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G' Day people,

Thank God its Friday!! Have a nice liitle Bavarian Lager next to me at the moment. I joined originally to post and get info as to what was tried and tested. Turned out that by reading the threads I learnt all I needed at that time ie racking, bulk priming etc. Have now been brewing since last October and have done the Coopers series but have had some disasters in summer with Brewmaster stuff. I am now sweating on a Stella recipe. Just about to bottle a Cerveza.

Thanks to all of you who know what is what and for passing it on.


Supp up, wer'e moving on!!
Hi All

Just wanted to post for the first time. Found the site today as I am Brewing again and built a new bar in the shed. Need to quench the thirst now.
The site looks excellent and I am sure I will be able to find out any thing that might stop me producing my own brews.
I am currently saving for a keg system for the bar and may need help when the time comes. I have red a few different posts on kegs and have alread found a wealth of nowledge from you :party: :beer: experienced blokes.

Look fwd to seeing how the rest of this site works.

c ya :)
Hi All

Just wanted to post for the first time. Found the site today as I am Brewing again and built a new bar in the shed. Need to quench the thirst now.
The site looks excellent and I am sure I will be able to find out any thing that might stop me producing my own brews.
I am currently saving for a keg system for the bar and may need help when the time comes. I have red a few different posts on kegs and have alread found a wealth of nowledge from you :party: :beer: experienced blokes.

Look fwd to seeing how the rest of this site works.

c ya :)
G'day back Macka
Where ya from
Hi normell
From Brook only a 30 min drive from you NW. How abou that.

What brewing Normall??
Hi normell
From Brook only a 30 min drive from you NW. How abou that.

What brewing Normall??

So I take it thats Carisbrook, will have to meet someday soon, over a beer of course :chug:

It's only 20 min if your right foot's a bit heavy
Could be on! I need to get a few more brews under my belt first as the shed is bare!

I used to do Cmain on the bike quicker. Then I grew up some!
Welcome to AHB Macka, I have merged your post with the long standing introduce yourself thread to keep it all in one place.
Thanks Jason
Was too keen to start posting and did not look around enough first. great site! Have not found one ever as good!
Hey All,

I'm Phill I'm a 25 year old Guy from Keysborough in Melbourne. I'v Been brewing now for the best part of a year and am about to make my way into partials, i'v been around the different forums for a while now, especially Grumpies so a few of you may have seen my name around befor. Recently managed to get a friend into Brewing also, altho he is into it to save money while i'm not to worried about the money side, just love the taste :D but am always willing to meet new people and share info so if anyone wants to chat or even meet up for a few home brews sometime just give me a holler

Hey fellas,

This is me saying hello. WilBier. Just another guy hooked on brewing.
My background is in plumbing (which is where I work now), but before that I spent a few (expensive) years at Uni completing an applied science degree in water treatment.
To me that all just helps make my passion in brewing more confusing as I like complicated and tricky things.
I have no room to brew, but I make sporadic use of my little laundry when I whack on an extract to ferment.
Soon I hope to have more room for all grain brewing, and in the mean time, researching complicated and tricky ways of doing it.

Hello to all, and I look forward getting to know you all.

Hey fellas,

This is me saying hello. WilBier. Just another guy hooked on brewing.
My background is in plumbing (which is where I work now), but before that I spent a few (expensive) years at Uni completing an applied science degree in water treatment.
To me that all just helps make my passion in brewing more confusing as I like complicated and tricky things.
I have no room to brew, but I make sporadic use of my little laundry when I whack on an extract to ferment.
Soon I hope to have more room for all grain brewing, and in the mean time, researching complicated and tricky ways of doing it.

Hello to all, and I look forward getting to know you all.


Welcome WilBier, wherez ya from, I'm from Castlemaine, central Vic.
Welcome to the site wilbeir
As Normell has mentioned "where are you from"
It may/can help you out with local brewdays and great help as required on a more personal basis.

Big D
Welcome to the site wilbeir
As Normell has mentioned "where are you from"
It may/can help you out with local brewdays and great help as required on a more personal basis.

Big D
And helpful if, like me you a doing up a kitchen & want some plumbing done :party:
:D Thats got to be the AHB grovel of the day award Normell. ;)
Good Luck
yeah i need a tap run the the back yard.

do you travel to NSW

I have AG beer on tap....

Its good :)

Right-O gents,

we have an expression for this in the trade - it is called love jobs. Where the mucha-cha doesn't change hands.

i am one of 8 kids, and all the other 7 need plumbing work. Sometimes they pay for materials...

So Tony's idea of AG beer on tap is far better than many of the family's work - and the drive to NSW aint that bad anyway.

I am from Geelong - one of those town's that's near big city.

Am really interested in any local brew days too.

So if anyone could introduce me to some would be realy appreciated.

welcome wilbier

Geelong "GO THE CATS"

I thought "love jobs were from the wife only" or have i done it again and stuffed the interpritation up again?LoL :blink:

NO welcome enjoy and most of all a good laugh from time to time :beer:

With apologies to the Hilltop Hoods...

Well let me introduce myself, raise them beers
Ben Connery been doing this for about three years...

Became a true beer nut after moving to England & Scotland for a few years.
Three years in England and travelling around Europe had me well and truly hooked on the wide and wonderful world of beers.
Before that I'd always liked beer but hadn't really gotten into all the different types.

My wife bought me a homebrew kit for Christmas the first year back with the idea that I could have a stab at producing the kind of beers I'd grown use to having so easily available.

As for favourite types?
English pales, bitters, esb etc
Stouts and Porters
A decent lager when the weather's warm
Wheat beers
I could go on...
I think you might get the picture by now.

I keep thinking I like one or two styles more than others and then another beer comes that reminds me that perhaps that isn't the case...

I just like good beer.
Actually once upon a time I wouldn't even have felt the need to add the good but I am finding it harder and harder to down some beers these days.
I won't name names...
G`day all,

I am new to this site, so please help me out if I raise my hand.

I haven`t put down a brew for over 10 years, but recently carted one back from Aus and have it bubbling away happily in the shed now.
The last Coopers kit that I had reccomended white sugar and included finnings. This one has dextrose and PET bottles.
Times are changing I suppose.

Cheers to all!
Ladies and Gentlemen,

My Name is Herby/Chris and I am 23 Years old.

Relatively new to brewing, but love everything about it.

I have only done kit brewing thus far, but am very keen to try out as many different methods as possible and would love the help and advice on the way :)

I live in Brisbane, Sunny Qld and am keen for swapping and meetings so if there is an AHB base up here let me know.

Particularly enjoy Belgian and Irish Beers such as Hoegaarden (My Fav, and fantastic off tap) and Kilkenny.

Cheers Guys
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