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I can't beleive I've been on AHB for over 6 months and never really looked at this thread. I did look at it when I first joined up and thought only new people are allowed to write here. At that stage I would have been either too shy or bewildered to post. With 450 posts under my belt, some of which have been less than 750 words, I feel that I am gradually overcoming my shyness ;)

Thanks WeeStu for bringing it back to my attention. Have had a bit of fun already reading the thread from the beginning. It's fascinating to see how quickly people can go from being 'brewildered' to brewing great beers they love. Few keys to this (see below).

So, to all those who have joined up recently, my apologies for not giving you a welcome either here or by a personal message.

Anyway, I'm on the Gold Coast in QLD. We certainly need some more brewers here and it would be great if anyone else popped up. So either post here or send me a PM and I will introduce you to the others and you can taste our brews and find the ones you like.

Kong said above how the person who started this thread dissapeared. This was in the early days so the poor guy was probably making beers he could hardly drink! This happened to me. In fact, I gave up brewing twice before and would have again were it not for the people I met here and the advice given. Pretty frustrating stuff!

The quickest and best way round making good beer is finding another brewer whose beer you do like and then letting them show you how to do it. So, if you're new, the first 'best' thing you can get here is meeting other brewers. After that, you'll get more technical advice on the forum than you'll ever need!


Oh! And don't forget to read these two threads...

Frequently Asked Questions For The New Brewer

Outline To Using The AHB Website

While they are, 'works in progress,' there's enough on those 2 links to get you around a few of the basics of brewing or getting the most out of this site. ;)
PistolPatch said:
I can't beleive I've been on AHB for over 6 months and never really looked at this thread...

PP has prompted me to add to this thread as well (and it is lengthy in his tradition).

It was probably 15 years ago I got purchased my brewing kit and started making Coppers brews with absolutely no idea what I was doing (in hindsight of course). The brews were OK but changing work demands left the fermenter sitting idle for a good 10 years. I resorted to drinking premium/imported beers instead.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, a dietary intolerance of gluten which comes from wheat, barley, rye and oats. As an Aussie male in his thirties the thought of no beer anymore was incomprehensible so I started looking into the possibility of making beer out of other grains, luckily there were a few others that had blazed the trail before me and there was a place to start.

Over the last few years I have learnt a hell of a lot about malting and brewing, I now malt my own millet, sorghum, maize, buckwheat, and rice (don't try this at home kids it's shocking - stick to the flaked rice) and can brew a reasonable approximation of most styles of beer, particularly wheat styles with a Dunkelwiezen made from millet making it to the AABA nationals in 2005.

My favourite grain is millet, it is the closest to barley out of all the gluten free grains and has an interesting maltiness that even GLS from OZCB found quite passable as a normal beer, for those that have listened to Craftbrewer Radio over the last 6 months or so GLS sampled 4 of my gluten free beers and I got interviewed a couple of times. Hence my handle - Millet Man - on this forum.

I do have a commercial affiliation as a shareholder of O'Brien Brewing - producer of Australia's first gluten free beer. I am currently building a malting plant to make millet malt so O'Brien Brewing can switch from sorghum to millet, and will also make the millet malt available to home brew shops so anyone can try it.

If anyone has any questions about gluten free brewing I'm more than happy to answer them and help them make their own beer from scratch.

Also I have not noticed anyone else here from Ballarat? Such a fine city it is. If you're ever down here drop me a PM and I'll happily share some of my unconventional home brew with you. :party:

Cheers, Andrew.
Hello I am Matti.
Know some of you from SA cyber world and been on this forum long ago before I knew what HB was all about.
A bit wee drunk but I thought i'll introduce myself.
Have just graduated to partial mash and indulging my time in Gregory Noonans brewing techniques. My partner in crime wich I have three healthy BOYS, tells me to bugger of this forums. Guess what,? she is away..... I live in SW Sydney Ingleburn our water is abit Alkaline but soft. Perfect for brewing Bitters, XXXX lager and german lager with some PH adjustments. looking forward to contribute as well as learn
It's probably time I came out of the woodwork and showed my face.
I've been a poster over at Grumpy's for quite some time, so I'll be known to a few over here already.
I started brewing about 10 years ago, but only got serious just over 2 years ago with my first bulk malt and hop purchase.
From there it was a steady progression down a well trodden path: specialty grains, liquid yeasts, partials and finally all-grain-on-a-tight-arse-budget just over 6 months ago - all with the steady help of Grumpy's and many of their veteran posters.
Long time favourite brews are Brit bitters and porters but this brewing caper has opened my eyes to the non-watery-lager side of American beers in particular; so APA's and Ambers are current favourites. I also have a soft spot for an Alt or two as well as some of the other dark Germans.
The next step will probably be wheats - Dunkelweizens in particular - and Belgians, though I'm in no hurry as there's still plenty of scope with those well worn favourites.
I've already benefited from this forum from excessive lurking, so thanks for that. Hopefully I'll be able to give a bit back as well.
Welcome Voosher, I have always enjoyed reading your posts on Grumpys site so I know you will have plenty to "give a bit back" [as you put it] here.
welcome voosher good to see u on ahb
Voosher said:
It's probably time I came out of the woodwork and showed my face.
I've been a poster over at Grumpy's for quite some time, so I'll be known to a few over here already.


Bout' Effing Time!

Welcome Phil,looking forward to your input.
There are plenty of Noobs over here that will benefit from your guidance and patient are a graet Mentor.

Voosher said:
It's probably time I came out of the woodwork and showed my face.
Long time favourite brews are Brit bitters and porters but this brewing caper has opened my eyes to the non-watery-lager side of American beers in particular; so APA's and Ambers are current favourites. I also have a soft spot for an Alt or two as well as some of the other dark Germans.
The next step will probably be wheats - Dunkelweizens in particular - and Belgians,

G'day Phil,

Good to have another Grumpy Adelaidean on board, with that little menu, you have about half the field of this year's ANAWBS covered :)

Happy brewing
Hi Everybody,

I've been brewing sporadically for the last 2 years. Previously, I lived in France and Belgium, so had access to all the good stuff quite cheap.

No preferred style, although I just discovered White Labs yeast, so I'll be brewing some Belgian ales this winter.

G'day Voosher and Laurent! Good to see you Voosher - im sure you'll be able to give plenty of advice here as you have given me over the past couple of years over on Grumpys. Laurent....welcome to the mad house of obsessed beer makers! Have fun!
Thanks Steve for this warm welcome. It's my pleasure to read this forum and learn a bit more.


Steve said:
G'day Voosher and Laurent! Good to see you Voosher - im sure you'll be able to give plenty of advice here as you have given me over the past couple of years over on Grumpys. Laurent....welcome to the mad house of obsessed beer makers! Have fun!
Howdy, I've been brewing for not all that long, but got increadibly immersed in the hobby very quickly. I've posted a few things in other sections on this forum, completely forgetting to introduce myself. Well, here I am :)
I've learned an enourmous amout from you guys just silently reading for a few months now, and hopefully, becoming active, I may be able to help some others. Cheers AHBers!
Welcome, Sammus. Good to have one more brewing fanatic on board. I did the same as you and lurked for a while first. Glad you feel ready to post now as well. :D
Good on you Sammus. You've prompted me to follow suit.

Been lurking for months and just soaking it all up. My first attempt was as a 17 year old in my bedroom in a
10gal plastic bin with a recipe given to me by an uncle. I remember lots of sugar, malt extract, hops, baker's
yeast etc. Over the years I've had a few more attempts with mediocre success.

Since finding AHB in Nov I decided to have a go at AG and assembled the requirements. Two plastic buckets,
a 50L non-electric water urn (donated), an esky, two cornies and a regulator, (a thank you from a customer).

That left me with only a fridge to get. SWMBO was trying to get her numbers up on ebay and bid for one. The
seller had two and I said we may as well bid on both given the price. Yep, we won them both!

I read Palmer back to front and my first 7 AG's were his ESB. Each one was different but very enjoyable.

Living in NE Vic with temps -3 to 16 I've started to have a go at a couple of lagers.

Anyway, thanks for all the great advice. Just one thing though, could you all stop posting about gadgets.
Every time I see one (usually ending in *meter) I want one. I'm still wondering what to do with the
'thrumometers' I raced out to buy in case Jaycar ran out.

I've just got to have one of those refractometers though....

Hiya everyone

New to the board and new to Homebrew, put my first batch down at the weekend, (Brewcraft Munich Lager), so fingers crossed.

looking forward to checking board out and picking up some tips along the way


Hi All,

My Name is Evan - Alot of my mates know me for my love of Irish Beers. I have been into home brew for around 12months and have got myself a Keg System for my 25th Birthday.

Reason why I am into it is my old man is a Pom and loves his beer so I guess that is why I am so into it from day one of helping him with his home brew years ago.

My favourite Aussie beers are coopers Pale ale and the odd JS Amber ale.

Home Brews I am making a Kilkenny Copy and a nice Amber Ale to go with my new Keg system.

Looks like a cool forum hope I can learn something to help me out with my future beers..


Uncle Kenny
Onya suspectinoz and uncle kenny - you'll learn lots - have fun!
Cheers thanks for that Steve..

Should have some good fun
Welcome Uncle Kenny, I hope that kilkenny goes down well! I've always been a fan of that one but haven't summoned up the courage to stuff that recipe up yet :p

Hey suspectinoz, it's good to see another first timer join up! It's great to see someone's first 'this is my first batch; I hope it's not crap' thread to the time they talk about ringing the water company to get the composition of their tap water :D

G'day philmac, impressed with your buys on ebay! I have 3 fridges (upside down, bar, chast freezer for fermentation), and I know how great it is to start chocking them full of beer! Here's to brewing success in the future! :beerbang:

'sup sammus! I like seeing lurkers start posting. If you have a look through this thread you'll see a lot of people who start with 'I've been reading for a while...' Welcome to the fold!

Apologies to all those people I haven't managed to have the time to welcome; so to all of you, welcome to the forum, I hope you have a great time here!
Hey suspectinoz, it's good to see another first timer join up! It's great to see someone's first 'this is my first batch; I hope it's not crap' thread to the time they talk about ringing the water company to get the composition of their tap water :D

Thanks for the welcome, I've got Sydney Water on speed dial all ready for the call.


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