Is This The Next Must Have Book ?

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Impressive work, Grant, plastic is about to be whipped out.

How about a link to "World's best Liver Transplant Directory" - I'm going to need it :p
The cover for the 'everything homebrewing' book doesn't look very nice- kinda 'wordart'.
The cover for the 'everything homebrewing' book doesn't look very nice- kinda 'wordart'.

I wonder if it's a reprint of an old book, it has a sort of "Toddler Taming" era look about it. And what's with the guy's mouth, is that a mo or is it a fag hanging out of his mouth? A mo would definitely date it to about 20 years ago. If you look closely there's a can of malt extract at the top of the front cover as well.

Interesting to see that Dave Line's "The Big Book of Brewing" is still in print. I learned how to AG brew from that book and that book alone 35 years ago and had great results. Most of the info would still be bang up to date although the gadgetry available to us today would astound him if he was still alive (he died very young).
Every hair on my body is standing on end:

Well my British Real Ale Book arrived this morning, five days out of London. Awesome. Send me some female convicts just as quick :ph34r:

This is an incredible little book. I thought it would be a bit of an amateur sort of 'slap it together and get something like the style you are after'. However it's a complete brewing reference in itself.

Here's an example of section and paragraph headings of a chapter:


Hop components
  • Alpha Acid
  • Beta Acid
  • Essential Oils
Hop types

  • Bittering hops (primary hops, copper hops)
  • Aroma hops
  • Dual purpose hops
Hop flavour and aroma

Hop additions

  • Primary hops
  • Late hopping
  • Post-boil hopping
  • Hop tea
  • Dry hopping
Using different varieties of hop

(table of all the popular hops .. no NZ or POR but hey)

  • Bitterness Units
  • Hop utilisation
(two pages of formulae and hop utilisation factor vs OG table)

Storing hops


Yeast.. eleven chocablock pages, everything from slants to reculturing from bottles.... :eek:

It goes on and on and on.

Man this is my KORAN arrived in the mail. I haven't even got onto the recipe section yet. ...they don't even start till page 84 FFS... Well worth the thirty bucks.
I just recieved my Randy Mosher 'Tasting Beer"' book for my Birthday,

It is a well presented easy read book .

I like a book with pictures and there are some great ones .

If you have the attention span of a mosquito, like me ,this book is for you !

pick up, put down ,pick up, put down.

Pumpy :)
I received Randy's Tasting Beer book for my b'day as well.
Been have a good scan/read of it and enjoying it.

There is a nice tasting sheet on Page 80 that says it can be downloaded from
However the website doesn't exist.
So I emailed Randy asking about the website, a sequel to Radical Brewing and a download of the tasting sheet etc.

Here is part of his reply.

Sorry, this project has gotten bigger and we can't seem to get it together to launch the site properly.

I've got several projects stacked up, but eventually I'll get some more Radical stuff out there.

So if anyone wants the Tasting Sheet, ping me.

Continuing on the Next Must Have Book topic, I see this morning that Stan Hieronymus (Brew like a Monk fame) has a new book due out next year.

Brewing with Wheat
The wit and weizen of wheat beers. Author Stan Hieronymus visits the ancestral homes of the world's most interesting styles-Hoegaarden, Kelheim, Leipzig, Berlin and even Portland, Oregon-to sort myth from fact and find out how the beers are made today. Complete with brewing details and recipes for even the most curious brewer, and answers to compelling questions such as Why is my beer cloudy? and With or without lemon?

Yes, did you see that. Leipzig and Berlin. Assumptions abound that Gose and Berliner Weisse will get due justice.

Amazon Link here

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Yes, did you see that. Leipzig and Berlin. Assumptions abound that Gose and Berliner Weisse will get due justice.

That has caught my attention greatly.
on my chrissy list now

try this site for your books mate there alot cheaper and have free international shipping.

One for Bribie this one is nearly $50 cheaper

try this site for your books mate there alot cheaper and have free international shipping.

One for Bribie this one is nearly $50 cheaper

Thanks Mate. I just stumbled on the titles but that is a huge saving. I probably wouldn't save any money buying from there though because they have more books that I want. A good place to build a library from over the years.


The History of British Brewing is up on the Google Books site, and it's a great read but of course just as you are getting into it you get the typical ("Pages 300 to 315 are not part of this review, Prickface") I don't know why Google even bother <_<

Edit: and from the Country House Brewing book: " For celebrations, such as the heir's coming of age, extra-strong ale was provided." - sounds like the 21st I hosted here last week :D
I got an email from the this morning and they have free shipping again. No affiliation, but the postage can add up on books so not paying it is a bonus.

Also noticed that there's a new edition of Wheeler's Brew Your Own British Real Ale . Sounds interesting, is anyone familiar with the earlier editions?



Continuing on the Next Must Have Book topic, I see this morning that Stan Hieronymus (Brew like a Monk fame) has a new book due out next year.

Brewing with Wheat
The wit and weizen of wheat beers. Author Stan Hieronymus visits the ancestral homes of the world's most interesting styles-Hoegaarden, Kelheim, Leipzig, Berlin and even Portland, Oregon-to sort myth from fact and find out how the beers are made today. Complete with brewing details and recipes for even the most curious brewer, and answers to compelling questions such as Why is my beer cloudy? and With or without lemon?

Yes, did you see that. Leipzig and Berlin. Assumptions abound that Gose and Berliner Weisse will get due justice.

Amazon Link here


2 Xmas presents ordered.

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Continuing on the Next Must Have Book topic, I see this morning that Stan Hieronymus (Brew like a Monk fame) has a new book due out next year.

Brewing with Wheat
The wit and weizen of wheat beers. Author Stan Hieronymus visits the ancestral homes of the world's most interesting styles-Hoegaarden, Kelheim, Leipzig, Berlin and even Portland, Oregon-to sort myth from fact and find out how the beers are made today. Complete with brewing details and recipes for even the most curious brewer, and answers to compelling questions such as Why is my beer cloudy? and With or without lemon?

Yes, did you see that. Leipzig and Berlin. Assumptions abound that Gose and Berliner Weisse will get due justice.

Amazon Link here


Unfort not released until Feb 2010 though.


The AHA pre-sale is now avail. Pre-orders close 31 January.
US$17.95 +S/H and AHA members with pre-order get 20% off the list price.

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