above the shed at 3.5M wide. Retaining wall footings excavated and dug according to plans given to the concretor........cut and excavated at 3M..........................**** :angry:


Looks like another shitfight tomorrow.

Whoops Screwy... :( sorry should have crossed me finger when I said that.

But seriously when will these dick-heads learn to read plans FFS. It's not as if it's some new! Read twice, measure twice and cut once ;)

Kick their arses in morning Screwy!


Whoops Screwy... :( sorry should have crossed me finger when I said that.

But seriously when will these dick-heads learn to read plans FFS. It's not as if it's some new! Read twice, measure twice and cut once ;)

Kick their arses in morning Screwy!



So far the builder has been delayed due to...... 1. Injured falling off his motorcycle. 2. Problems at home 3. Office person on holiday 4. Has the flu.

All work so far has been done by a subbie who has been fantastic to deal with and a really great tradesman. After finishing a wall and return one afternoon, he went home and realised that the plan from the builder had to be 30mm out (apparently the builders plan had not allowed for a step down and recessed door), he came back next morning and pulled the blockwork apart and relaid the corner and return to the correct specs. He has been told to follow the plan given to him by the building contractor. So far we have found the the plan that the subbie was given has been altered in two places from the plan supplied to us and council. Frustrating for him and us, a real PITA.

This problem of the footing being .5M out is a real PITA as the footing is 400 wide and .55 deep. To try and excavate another footing beside it through rocky natural will mean lots of extra concrete as the trenches will break through. Naturally the builder will be looking to have me accept/compromise on the specs and loose .5 of a metre over 14M of patio. Good luck to him :icon_cheers:

That's just inexcusable and frankly just plain unprofessional. At least you have a good subbie? I'm gobbed smacked. As with anything there is a work around to solve the problem but he shouldn't be pinching your pocket to fix his stuff ups.

I hope it turns around for ya Screwy.



What happened Screwy?

Good news I hope?



Subbie had a look at his plan again this morning, two pages, correct dimensions on one, incorrect on the other, unfortunately he was going off the incorrect page. Plans as supplied by Contractor, so the machines will be back this arvo to fix it up.

Also, included in the quote 40 cube of fill, needed -10 cube! Ten cube left over after excavation so the operator spread it around and shaped the site, nice. Another point for, will sort it all out with the cheque book. Love PPS Chappo :super:

Don't sort it out with the cheque book Mike, get Chappo to come up and I'll come down and we'll sort him out with various metal things laying around in our trucks, problem solvered.
All fixed, machines left around 4.30pm. Some extra trenches, power and drainage all sorted, ready for bedding and boxing. Back on track, BTW plumber said he called on another 2 sites, one is the contractors brother, they have not seen him either, apparently very sick with the flu.

Glad it's not just me.

Screwy if it makes you feel better.. today the builder constucting my deck copped a big gust of wind as he was standing a 6m timber post into its stirrup and lost control and it smacked fair into one of my silky oak windows, he had a glassy come and "fix" it but it is fucked and at the end of the day was moving a large joist tripped and put a massive hole in the lower sheeting which by the way was shadow edge asbestos and has told the wife he can fix it :huh: . Cant wait to see him tommorrow and tell him I actually deliver and assess and sign off on class B asbestos removal.
But what he has done is pretty dam good and proffesional he just had an unfortunate day and was very embarressed .

But seriously when will these dick-heads learn to read plans FFS. It's not as if it's some new! Read twice, measure twice and cut once ;)

On another topic, it's amazing that some of the cock ups that appear in plans and all because someone was too lazy to check their figures. As a surveyor, everyone is all too willing to jump down your throat when you get it wrong and as a result, half a surveyor's time is checking and double checking to get it right. It just amazes me that and architect/engineer/building draftsman (sorry Sully... :unsure: ) can't make sure that figures on both sides of their plans add up to the same figure. IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!

Good luck in sorting this mess out Screwy!

<GG ends his rant and goes off in search of a soothing HB>
Screwy, hope you allowed for the installation of pole's, cross arms and OWL to run run your Gbit server to the shed... :icon_chickcheers:
Screwy, hope you allowed for the installation of pole's, cross arms and OWL to run run your Gbit server to the shed... :icon_chickcheers:

Shite, forgot the comms Stu. 600 Ohm open house to shed would be great, could go underground if I could find a spare V120, give me something to do reading pilots and aligning it each month. Will throw a cat5 in the pipe tomorrow, gotta have XBMC in the shed :lol:
I did a bit of looking around for you and think I have got the bloke you need. Apparently he is very good and can fix just about anything.

Can't remember his name though.
It just amazes me that and architect/engineer/building draftsman (sorry Sully... :unsure: ) can't make sure that figures on both sides of their plans add up to the same figure. IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!


I double check all figures but its kinda hard to fuggup with the drawing program I use as its all parametric and I'm not able to fudge figures either. Although the useless twat I worked with always managed to stuff it up somehow no matter how simple stupid the program was so I can see what you are saying. Going back to ACAD though it can easily happen and good practice to double check anyways.

Good luck with the build Screwy.
Screwy had my guy take a look at his shed and supposedly the verdict isn't too good:

Some further Progress 28th of Aug

Pouring the footings

The dreaded trench to lay the power conduit, I dug this 600 deep and 5M long, in hindsite, maybe I shouldn't have

From 7th September
Retaining wall finished

Finishing the shed slab