Irish red Ale
Appearance: Amber to deep reddish copper color (most ex-
amples have a deep reddish hue). Clear. Low off-white to tan
colored head.
Aroma: Low to moderate malt aroma, generally caramel-like
but occasionally toasty or toffee-like in nature. May have a
light buttery character (although this is not required). Hop
aroma is low to none (usually not present). Quite clean.
Flavor: Moderate caramel malt flavor and sweetness, occa-
sionally with a buttered toast or toffee-like quality. Finishes
with a light taste of roasted grain, which lends a characteristic
dryness to the finish. Generally no flavor hops, although some
examples may have a light English hop flavor. Medium-low
hop bitterness, although light use of roasted grains may in-
crease the perception of bitterness to the medium range.
Medium-dry to dry finish. Clean and smooth (lager versions
can be very smooth). No esters.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body, although exam-
ples containing low levels of diacetyl may have a slightly slick
mouthfeel. Moderate carbonation. Smooth. Moderately at-
tenuated (more so than Scottish ales). May have a slight alco-
hol warmth in stronger versions.
Overall Impression: An easy-drinking pint. Malt-focused
with an initial sweetness and a roasted dryness in the finish.
Comments: Sometimes brewed as a lager (if so, generally will
not exhibit a diacetyl character). When served too cold, the
roasted character and bitterness may seem more elevated.
Ingredients: May contain some adjuncts (corn, rice, or sugar), although excessive adjunct use will harm the character of the beer. Generally has a bit of roasted barley to provide reddish color and dry roasted finish. UK/Irish malts, hops, yeast.
So basically no Flavour or Aroma hops
I think the Coopers recipe is too weak need to up the Light Dry malt to 1.0kg.
Irish Red Ale
1x Coopers Pale Ale Kit
1kg Light Dry Malt Extract
200g CaraAroma
200g CaraRed
200g CaraPils
10g Roasted Barley
1084 yeast or US-05
then the next step is to get rid of the kit and use all LDME and boil hops.