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Welcome ozdevil and siiren.

Where abouts in adelaide are you anticipating will you be moving to.

I would like to start a NAB - Northern Adelaide Brewing Club...
I will be moving into Firle for the time being.
Not quite sure where I will settle. Will be looking on the market.
I will be working at this stage in the city, so I will end up residing
close by anyway. Very interested in a brew club however.
count me in.

Thinking of the first wednesday of the month....
GMK said:
Welcome ozdevil and siiren.

Where abouts in adelaide are you anticipating will you be moving to.

I would like to start a NAB - Northern Adelaide Brewing Club...
NABC!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Splitters!! ;)


BTW, welcome Simon, Ozedevil, pr1me, and whoever else I forgot :unsure:

Dont understand the splitters.
Monty Python reference I think?
Ken maybe a day on the weekend would be better as i start early during the week

and my first ag may be a bitter
GMK said:

Dont understand the splitters.
As deebee said, it's a quote from Life of Brian. (****** Judean People's Front)

Just havin' a laugh GMK, good luck with NABC.

Hi guys, I got my first homebrew kit for christmas and have been brewing for 3 months now. The first couple were a bit sus but getting the hang of it now. Here in Newcastle its very warm in summer so i have to adapt my brewing style to suit the season. I have done a couple of good Draught beers and a cracking Tooheys Old copy and as it gets cooler i want to give a James Squire Pils copy a go. I got a second fermenter last week so i am looking at CCing and racking now. But got it mainly for bulk priming.
Anyway i am a bit different to most craft brewers as i am a "A" grade road cyclist, so i guess i am a bit different to most bike riders being a craft brewer. Most of my friends thought that when i got into Homebrewing i was going to turn into some overweight beer swilling slob. Well i have put on a kg or 3 but i have it under control. (for now). Also i work for a consulting engineering practice so i do a lot of sitting on my ass in front of a computer, thats why i love to ride.
I never thought you could make such good quality beer at home, thats why i am hooked on Homebrewing.
See ya's soon
welcome to the forum guys.
all the best with the nabc ken.
northern burbs could do with a club im sure.
if it gets under way i hope to pop in when next in adelaide.

big d
G'day all,

I bought a premium home brew kit from 'The Country Brewer', which had all the gear I needed to start my first brew, a Black Rock Pilsner Blonde.

I've been brewing for 5 days since Wednesday (don't get much more of a beginner than that..). can't wait till I can take a sip from the first batch to see how I went. Its going to be hard to leave it for a couple weeks so I'm gonna have to pre-occupy myself with another brew straight after this one comes out of the fermenter.

I'm 23 yrs old, live in Sydney NSW and I spend my days (and nights) as a police officer. Started the hobby to give me something to do when I can't sleep in between shifts, as well as economising on my current beer bill.

Look forward to discussing the hobby with all of you..

Gday Pete

welcome mate i am sure that you will enjoy it here as much as i do and all the rest of the people.

Mate I have just done my first brew as well and its good to get the first one over and done with

anyway as i said welcome aboard mate

g'day guys i'm dr ailby fuct esq. (known as doc elswhere gday doc)

I have been brewing for 20+ years on & off (more off, ha ha than on) my brother & i started brewing paint strippers & ethanol, methanol, & falloveralottenol many years ago

brewed after that a few times for ecenomic reasons (not for taste & bugger me bloody car would not run on it no matter how i tuned it :(

then a mate came over with a crate of "home brew" try these he said, i did try, some were very trying (i hate honey so you know what happened to them)

WHAT IS THIS BLACK BEER I SAID he said coopers dark ale

been brewing again ever since, i now have a keg fridge with 2 taps double reg. 6 kegs & party gear
Welcome Dr fuct. I'm sure you will enjoy your time here This is a top forum.
Hi everyone. I originally registered here as spankyofoz, but the nick was a bit strange for too many people, so here I am with a new one. Its my nickname at work, because I'm short, stout and quite often full of beer.

I work as a storeman for a major auto retailer, getting more and more into the auditing and IT support side of things. I've been living in Perth (Morley) for just over a year, after spending 20 years in Qld, and the 7 years before that in Tassie, and the 9 months before that in my mummy etc etc.

I'm married, dont have kids, dont want kids, a dog and a cat are enough responsibility for me. Outside of brewing I'm into gem collecting, tennis, motorbikes and I'm a big trivia nut.

So far I've done 4 brews, a traditional starter: coopers lager + dextrose = crap, followed by a guinness clone (which after 4 weeks still needs to quite age a bit more). Then another coopers lager, as a I bought another starter kit, and finally a nut brown ale which is shaping up quite well.

Next up is a bastardised wheat something, followed by an insane sounding 12% alcohol apple cider, to be named sewercider.

I'm so glad I was directed to this site...otherwise I'd still be doing kit and kilo stuff, and listening to my local home brew shop guy when he tells me there is no such thing as a yeast for wheat beer! I'm looking forward to meeting some local brewers, and finding out more about this grain business.
g'day dr fuct and barfridge, welcome to the forum. Lots of good advice, konowledge and friendship on this forum.

Barfridge I reckon Perth must be second only to Adelaide for active forum membership. Get yourself hooked in to Big D's get togethers when he hits Perth and I'm sure you'll meet some top brewsters.
och aye th noo wee stu, big fella, bar fridge, n'all great to meet all the guys look forward to learning & sharing information with, from you all
Hello Everyone,
I'm Dave, Penola, South Australia.

I've been brewing for a fair time, started back in the seventies (yep 70's, plenty of grey on top now, long haired then!), when you could buy those big bulk packs of wort, Coopers I think, didn't like the taste much and sort of gave up for a while.

Started again in the 80's on the K&K and have been beavering away ever since.

Been into the partial mashes for a while and have recently done my first couple of all grain brews. Put together a nice little brewery and everything has been going just fine.

I've built in a room in my shed and have the fridge, kegs etc all well set up and lots of cupboards for all my gear and supplies. Have been buying my grain pre-milled which is a pain as it has to come by courier but just this week have ordered a mill. Woo hoo!

Personal stuff: Married, two kids (both left home), one dog, very old but likes to help, work in forestry, drink good Coonawarra wine and lots of good home brewed beer.

I usually get through a 22-23 litre brew a month so I am usually to be found brewing at least once a month, and at this time of the year listen to the footy while I'm doing it. I've been a Saints (St Kilda) member for more years than I care to add up and this year has been absolute heavan, sorry others but it's so rare I can't help it.

Anyway thats enough about me, Cheers all

Dave (Penolabrewer)
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