Is This My First Infection?

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No, the air con is new and I sanitised the filter and the front of the A/C

Hmm... Ok, lets do this.

Go take a hydro sample, taste it - and tell us the first thing that it makes you think of.. could be sardines, sour, lemons, vinegar, milkshake WHATEVER... taste a sample and tell us what it tastes like....

Not 'good' a flavour?

Yes fair call.

My point is that Fasty's time could be better spent searching and absorbing the plethora of information available on this site and others rather than wasting a lot of people's time cranking up his post count.

I am sure it is just enthusiasm.. and being well pissed most the times.... but surely just enthusiasm....
I am sure it is just enthusiasm.. and being well pissed most the times.... but surely just enthusiasm....

Just noticed your signature. I'm also a fan of Bill Hicks. Love how he deals with a female heckler
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Not trying to crank up my post count, it means SFA to me. I am just after good honest advice. If you don't like it jakub, well don't reply. As for batch 17 (the one with the SG reading of 1023) I just repitched it with Brigalow yeast in the packet and give it another week or 2. Will keep an eye on the SG readings. Still worried about batch 16 (the first few pics)
Hmm... Ok, lets do this.

Go take a hydro sample, taste it - and tell us the first thing that it makes you think of.. could be sardines, sour, lemons, vinegar, milkshake WHATEVER... taste a sample and tell us what it tastes like....

Not 'good' a flavour?

I did try it on about page 2. It tastes very normal. Just like a nice beer but warm. Smells sweetish, very drinkable if it was cold and carbed up. I have made a few batches I didn't like so I can tell the taste difference between bad and nice.

Just noticed your signature. I'm also a fan of Bill Hicks. Love how he deals with a female heckler

Good link, maybe thats the way I feel about you jakub.
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Just noticed your signature. I'm also a fan of Bill Hicks. Love how he deals with a female heckler

Golden, I have seen as much Bill as I can find, never seen that! Fuckin awesome, Cheers! So Hicks!...

Breaking Bad is great but Bill is therapy!

It's really weird how your life changes. Tonight I'm drinking water. Four years ago? ................Opium............. Night and day, you know?
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Chuck batch 16.

Heck, at the rate the rate you brew beer, it's almost insignificant :p

In regards to batch 17, IF you did everything properly to begin with, it shouldn't take 3 weeks to get 1/4 of the way fermented.

Remember, home-brewing is a HOBBY (for most of us). Take pride in what you do.
Chuck batch 16.

Heck, at the rate the rate you brew beer, it's almost insignificant :p

In regards to batch 17, IF you did everything properly to begin with, it shouldn't take 3 weeks to get 1/4 of the way fermented.

Remember, home-brewing is a HOBBY (for most of us). Take pride in what you do.
Thanks mate. I think with 8 fermenters, it is no great loss to chuck out a batch. I want to brew nice beer and I have been happy with most of my batches. I am a bit concerned with batch 17 taking so long, but I put in another pack of brigalow yeast tonight to see if it speeds things up a bit.
Hey Fasty,

No digs, do you think you will ever move into using a bit of grain and hops?

Or are you solely about volume?

Seriously just asking..
Hey Fasty,

No digs, do you think you will ever move into using a bit of grain and hops?

Or are you solely about volume?

Seriously just asking..
I am about to step up to some extra hops. No volume isn't my aim, I like nice beer too. manticle suggested some nice addittions and I will be trying them this weekend. Alls cool cocko. Sorry about my remarks last week. I was really upset at my friend dying at age 21.
I am about to step up to some extra hops. No volume isn't my aim, I like nice beer too. manticle suggested some nice addittions and I will be trying them this weekend. Alls cool cocko. Sorry about my remarks last week. I was really upset at my friend dying at age 21.

I read.

No good.

Lets move forward... All good.

Manticle is a great member and I am sure he has given you some great tips...

Keep us posted.... Slow and steady wins the race.
Pride of ringwood I believe was what he suggested to try and up my bitterness, but how long do I boil it for?
Once you've had an infection get rid of the fermenter and start again.

I've read that plastic surfaces are porous so that when you get an infection,
the bacteria/their spores get into the surface holes making it very difficult to
get rid of so a source of infection will stick around.

Also are you aware of the need to clean the inside of fermenters gently to
avoid making scratches? Scratches will also harbour gunk and bacteria.
Are you using scourer pads by any chance? If so, might be best to get those
white ones that are supposed to be non-scratching - even then still use it

After a brew, the krausen usually create a ring of dried hops and trub that I
clean by first squirting some water on it, then work it loose with toothbrush
(actually a denture toothbrush, believe it or not), squirt away with more water
and then only very gently use a scourer pad for a final scrub. Then I would
soak the fermenter with sodium perc - all the way to the rim/lid.

Do you also unscrew the tap from the fermenter to clean out the thread (and
matching thread of the fermenter)? Again a small toothbrush is good for this.

And are you using one of those long stirring spoons? (In terms of cleaning
and also not scratching it - and sanitising it as well?

What sanitiser are you using, might be worthwhile getting some Star-San ,
Iodophor or other non-rinse sanitiser. Sodium Met is junk.

If do take samples from the tap for tasting/SG testing, the tap spout should
also be cleaned otherwise wort can remain in the tap and be a source of infection
(probably more a problem for infecting bottles rather than the fermenter). I've
found an easy way to do this is to get a bottle cap of some sort (deep enough to
cover the spout), fill it with diluted phosphoric acid/starsan and bring it up around
the spout to rinse it.

You may be fine in glass bottles but it is a risk. The Styrofoam box is a good idea. ...

I don't think knowingly creating potential bottle bombs is a good idea - and you
gotta open the styro box some time! I and some others here bottle in glass but
always include a couple of PET bottles for each batch as a carbonation pressure
check so if the PET ones feel rock hard when squeezed, it's time to tread carefully!
So it might be worth buying at least some of the PET beer bottles for this purpose.

... pre-boiling your water and refrigerating it before you brew ...

This could be a necessity - keep in mind to make sure the water container is also

Thanks for the detailed info. I NEVER use a scourer, I only use a chux, which is put in the sterliser everytime I clean bottle (every 2 days). I have found my flaw I believe. I was only using bottle wash and NOT steriliser to clean my fermenters. I do take out the taps every time and clean them well. I only use my stirring spoon after it has been sterilised.
Still don't know if should ditch batch 16 or bottle it tomorow night??
fist of all fasty, you ARE more experienced at brewing than me :p I'm just a bit more experimenting (and maybe read more.. maybe just!)

look, as with chucking something out.. I won't do it before the gravity stops moving. If its rank at Final gravity, yes I will tip it out.

But for fuks sake, let it finish.

There are beers in this world made from really crude methods. And those made with really wild stuff. Some are Awesome. Belgian lambics anyone! well, you are using malt extract and sugar in a fashion so its possible. The fact that it tasted OK to you at this stage means its not a goner yet, but the extra sugar remaining might be masking the real taste. Let it finish fermenting and have nothing to hide, then judge it.. and oh, keep testing along the way.



PS: Sorry if I am wrong and you are talking about being already finished up fermenting. too many posts above! And do read How to brew, the link jakub gave you above, in all honesty, I haven't finished reading it yet. I need a paper copy, digital reading sucks.