Italian Spiral Burners Cheap, In Melb

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i also find they run when you look as if you need help... its kind of funny but they are sh!t in general. 15 yos giving DIY courses in stuff. nice
any idea where in melbourne i can get a mp or hp regulator? ive been to heaps of places but they dont have them, most of them just look at me funny i even got there was no such thing by one place
Still looking about myself Larry. If you turn up something at a good price, post it here.

what pressure constitutes a med pressure and high pressure reg. if anyone knows it would be apprecitated... im pulling my hair out trying to find one of these things
Still looking about myself Larry. If you turn up something at a good price, post it here.


These guys have the adjustable medium pressure reg, Model LF103, 0-207kPa (the red one in the link below).

Austcrown (Int'l) P/L
18/ 634 Mitcham Road
Vermont 3133
Victoria Australia
Email [email protected]
Phone 61 3 9873 5811
Fax 61 3 9873 5311

$29 + GST, the hose is extra ($22, probably also +GST).
They seemed to think the pressure from this regulator might be too high for a spiral burner but said you can bring in your burner to test with the reg.