I'll ask some possibly dumb questions, a bit like is your TV working because it isn't plugged in?
Are you disappointed in the bitterness, flavour or aroma? Going by your hopping schedule, you should have got good aroma and flavour, but the IBUs would not be up in mouth-biting territory. "Utilisation" normally refers to the bitterness contribution.
How old are the hops, were they opened previously, and how were they stored?
You didn't use a scale bought from K-Mart, Homemaker brand, did you?
Could it be you're becoming a hard-core hophead, and your expectations tend to inflate?
What's the OG? High OG is a double whammy on bitterness. As boil gravity goes up, hop utilization goes down, and so does the perception of bitterness in the final beer (assuming constant IBUs).