Italian Spiral Burners Cheap, In Melb

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I bought one of these last week for $38 from my local mitre ten exactly the same but its a primus, i have it hooked up to a adjustable reg and its gets a good flame, will be testing it when i brew tomorrow

Likewise and who put you on to it :rolleyes: For $38 you can't go wrong + $35 for the adjustable reg. The burner is a primus GB12 from memory. May have to do a bulk buy through the local Mitre10.

Likewise and who put you on to it :rolleyes: For $38 you can't go wrong + $35 for the adjustable reg. The burner is a primus GB12 from memory. May have to do a bulk buy through the local Mitre10.


$38! I would have bought two at that price...ah well

BYB - they didn't have regs at Cellar plus, did you get yours from Mitre 10?
Yeah he got his from mitre 10 i did too i will be testing it out in a couple of hours as i have just mashed in

Are these burners loud like those Nasa jets burners? Or are they more like stove top burners?


I haven't heard a NASA burner at full noise, and was only running mine with a standard BBQ regulator. No excessive noise was noticed.

I haven't heard a NASA burner at full noise, and was only running mine with a standard BBQ regulator. No excessive noise was noticed.

There is a post somewhere on this forum where someone compared a NASA, 4 ring and Italian burner. He used a low, med and high regs on each. Very informative.
The Italian came out on top IMO. Low noise and high output.
There is a post somewhere on this forum where someone compared a NASA, 4 ring and Italian burner. He used a low, med and high regs on each. Very informative.
The Italian came out on top IMO. Low noise and high output.

Contact Wayne at Beerbelly . From memory he had a thread he started. I think he even had the sound of both downloaded to the thread.

Shoot, I'm bumming Cellar Plus have no medium regs left. Have to find some elsewhere. Should have got them when I bought the burners.

What constitutes a medium reg? Went to Bunnings and got totally confused. They all look like low pressure regs there to me (my Bunnings is crap with no service).

What stats KPA/Psi should I be asking for?

Maybe I should cut my losses and go to BOC gas & gear. Just have heard they can be expensive. Love the look of the Beerbelly adjustable regs but they're a bit on the pricey side.

Shoot, I'm bumming Cellar Plus have no medium regs left. Have to find some elsewhere. Should have got them when I bought the burners.

What constitutes a medium reg? Went to Bunnings and got totally confused. They all look like low pressure regs there to me (my Bunnings is crap with no service).

What stats KPA/Psi should I be asking for?

Maybe I should cut my losses and go to BOC gas & gear. Just have heard they can be expensive. Love the look of the Beerbelly adjustable regs but they're a bit on the pricey side.

Have you tried the local Mitre 10, as mentioned in the post at the top of this page (or was it a joke, which I missed?).

BOC will sell you the good gear, and not the cheap gear. How much are you prepared to pay for something to last you 20+ years?

Have you discussed with your lhbs? They might be able to help. :D
Have you tried the local Mitre 10, as mentioned in the post at the top of this page (or was it a joke, which I missed?).

BOC will sell you the good gear, and not the cheap gear. How much are you prepared to pay for something to last you 20+ years?

Have you discussed with your lhbs? They might be able to help. :D

Good point Les, will check my Mitre 10 - have a good one nearby.

Don't have a local home brew store really, all are quite a trek. That's why I keep asking crazy questions on AHB! :)

Guys there were a heap of these purchased via ebay in a bulk buy 18 months ago. You do need to buy a separate hose but that's not a big issue.
I'm still very happy with mine.
Doug (who is pestering every Mitre 10 in WA at the moment :)
Guys there were a heap of these purchased via ebay in a bulk buy 18 months ago. You do need to buy a separate hose but that's not a big issue.
I'm still very happy with mine.
Doug (who is pestering every Mitre 10 in WA at the moment :)
that's a good price. where did you get your hose from?
that's a good price. where did you get your hose from?
Phrak arranged hoses as part of the bulk buy so I'm not sure where they came from. We got SS braided ones for about $20 + delivery.
Here is the thread if you want some more background on the items. Hoses are commonly avail from places like Ranger Camping/ Rays Outdoors etc.
Phrak arranged hoses as part of the bulk buy so I'm not sure where they came from. We got SS braided ones for about $20 + delivery.
Here is the thread if you want some more background on the items. Hoses are commonly avail from places like Ranger Camping/ Rays Outdoors etc.

cheers for that. i figured it be somewhere like that.
Howdy all

Been out of the brewing game for a year or so (through no choice of my own) but ready to get back in. When I started brewing AG (only 3 under my belt), I bought a 4 ring burner from G&G and told me that I should only use a low pressure reg with it, so that's what I bought.

Does anyone know why - safety, efficiency? Seems from reading various threads that there are people using higher pressure regs with 4 ring burners, so if there's anyway of speeding up the boiling process with a 4 ring burner, I'd love to know!


Howdy all

Been out of the brewing game for a year or so (through no choice of my own) but ready to get back in. When I started brewing AG (only 3 under my belt), I bought a 4 ring burner from G&G and told me that I should only use a low pressure reg with it, so that's what I bought.

Does anyone know why - safety, efficiency? Seems from reading various threads that there are people using higher pressure regs with 4 ring burners, so if there's anyway of speeding up the boiling process with a 4 ring burner, I'd love to know!


G'day Ben,
Here is the thread with the money shots !
My 4 ring works great with the adjustable reg shown above. That said, the spiral would be a nicer option for me and would match my reg better.
Oh and to keep things vaguely on topic I emailed Mitre 10 about the primus spiral burner availability in WA and got this response:

Good Afternoon,

I have also tried to locate this product for you in WA stores to no avail. I am also having trouble locating it in other states.

Thank You for your enquiry.

Kind Regards,

Sharon Harri

Howdy all

Been out of the brewing game for a year or so (through no choice of my own) but ready to get back in. When I started brewing AG (only 3 under my belt), I bought a 4 ring burner from G&G and told me that I should only use a low pressure reg with it, so that's what I bought.

Does anyone know why - safety, efficiency? Seems from reading various threads that there are people using higher pressure regs with 4 ring burners, so if there's anyway of speeding up the boiling process with a 4 ring burner, I'd love to know!



Those 4 ring burners are NOT "supposed" to be used with a med or high pressure reg...they are NOT designed for it so the boys at G&G told you the correct info...

however, if you take the risk its up to you but mine has been working "beautifully" with a med pressure reg for some time now.
Guys there were a heap of these purchased via ebay in a bulk buy 18 months ago. You do need to buy a separate hose but that's not a big issue.
I'm still very happy with mine.
Doug (who is pestering every Mitre 10 in WA at the moment :)

Darn. Looks like he only has low or high pressure regs in his ebay store but like the price. Need a medium though.

Out of interest went to BOC gas & gear Sth Melb on my lunch break, they only had low pressure regs?! :eek: No range at all.
The guy referred me to a place called barbequesplus in Spotswood and said they are very knowledgeable and would have everything I'd need. Looks like it'll be out of Mitre 10, Barbeques galore or Barbequesplus to track one of these down at an OK price. Might have to phone around.

Oh well, the quest continues!

9432 0283 greenborough home brewing, im 99% sure dave has a red med pressure one in stock at least he did a week ago. give him a call.
G'day Ben,
Here is the thread with the money shots !
My 4 ring works great with the adjustable reg shown above. That said, the spiral would be a nicer option for me and would match my reg better.
Oh and to keep things vaguely on topic I emailed Mitre 10 about the primus spiral burner availability in WA and got this response:

Good Afternoon,

I have also tried to locate this product for you in WA stores to no avail. I am also having trouble locating it in other states.

Thank You for your enquiry.

Kind Regards,

Sharon Harri

Try the Barossa Mitre10
