Is Another Home Brew Hop Shortage Imminent?

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The MWP occurred over a period of 300 years and in once specific part of the globe - I'm really unsure as to why people keep suggesting it is the same as what has been recorded as happening globally in the last 60 or so. You're not comparing apples with apples.
So, are you saying that if we chop down all the trees, and burn all the fossil fuels, then that wont make an iota of difference? Do you really think that we can expand indefinitely and still not effect the environment? Sorry, didn't want to start an argument, just don't see how people can deny that humans are effecting our climate. I'm on training tomorrow, so probably wont get another response from me(your probably happy about that though).

I am indeed. The climate is changing, no doubt, but in fact the current change is far less than, say, the Medieval Warm Period when Vikings settled Greenland and explored the coasts of Canada. Then the climate changed back again and eventually the Greenland ships couldn't get through from Iceland due to the growing pack ice, and the European settlements in Greenland perished. Unless I'm mistaken there were no massive carbon spewing industries back in the time of the Norman Conquest. There was also a considerable warm shift in Edwardian times - those long hot English Summers on the cricket field and picnics in the South of France, followed by a cool decade in the 20s. Most of the Pacific Islands that are supposedly sinking under the ocean due to global warming and sea level rise have actually grown over the last decade. Much to the embarrasment of the governments of Tuvalu etc who all want to come and live here as eco refugees.
Big cover up occurring.
If climate change is not to do with CO2 emissions then there's not much we can do about it. However increased levels of CO2 are great for plant growth. For example lentils as eaten by Penny Wrong et al. :icon_cheers:

Edit: I should have said straight up that I'm not a denier, just a sceptic that this is a result of Human activity. The climate is definitely warming, for now, and this could actually be a good thing. For example huge areas of Canada and the Soviet Union will shortly be ripe to turn over to agriculture - hop growing even.
et al.

Edit: I should have said straight up that I\'m not a denier, just a sceptic that this is a result of Human activity. The climate is definitely warming, for now, and this could actually be a good thing. For example huge areas of Canada and the Soviet Union will shortly be ripe to turn over to agriculture - hop growing even.
Absolutely final edit: :lol: With a population of only a minute percentage of the Earth, if every Australian were to go and live in a cave and starve in the dark and have virtually no carbon footprint, and the next day half the population of China decided to go out and buy a toaster, our sacrifice would be of absolutely no effect whatsoever.

Any chance we can deport you ? :rolleyes:

Not a hop grower nor a horticulturalist (growing weeds is not gardening), but with Europe having its hottest summer since Russia's scorced earth policy of 1942, please people summize on a possible effect of this phenomena on this year's eurohop crop.

So, are you saying that if we chop down all the trees, and burn all the fossil fuels, then that wont make an iota of difference? Do you really think that we can expand indefinitely and still not effect the environment? Sorry, didn't want to start an argument, just don't see how people can deny that humans are effecting our climate. I'm on training tomorrow, so probably wont get another response from me(your probably happy about that though).

we can't chop down all the trees (just the important ones in the Amazon) and we can't burn all the fossil fuel (too many leaks) so we won't make a difference. We'll make a bloody disasterous future for our great grand children, but WE won't make a difference.
So, are you saying that if we chop down all the trees, and burn all the fossil fuels, then that wont make an iota of difference? Do you really think that we can expand indefinitely and still not effect the environment? Sorry, didn't want to start an argument, just don't see how people can deny that humans are effecting our climate. I'm on training tomorrow, so probably wont get another response from me(your probably happy about that though).

Yes I take your point, but the catch with your argument is that:

6 billion people are currently consuming vast amounts of resources, let's cut them back to half their consumption
Good that worked
Now we have enough resources to support 12 billion people. Breed on people.

So I think it's pretty obvious that the average person in that initial 6 billion is going to say "F you, why should I make sacrifices".

Far fetched? No not at all, this is exactly what is happening in South East Queensland right now with the water policy (and also happening in Victoria I believe) where the real public spirited sacrifices by SE Queenslanders - we are now the least water using population on about 130 L a day compared to over 200 in Sydney is about to be futile. We are now going to be shafted as they build three new cities in the region.

If you refrain from chopping down a tree, the vastly increased population down the track will cut down five trees and your sacrifice will be useless. Population reduction is the answer. :)
Any chance we can deport you ? :rolleyes:
Population reduction is the answer. :)
So instead of deporting you we should shoot you to save the environment? ;)

But back on topic a little, the only real concern (that I can control) I have with growing my hops this year is to ensure they have enough water, if it's anywhere near as hot as last year, that could be a problem.
While we are on hops, I have a Cluster Rhizome and wondering when I should plant it (SEQ, yes I know hops cannot possibly grow North of Coffs) - September or October?
My flight on Booze Airways lets me offset the carbon of my trip by planting hop rhizomes in my back yard.

There. I save the world - go get a jacket on, it's gonna get bitterly cold. :D
But back on topic a little, the only real concern (that I can control) I have with growing my hops this year is to ensure they have enough water, if it's anywhere near as hot as last year, that could be a problem.

Nothing more enjoyable than sneaking out at 11pm to throw 'grey water' on your hops, tomatos and fresh herbs which are in pots. :beerbang:

pfft as if im going to follow those restrictions when there are pricks in my parents street who are filling up their work truck with a tank with water at their work whcih is 'rain water' to water their LAWN, garden and fill their pool*. <_< while its a crime for me to throw 20L every second night onto a few potted plants?!?! Gimmie a break!

I just think when i was a kid and even up to when the restrictins came into place (stage 1) where people where still continuing to water their gardens for an hour at night and monring! if it seriously takes an hour to water your garden.... you're the reason why we have water restrictions... dont get me started on the McMansions with concrete gardens needing a pressure spray once a week. :rolleyes:

* i cannot visually confirm they fill their pool but when my parents pool looses several inches a week in the heart of summer and we use pretty much all of the tank from topping it up... i smell bull$hit.

Back on the hop status. well it looks like i will do my little US hop buy in the near future then. An assortment of US hops split between a few blokes. sounds like fun!
While we are on hops, I have a Cluster Rhizome and wondering when I should plant it (SEQ, yes I know hops cannot possibly grow North of Coffs) - September or October?

I was about to ask the same thing.

There's a fair bit on Florida hop growing online (for us warm chaps) and I know I'm on the same latitude as Orlando, but I'm wondering if anyone has QLD hops and can point out some obvious things like when to stick the bugger in the dirt.
The rhizomes I have not stored in the fridge (they are just outside here in chilly Melb) think its time to start shooting.
So I'm going to put all of mine in the ground as soon as I think the last chance of frost is over.
I'm hopeful of some warm weather and rain over the next 2-3 weeks which would make it time to plant.

Why not put yours in the ground some time in the next few weeks also, do you even even remember what a 'frost' is up there?
I was about to ask the same thing.

There's a fair bit on Florida hop growing online (for us warm chaps) and I know I'm on the same latitude as Orlando, but I'm wondering if anyone has QLD hops and can point out some obvious things like when to stick the bugger in the dirt.

I'll PM QldKev in Bundy where of course hop growing is a futile dream and see what he reckons. :icon_cheers:
While we are on hops, I have a Cluster Rhizome and wondering when I should plant it (SEQ, yes I know hops cannot possibly grow North of Coffs) - September or October?
I acquired Troydo's Cascade when he moved to Germany, and it's shooting already. I don't know what's optimum, but it'll grow if you plant it soon.
I acquired Troydo's Cascade when he moved to Germany, and it's shooting already. I don't know what's optimum, but it'll grow if you plant it soon.

Ipswich -


wow I'd better get it in the ground here on Bribie then . Cheers
I acquired Troydo's Cascade when he moved to Germany, and it's shooting already. I don't know what's optimum, but it'll grow if you plant it soon.

My Cascade has started too. I am in cold climate as well. Must be this global warming I heard about....
I'm in bundy and i have

chinook ~ Its living, but its not going super crazy. I think it will live and survive, but not without help from me. It was the smallest rhizome though. Luckily i have another one of these in the freezer which i just remembered and am going to plant right now.

POR ~thriving. If i was someone who wasn't good with plants i would get this one

cascade ~ Its throwing many shoots, i think it will go very well.

cluster~ It sent up a shoot when i first got it but thats all it has done. Probabnly a little early to tell but i don't think it like its up here

hallertau. ~Its cracking. Its nearly as vigourous as the POR and its spot is not too good. I think it will do very well. Probably another one for someone with little exp[erience with plants.

As for climate change. A lot of independant government sponsored researchers say that humans have increased CO2 levels and this is causing warming. A lot of industry funded scientists hhave found the exact opposite. As a comparison, 90% of tobacco company funded research finds that passive smoking is not harmful, while 95% of independant scientist say that it is harmful. I just did an assignment on scientific fraud and misconduct at uni and funding plays a big part in the outcomes of trials. The point is to get alot of misinformation out there to confuse the general public. Politicians aren't scientists, they just do whatever they think the people will vote for.

As for CO2 being good for plants. Salt is an essential nutrient for good human health too, but 100g a day isn't going to make you super healthy :)
I noticed last night there are 3 shoots poking out of the ground from my newly planted Cascade rhyzome. I thought I'd done something wrong since I wasn't expecting to see action for another month. Time to find some twine for it to climb.
Im in Perth and my Cascade and POR both havnt broken through to see the sky yet.. any tips? Should I be fertilising? Would have thought all the rain we have been getting lately would be enough for the suckers, but perhaps i should be giving them a drink more often?

How deep did you plant them Muzz?
climate change is all about taxing your ass, it has nothing to do with co2

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