It's All Happening-----finally

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Maybe Screwy's at the bottom of one of those holes :eek:

Hope everything Ok

Kabooby ;)
Well he took his machine and went, ripping up the front yard into the bargain. New guy arrived at 12.15 and very professionally measured up the yard with the dumpy and his builder measured up for retainingwalls etc. His quote this morning $36K sent him away to sharpen his pencil.

Screwy, $36K sounds like a lot, for how big of a shed? Finished on the inside or just plain walls/roof, power included etc? What was the original quote?

My 6mx9m ended up being just over $20K once I included power and finishing the inside and a 2m concrete apron on one of the long sides.

Well he took his machine and went, ripping up the front yard into the bargain. New guy arrived at 12.15 and very professionally measured up the yard with the dumpy and his builder measured up for retainingwalls etc. His quote this morning $36K sent him away to sharpen his pencil.


$36K :eek: Were they quoting on gold plated sleepers Screwy?

Sorry to say old mate but this rains gunna screw (pun intended) your plans up a bit I imagine. Might have to delay things till she's all dried out bugger it! :(

I'm sure once the boys can get a start it will fly along!

Great thread Screwtop,

Keep us posted...

Can't wait to see finished project? that is if no more hold ups????

Maybe you should change the thread to..

" It started, then stoped"
Maybe you should change the thread to..

" It started, then stoped"

So shitty I could burn a stump Stu :lol: and to make matters worse - it's raining again.

Here's the breakdown:

Retaining walls 45lm 200x75 posts at 1.5m centres, 200x50 sleepers $8,952.00

Delivered fill $2,250.00

Excavator & Bobcat hire $1,200.00

Shed, Slab, Council etc $22,445.00

Additional slab (awning) $1,684.00

Total $36,531.00

Another builder quoting Thursday
Did you see me in that pic that Tony posted? That means I am in every shot ever posted on AHB! :p


you`re not in this one.

How bigs the shed screwtop?

I've just completed this process...took 9months from choosing the shed to having it just got to run electricity, water and comms across to it and finish the inside...
Delivered fill $2,250.00

phht, having to pay for fill is bullsh%t, they get it for nothing as there is always a building site trying to get rid of it and they don't want to have to pay to take it to the tip, so that's $2,250 straight in the pocket!!!

Advertise for it in the local paper, clean fill needed, 30 cubic meters or whatever, you will be overrun with phone calls.

phht, having to pay for fill is bullsh%t, they get it for nothing as there is always a building site trying to get rid of it and they don't want to have to pay to take it to the tip, so that's $2,250 straight in the pocket!!!

It all depends on what you are trying to do with it - and how long you can leave it to settle.

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm doing almost the exact same thing in my backyard at the moment - nice large shed for cars + brewing gear. Part of my DA approval was that the finish floor level of the shed needed to be 700mm higher than the existing ground - I live on a relatively flat block.

Spoke to an engineer and came up with a waffle-pod slab that would reduce the amount of fill needed, but I still needed around 300mm of fill underneath the pods. This fiil needs to be compacted and relatively easy to spread and work. If I'd chased "free" fill from another excavation mob it would have ended up a sticky mess of clay and soil which would no doubt continue to settle and compact over 6 months or so. In the end I had to get around 75t of road-base style fill brought in so it could be compacted and spread. Cost me just under $2000 for the fill and around $600 to spread it.

Chucked on a couple of pics - slab is poured now and I'm waiting on wall frames to arrive.

This is the site cleared

This is with all of the fill brought into the site

This is the completed slab.

Sorry - this ended up becoming a bit of a hijack.

So shitty I could burn a stump Stu :lol: and to make matters worse - it's raining again.

Here's the breakdown:

Retaining walls 45lm 200x75 posts at 1.5m centres, 200x50 sleepers $8,952.00

Delivered fill $2,250.00

Excavator & Bobcat hire $1,200.00

Shed, Slab, Council etc $22,445.00

Additional slab (awning) $1,684.00

Total $36,531.00

Another builder quoting Thursday

just an idea buuuttt...
retaining wall post's/sleepers,i'm sure there,s a train track close by so steal em, saving
$ 8,952

filling re kabooby saving $2,250

excavator etc. sorry no idea.

shed,steal one. slab cant help. council shoot em :eek: . saving $10.000 ?

aditional slab, awning use pavers.(stolen of course) saving $1,684.

total savings of appox $21,202 see now you,re up and running.

...cheers...spog...... B)
Check with local pool builders. Most will deliver fill for free. It saves them paying to get rid of it.

Kabooby :)

Sorry kabooby but it's a bit like the old Castrol Oil ads Fills ain't Fills. I would rather a controlled fill over some soup from someone's backyard, ya just wouldn't know what you were getting. Plus having worked for a dodgy land developer I know the kind of stuff they use for bulk filling estates.

Class 1 stabilised and certified fill currently costs around $68m3 if you can get it and that would be my choice. If screwy wanted to pier thru the fill to a substrata that would be suitable to support his structure then any fill might do. But then subsidence of that fill has the potential for hollowing under his slab which will be come an issue. Unfortunately in building there is always swings and round abouts, what you don't pay for here you end up paying for there.


I have to agree on the fill.

When I built my 4 bay shed ( 14mx 6m ) I had to get fill as the ground had a gentle slope. In the end I got a truck and dog full of road base ( 30 cube ), which is the only thing really suitable under a slab. They spread it out and then spend a day with a wacker packer wetting and compacting it. The base was near as hard as concrete.

Clean fill will be a bitch as when it dries it will shrink, then expand when wet, causing the slab to crack and break

Better to spend the money now, than have to spend more latter.... ;)

They other thing I did was to spec a higher wall height and wider,taller roller doors.. Glad I did in the long run... :)
local councils usually have clean fill. you call em up and ask whats going at the moment.

or you ring a few companies that cart away fill and see if theres a job closer to you than the local tip. it saves them money on transport.

re saving on retaining wall. just get them to scrape out more than needed so its well away from the areas then go and retain it yourself.

itsnt great hearing what amatuer brewers think about building. im sure it like listening to megaswillers telling us how to brew. nfi.
itsnt great hearing what amatuer brewers think about building. im sure it like listening to megaswillers telling us how to brew. nfi.

True but so far no-one has suggested adding sugaz to the fill material or the concrete slab......

Cheers SJ