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You can also add to the SWMBO tagline, Minister for Finance, usually the one who holds the purse strings. :)

And Bonj beat me by one minute, nothing wrong with seconds IMO :)
That is classic... I'm definately SWMBO.... I thought it may actually be something the could offend someone...
Nah, I meant what I meant.

Nothing like going back for seconds, something wrong with going back for more???
Thanks for the welcome people B) Like HKS mentioned I was just takin the piss about the SWMBO comment. I found it rather humourous, guess my cheeky nature escaped briefly.

You all seem pretty cool, might just have to stick around, watch the antics and learn a bit in the process
hi all. i am a new brewer if that is the right termenoligy.

i am crazy about ginger beer

i cannot get enough of this stuff

i am only brewing non alcoholic stuff at the moment but that will change

i have all the usual problems like over gasing in the bottle ect

i am now trying another method and will post more once i have a result

see ya mcc :)
G'day people

Ive been brewing for a few years now and been lurking the site for a while now so i thought i better bite the bullet and start posting. Im wanting to get my hands dirty in all grain at the start of this year. That is my ambition. Some of my fav beers are ales like pale and american styles. Also europeon lagers hit the rite spot aswell. Actually i love most beers. Besides beer i enjoy fishing, hunting, V8's Go you Fords, bikes and outdoors stuff. I live in Adelaide and work for Clipsal Australia. Have just got a dual tap keg set up at home thanks to a fellow member on here that i work with.

Am hoping to learn alot form you guys in future and i have alot of reading to do!

Thanks guys

Timmsy (David)
G'Day Folks,
Stumbled across this site the other day and it appears that I am well on the way to becoming addicted :D
Have just started brewing in the last 3 months and am very much a K & K man at the moment. Trying to perfect my technique before moving on to bigger and better things. I am already starting to take notes from the site and apply them to my efforts in the "brewery", maybe the instructions that came with my kit arent the be all and end all ;)
Hope to learn heaps from the site.
Thanks and Cheers,
Welcome to the forum! You're entering a world of unholy obsessions with stainless steel, and the quest for the perfect beer (How can we choose just one?).

Enjoy. The search function at top right is your gateway to a world you have only dreamed about :p

I'm sure you have already lost yourself for hours on here already.
Found this forum and think its fantastic!
I'm A brew newbie and think the information here is most valuable.

Almost ready to carbonate the 3rd keg and will be using the Ross method this time round.
My first batch was fantastic but surprisingly and yet unsurprisingly ran out sooner than expected. :)
Batch #2 was rushed because #1 ran out leaving me without beer and non fermenting.
I decided to speed things up by adding finnings this time, and a little early I think. I ended up with a sweet, watery beer that was good for nothing but drains.

Lessons were taken in and batch #3 was put down straight after #2 was transfered from the fermenter.
Fingers crossed...
Wait on!... I have an empty fermenter!!

Hello boys and girls,
I've been lurking around here (slowly digesting information) for a while and finally decided to introduce myself.
I've been slowly progressing from kits to partials to all grain over the last couple of years (now done about 4 all grains, 3 on electric boiler and the last one on gas)
Also trying to break in a new kegerator (still getting a lot of foam in the pour for a relatively low level of carbonation, probably need to increase the line length a bit)
Went to a a West Coast brewers meeting last Monday which was good fun (lots of good beers to taste :)

So thats me in a nutshell. Hi!.
nice work - good to see a newbie who's already gone through the hoops already :beer: cheers!
I Love this hobby!

My name is Tim i'm 21 and love beer and now love making beer..!

My dad has always been a K&K guy since i could remember and i used to brew ginger beer with him (as a kid it was awesome drinking 'beer' with dad hahahaha) haven't brewed anything with my dad for 10 years or so even though he always has a fridge and cupboard full of his HB!

I just bought my own coopers kit after lurking around here for a while.

I'm hoping to get some K&K brews under my belt and learn the basics of brewing and sanitation and work my way to partials and AG!!

Great site by the way!! ;)

G'day all,

Used to homebrew about 10 years ago when I was in uni with some mates. Back then we did it as a hobby and because it was so cheap. None of the brews were masterpieces in fact thinking back they were terrible - but after drinking a couple you'd get used to it. The bad taste could be attributed to us trying to increase the alc% - but being young that was the name of the game. At one stage we had 2 fermenters going and producing 5 cartons a week. Took them along to parties and friends grabbed some. In the end we had a huge stockpile which nobody would drink. But it sure was great fun doing it.

Currently living in London but soon to be packing up and returning to good old Perth. Have been given the green light to setup a small bar in the front room with a projector so I'm pumped. Have been checking out a few threads here and there and trying to absorb as much info so that I'll be ready get my stuff setup when I get back. I'll probably go for a keg system and depending on supplies perhaps 2 or 3 taps mounted to the bar. Hopefully while I'm here I can get some euro breweriana to bring home and adorn the bar. These English pubs have so much character and the amount of different types of beer on offer is staggering (I'm going to miss it very much), plus all the beers available from Belgium, Austria and Germany (I swear beer doesn't get much better than out of a stein at Oktoberfest!). I think I'll be checking out ebay quick a bit from now on to see if I can pick up some good bargains.

edit - wow there's heaps of stuff at low prices, pump clips, fonts, special taps. Have my eye on a Lowenbrau ceramic. I may be able to purchase for others and ship everything home however you wouldn't get your stuff till July sometime.

Love all the brew setups people have - very inspirational. Great forum with heaps of knowledge.

Hi Brewers,

The name's popdog. Been brewing a couple of years now, just partials for most of the time and not really that seriously but I did my first AG recently. I managed to score all the equip from my brother so it made the transition pretty easy. Anyway, I live in Geelong, am studying Arts which is a bit of a hoot (but not much more) and like brewing/drinking beer. Other interests include: James Bond movies, music, chess, rock climbing, etc. I gotta say this forums a gold mine for brewing so I will keep a close eye on things here.


I'm new to homebrewing. I love Belgian beers (moved to OZ from Holland a year go where all special beers are available everywhere) and was shocked by the prices of the Abbeys, Triple, Double and Trappists so decided to give it a go myself. First brew is in the fermenter, Munich lager that came with the kit, next one will be a triple from brewferm.

Ah, and I used to have easy supply of the Grolsch bottles (since they're pretty common in Holland) but sadly did not bring any when I came over :(


Hi Brewers,

The name's popdog. Been brewing a couple of years now, just partials for most of the time and not really that seriously but I did my first AG recently. I managed to score all the equip from my brother so it made the transition pretty easy. Anyway, I live in Geelong, am studying Arts which is a bit of a hoot (but not much more) and like brewing/drinking beer. Other interests include: James Bond movies, music, chess, rock climbing, etc. I gotta say this forums a gold mine for brewing so I will keep a close eye on things here.


Howdy Popdog.

You have been a member since 2005. How did ya manage to keep quite till now. :p
Hi all,my name is Mick,Ihave been doing ag brews for about 3 years after doing extract and fresh wort kits,have made some nice lagers and english ales,I am working on an Apa style using Nelson Sauvin hops which is getting there.I am a self employed joiner in macarthur area and also enjoy travel,fishing and snow skiing.
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