Is Another Home Brew Hop Shortage Imminent?

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Just an FYI and not a scare campaign, but Ellerslie Hop have just published (and emailed out) a 'Mid Year Crop and Market Report':

Here is a selected quote:
"Overall the decrease takes takes worldwide hop acreage back to its 2007 level, which at the time did not supply enough alpha to meet demand".
The article goes on to outline a number of positive changes since 2007, however from a home-brew perspective they do not seem to be all that advantageous.
I note that the Chinese hop plantings are down as well, probably because we haven't done the bulk buy this year. :(
Also the cool damp climate all over the planet isn't helping. Are you getting this Penny Wrong?????
BribieG, no comment about the 4th change listed there, something about 'breweries increased holdings' .... ring any bells when you look in your freezer?
At least those who are growing there own don't need to worry that much.....
BribieG, no comment about the 4th change listed there, something about 'breweries increased holdings' .... ring any bells when you look in your freezer?
Yes I might have to just hang on to that 800g of Chinee Saaz if I intend to keep my head above water next year :lol:
Well I bought three rhizomes (cascade, chinook and hallertau)... Better get em planted and grow em up to be big and strong hop flowers.
Could also be scaremongering to enable the lifting of hop prices... :ph34r:
Wot he said
Simple explanation really.

1) - Buy lots of Chinese hops
2) - ?????*
3) - Sell Chinese hops
4) - Profit!!!

*????? = townsville skullduggery, obviously.

insert 'taking-the-piss' emoticon here.
Yes, my American supplier has suggested that the cartels will be pushing prices higher. I am still waiting for news from my Euro supplier but at this stage the crop forecast dont look real bad. Mind you I will have to wait till September/October to get the latest AA% reports which will determine the cost. Dont panic buy just yet unless you only use US hops.

Lucky MintSauce and myself bought a kilo of everything Ellerslie has a few months back :D
I'm really wishing I'd never suggested he'd dress his urns up as sexdolls now.

What do you mean "another" shortage... wasn't the last one just all talk anyway? I don't remember any point since I started AG 4 years ago where there appeared to be any kind of shortage whatsoever...
I note that the Chinese hop plantings are down as well, probably because we haven't done the bulk buy this year. :(
Also the cool damp climate all over the planet isn't helping. Are you getting this Penny Wrong?????

Maybe this is what she's getting:

World simmers...
:icon_offtopic: So, are you implying that you are a climate change denier?

I am indeed. The climate is changing, no doubt, but in fact the current change is far less than, say, the Medieval Warm Period when Vikings settled Greenland and explored the coasts of Canada. Then the climate changed back again and eventually the Greenland ships couldn\'t get through from Iceland due to the growing pack ice, and the European settlements in Greenland perished. Unless I\'m mistaken there were no massive carbon spewing industries back in the time of the Norman Conquest. There was also a considerable warm shift in Edwardian times - those long hot English Summers on the cricket field and picnics in the South of France, followed by a cool decade in the 20s. Most of the Pacific Islands that are supposedly sinking under the ocean due to global warming and sea level rise have actually grown over the last decade. Much to the embarrasment of the governments of Tuvalu etc who all want to come and live here as eco refugees.
Big cover up occurring.
If climate change is not to do with CO2 emissions then there\'s not much we can do about it. However increased levels of CO2 are great for plant growth. For example lentils as eaten by Penny Wrong et al. :icon_cheers:

Edit: I should have said straight up that I\'m not a denier, just a sceptic that this is a result of Human activity. The climate is definitely warming, for now, and this could actually be a good thing. For example huge areas of Canada and the Soviet Union will shortly be ripe to turn over to agriculture - hop growing even.
Absolutely final edit: :lol: With a population of only a minute percentage of the Earth, if every Australian were to go and live in a cave and starve in the dark and have virtually no carbon footprint, and the next day half the population of China decided to go out and buy a toaster, our sacrifice would be of absolutely no effect whatsoever.

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