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Hi all,

I am a true noob to all this HB stuff, so feel free to correct\make fun of\criticize me if when i say something dumb. My missus took over the vege garden recently, effectively taking over my current hobby. Then I saw my brother-in-law bottling some HB the weekend before last, and after chatting with him a bit thought 'hmm, this could be a fun replacement hobby'. She's forced me into it, so it is all her fault ;) .

So, last weekend went to my LHB and bought a 'Brewcraft Starter Kit'. So I have a basic Munich Larger kit fermenting under my house atm at 22deg. Have no idea what to expect. After reading these forums this week, i may have stuffed up because i chucked the yeast in at 30deg. Oh well, will see how it turns out..... :D
Hi all,

I am a true noob to all this HB stuff, so feel free to correct\make fun of\criticize me if when i say something dumb. My missus took over the vege garden recently, effectively taking over my current hobby. Then I saw my brother-in-law bottling some HB the weekend before last, and after chatting with him a bit thought 'hmm, this could be a fun replacement hobby'. She's forced me into it, so it is all her fault ;) .

So, last weekend went to my LHB and bought a 'Brewcraft Starter Kit'. So I have a basic Munich Larger kit fermenting under my house atm at 22deg. Have no idea what to expect. After reading these forums this week, i may have stuffed up because i chucked the yeast in at 30deg. Oh well, will see how it turns out..... :D

I wouldnt worry about it BC. the first one will have you stoked you made something like the beer you normally drink..

BTW how big is "a basic Munich Larger kit"? the regular lager kits make 23lts ;)


Linz (having fun with ya)

and dont forget to remind the missus that she forced you into this..especially when you want to blow $300+ on a kegging set up
BTW how big is "a basic Munich Larger kit"? the regular lager kits make 23lts ;)

Yup, same 23lts

and dont forget to remind the missus that she forced you into this..especially when you want to blow $300+ on a kegging set up

Yeah no worries. If this HB stuff is a success, it's like a licence to print money with all the commercial beer I wont be buying! :D
Yup, same 23lts

Linz is just playing with words, Brown Cow. Lots of new brewers make the mistake of writing 'larger' (bigger) when they mean 'lager' (the beer).

Welcome, Brown Cow and The Mick. Nice hop that Nelson Sauvin, The Mick. When you've got it how you want it, post up the recipe. :)
ah-ha, thought it was a weird question! my spulling isnt alweys the best.
Hi to all on AHB,

Thought I had better introduce myself as I have been a member since November last year. I Have only been brewing since August last year and that is about the time I started drinking beer. I was a spirit drinker until my wife bought me a Coopers Home Brew Kit. Watched the vid and started brewing, then when tasting thought what have i done wrong. Tried another couple of times and then joined AHB. Since then my brewing has improved to the point where my mates always say yes when I offer them a beer.

At the end of 2007 I decided I had read enough posts and gained enough knowledge to make the next step. I skipped partials, moved straight to all grain and have now become slightly obsessed. I have so far brewed 2 APA's both of Jayse skunk farts (both tasted better than I had brewed before and did not last very long) and a Western Wheat from hughman666 (samples from the fermenter indicate another winner). Also I have moved to kegs and now have 4 holes in my fridge 2 with taps and another 2 to be fitted. Thank you again AHB, no more cleaning bottles.

My other obsession in life is Ferrets. I have 11 and hunt with them, my wife shows them and races them with my 2 sons and they have won heaps of shows and one of the girls is the 2007 overall race winner.

Both my hobbies involve the whole family and only my youngest son who is 15 can not drink my beer yet. But he does tell all his mates that when I die he will inherit a brewery.

That is enough of who I am, so thank you to all on AHB for posts and advise and articles.

Howdy Popdog.

You have been a member since 2005. How did ya manage to keep quite till now. tongue.gif

I didn't really care about brewing for a long time... just fingered it was cheaper than commercial beer and I could make it at about 7% so I had to smuggle less into school. Then I started trying heaps of different beers and became a big fan of Little Creatures Pale, which started me on American PAs/IPAs, which are probably my favourite style. Went over to Canada and the States a coupla months ago and took advantages of the huge brewing scene over there. Me and my brother brewed up a mean IPA inspired by Rogue's Brutal Bitter. Hopped it with only Crystal and it came out really tasty. Next brewer I'm planning is probably a hop driven PA using NZ hops. And then maybe a smoked Russian Imperial to cellar for a few years. Gotta work up some money first...
G'day all,
Just introducing myself, got my Brewcraft kit yesterday and put my first brew in yesterday as well :D

A big newb to the whole brewing thing, got sick of paying for beer and i thought it would be rewarding to do it myself. :super:

My mates have been brewing for a couple of years so I thought i would get off my arse and try it out too.

Can't wait for a sample, the anticipation is killing me. But must be patient.

Cheers :beerbang:

patience is key! :)

your first batch will probably be one of your worst ones but i dont know many people who havent drank the whole lot!

you will probably end up paying the same amount as what you were on commercial beer but your beer will be kick ass quality and your tastebuds will be ruined for life! you will know you are lost when at your next function (footy bbq etc) you struggle to find a beer you can actually drink cause you cant stand corona/carlton cold etc

also there is a brew club here called the isb (inner sydney brewers) if you ask im sure they wouldnt mind you popping along to the next meeting just to "check things out" ;) they are in the clubs&meetings/ brew clubs section on the forum page..
Hi all, I just realised I have been very slack in not introducing myself to the group.

I live in the western suburbs of Brisbane and I've only been home brewing for less than a year. My dad was a keen home brewer for many years, but I never really liked his beer - more's the pity because I'd have probably spent a lot more time with him if I had.

I got a Brewcraft kit for Xmas 2006 but didn't actually use it until about Easter I think. Had a couple of early failures using can kits from the HBS, then a boomer run of success with a Morgan's Queensland Bitter, a Cascade Golden Harvest and then splashed out on a liquid wort Golden Ale which was fantastic.

Got all excited when I visited my brother late in the year and sampled his home brew. He's kegging his beer and I thought that's the way I need to go. Got onto ebay and successfully bid for a beer fridge with two 19L corny kegs, gas lines, regulator and a dual-tap font on top. Took a while to get hold of a CO2 bottle, but in the meantime I managed to polish off a nice 3/4 keg of Stella the previous owner had left behind gassed up.

Very soon after I inherited a second small fridge (270L no freezer) and bought a temperature controller, so this became my brewing fridge as I am mostly dealing with temps being too hot, rather than too cold. Never goes much below Pils brewing temperature indoors.

With the new gear in place, I brewed an Irish Red from liquid wort and another liquid Golden Ale, both of which were outstanding. Then I got really brave and whipped up a Saaz Pilsner from a HBS can kit with a SafLager yeast and a Saaz Hops teabag, brewed at 12 degrees. Again, very nice indeed and crystal clear with no filtering. Much beer flowed through the summer and only ran out a few weeks ago.

I have just gassed up another Cascade Golden Harvest, using just the kit ingredients, and that's a boomer beer which is better every time I pour it. I have a Cooper's Cerveza conditioning in the keg in the serving fridge - might go on the gas this weekend, not sure. And I have a Cooper's European Lager in the fermenter in the brewing fridge at 16 degrees.

So that's my story. Great forums. Thanks for the help everyone offers.

Hi Tony and welcome mate, where abouts in western brissie are you mate? There is a few of us AHB boys out this way.


Greetings All,

The name's Trent, but you can call me Bear, most people do.
I've been on the homebrew bandwagon for about 6 months now, with some great success from the "Soverign Gold" kits put together by my local homebrew shop. Stout, Draught, Black and Tan, and Wheat Beer.. ooohh the Wheat Beer, where have you been all my life.
Was never much of a beer drinker in the past, Always loved my Guinness (1000 Pint Club Member at my local Irish Murphys) but apart from that I'd never had beer as a sessional drink, Jamesons, Tullamore Dew and Cider were always well ahead in line.

I bought my first fermenter with a view to make myself some cider, but thought I may as well kick off some Wheat Beer since I got the kit as part of the startup pack, and bugger me if it didn't turn out to be one of the best beers I've ever had. Since then I've played with some Partial Mashes, a few different Ciders and Ales, and am on to my 4th run of the "BearBack Wheat Beer".

I'm a Helpdesk Team Leader for a Big, Blue, Multinational IT company, and also a Martial Arts Instructor. In my spare time, I hang out with the girl, brew my beerverages and ride my motorcycle, and that's about it (I gave up sleeping... it's overrated).

Thanks for all the advice/amusement you've already given me,
See you in the soup.
greetings and salutations!

i'm a noob at this brewing thing. but hopefully not for long now i have found a good place to recycle knowledge. ;)

first brew down and it was a fun experience, found out very quickly that 23 liters of brew really doesn't cool down as fast as i thought. so it's taken a while for the temp to get under 24. sadly i think it's done most of it's brewing. oh well.

does anyone know if the lager that ships with morgans starter kit is actually a lager yeast? would make a big difference to what i'll end up with.

anyway i keep looking in on the baby, carefull not to disturb her and make her nasty. turning into a obssesive father i think. :)

anyway will see you all around here i'm sure...
G'day everyone,

I just found this part of the site so thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Grant from Wollongong and have recently got back into HB after about ten years. I'm not sure if its because I'm older or wiser but things have certainly moved on since then. I was originally planning to stick with kits and extracts but from the look of it AG has to be a lot of fun.

So much to learn!
I've been acquiring some additional gear - got a secondary fermenter -- and set up my fermentation fridge with a fridgemate on the weekend. I want to start experiementing with better yeasts once I get the sanitation routines back down, and try and culture a coopers yeast from a bottle.

So far I have a Coopers Pilsener conditioning and a Coopers APA in the fermenter as of last night. Nothing to drink yet though

I really enjoy this site - its huge- am always finding something new...

Hi Everyone

Thought I would introduce myself as well. Been brewing for about 10 years, in the Whitsundays now. Started with a fermenter that was left in a share house and free "accidentally" dinted tins of coopers from the distibutors warehouse where my girlfriend worked, and white sugar. Cheap beer. About five years ago started randomly trying liquid malts and liquid specialty malt and hops in teabags. I still use kits and extract but for the last couple of years rather than basing my brew around a kit I've been choosing a beer style then selecting kit and/or extract, specialty malts, hops (not teabag anymore) and yeasts to match. Apart from the actual drinking of the beers I quite enjoy the researching of the style and ingredients. Of course the results are much better than K&K, maybe not as good as AG, but I enjoy them which in the end is all that matters.

hi everyone

Names jordan, been brewing for about 4 years and love everything about it, have my own website as well, check it out, its almost the same name as this one) would love to get more people on it. fav brew is prob blue mountain, with safale yeast, morgans brew enahncer, and marlin coast premium blend.
hey jordan, welcome aboard though if you are a retailer you should pop it on your profile there as well as a location so like minded brewers in your area know you are a local! :)
hi everyone

Names jordan, been brewing for about 4 years and love everything about it, have my own website as well, check it out, its almost the same name as this one) would love to get more people on it. fav brew is prob blue mountain, with safale yeast, morgans brew enahncer, and marlin coast premium blend.

welcome to the site and good luck with the bussiness
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