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gday, thanks for the welcome, i dont know if i replied to you before, so if i did and im just repeating myself then blame it on poor short term memory!!!

i live in leichhardt NSW, a far cry from where you live. none the less i have found a coiuple of brewers in the area so its not all bad. good luck with your all grains, i hope to do one soon too.


Hi Brewers,

I too have been lurcking on the site for a while but don't always get the time to jump on and have a chit chat.

It is amazing how much info there is on this site and thanks to those who take the time to provide much needed knowledge and info to people like me!!

I will be moving into the AG arena very soon as I have now aquired pretty much all the equiptment to 'ave a go at it. Pretty sure it will be a huge learning experience but one that I hope keeps me coming back in search of better brews!

Have been brewing for about a year now on K&K and Extracts mainly - love TCB Wetpak range - fantastic beers made from just about all of them! Left bottling behind about 6 months ago and run a relatively small 3 keg fridge with a converted freezer for lager fermenting and CC'ing.

Outside of my brewing life I live in Northmead, NSW but work as a primary school teacher at a girls school in Pymble - heafty commute but often fill the time reading threads from AHB!

Cheers and beers! :beer:
Hi all,

I'm based in Thailand, but have yet to brew a batch until I get a thermostat for my spare fridge. Need to keep the temperatures down to a chilly 20Deg or so. If my local electronics supplier hasn't got any, then I'll mail order one from Aus.

I'll be brewing English style bitters for me and a few mates, but I have to keep it low-key as the Thai police are forever looking for opportunities to extort from foreigners. :ph34r: Hopefully, I'll have something drinkable before the Rugby WC comes around.

I'm an active member of The Old Bangkok Bangers RFC which is a sure fire way to pickle ones liver.

Oh, and I'm a Pom. :eek:
G'day Everyone,

Been reading all your posts for the last few days and thought it's about time I say hello!
I'm part of the 'used to brew beer' demographic - I bought a coopers fermenter a few years ago and made a few batches but although the beer was okay, it didn't seem worth the effort at the time so I gave it away...

But for whatever reason I've recently had this compulsion to brew some beer, not sure why really, so I've blown the cobwebs of the old gear and think I'm gonna give it another try, but this time round I want to get it as good as possible from the start, so here I am and I've got heaps of questions.


Welcome to the forum Marcus,

Pick your area and ask away my friend. These blokes will give you all the assistance and advice you need.

It'd be nice to know where you are in a general sort of way so a local brewer can help you face to face if the need arises.
Thanks Brooksey,

I'm in the Hornsby Area of Sydney. I've noticed there's a couple of folks in the forum from around these parts, and I'm sure that if.. sorry when I get right into HB it would definitely be good to catch up with you guys.
No worries Marcus.
In 'My controls' (link at top of page) then Edit Profile Information, bung in Sydney area, or something similar so guys know where ya are.

And you're just up the road from ND Brewing Supplies @ North Ryde!! You'll be right mate.
Gerard's a nice bloke, very knowledgable.

Mate you are set. No excuses for you to brew bad brews. :lol:
... and now it's my turn!

My name is Alex and I am reading here since last week. Zwickel sent me the link to your forum. I am located in Germany, 29 years old and I have been brewing since last year. My favourites are Irish Stout (Guiness like), Weizen and some own creations.

What else? Hmmm... feel free to ask!

Gut Sud!


...sorry for bad English...
Hi guys, Im new hear and have been brewing since Feb 2004. I'm still a can man myself (managing a pub is very time consuming), I have had a go at a few partials and all in all love to brew beer. I have 57 brews recorded in my profile and of course tested by my own team of quality control officers. My most recent brew was a replica of Bootleg Raging Bull (a deep roasted ale,) let me tell you there is no better tasting beer than the beer you brew yourself! Any way, I just wanted to get to know fellow brewers, seeing as though my mates dont mind drinking my beer but I cant convince them to brew themselves.

Aaron- Great Ale
Welcome alexbrand (and all other new people)

Don't give too much away here, you might have me show up on your doorstep... :lol:

Just ask Zwickel...

I have been checking out this site for a while and so decided to join. The wife and I have been brewing for a little while (all from cans) after finding a 45L keg setup on Ebay. Earlier on we were doing the stubby/king brown thing but cleaning was a pain so decided to invest the money. Haven't had anyone whinge about my beer yet so it must be okay.

We can't wait to drop back into TWOC brewing when we are next in Perth and picking up a few more kegs so that we don't have to wait between kegs running out and when your new batch is drinkable.

Hi spanner my names micka
Im form melbourne
Ride a ninja 600 and have been brewing beer for about 5 years.
Beer,motorbikes and im sorry to say the warriors are my team (originally a kiwi) are all things I love and Rugby close win over wales tonight good game.
There is one beer i have brewed and it was chocolate mahogany by Cascade and my opinion is that no one should make it, but thats just me.
Usually I stick to what I like lagers and bitters but have made wheat beer.
Anywayz thats micka :chug:
Cheers for now
Happy brewing
P.s I am a bit pissed writing this
Hi ReDdOGg, good to see you finally stopped terrorising the south-west with your hoonish activities, and joined AHB.

My names dave, been on here for a couple of months and thought i'd better introduce myself. I'm a uni student, so homebrew was always an attractive prospect, especially when I began to realise I didn't really like megaswill anymore. Been brewing for about a year now and haven't looked back, if anyone reading this is from central west NSW (Orange) it'd be good to meet other brewers and perhaps sample some creations. Also going to be in canberra for a uni placement in july, so anyone who wants to share a brew at the wig and pen would be most welcome!

Hey all,

I'm Maple. Been lurking around your forum here for a while, reading and learning heaps. Fantastic site btw. Been brewing for just on a year now, started on the cans, and kicked the habit after going partial for the first time. One day, when the CFO allows, I'll build up the gear and go the AG, but for the time being, I am limited by my 15L stockpot.

I started brewing trying to build clones of commercial brands, but after giving some of the recipies posted here and else-where, why would you re-produce CUB... Anyway, thanks for the place to read and post! Great work.

Howdy everyone

Im Rother aka Chris

Been brewing for a few months... only kit beers so far, but Ive got a mate whos gonna hook me up with an empty keg or 3, so once i get those, I plan on starting AG brewing. HOORAH!


My names dave, been on here for a couple of months and thought i'd better introduce myself. I'm a uni student, so homebrew was always an attractive prospect, especially when I began to realise I didn't really like megaswill anymore. Been brewing for about a year now and haven't looked back, if anyone reading this is from central west NSW (Orange) it'd be good to meet other brewers and perhaps sample some creations. Also going to be in canberra for a uni placement in july, so anyone who wants to share a brew at the wig and pen would be most welcome!



There are a good number of brewers in the ACT. An open invite to the Wig and Pen should get a good response.

Another good option is to have a check out to see what local pubs have Zierholz beers on and go there.


If you are just starting out and want to make something great - get yourself a Wort Kit. They cost about $40. Now some people (Kit & Kilo) think that is way too much for 60 stubbies. But add to this a little Hops and maybe a few other goodies ( grain adjuncts etc ) and you can make world class beer right at home - it is so easy! To buy world class beer will cost you $4 or $5 a stubbie - you can make the same for much less! It really can be done! Home brew has such a bad reputation because of 'Kit & Kilo' beer - K & K beer tastes like home brew not real beer! A Wort kit is just a kit beer that does not have the water boiled out of it - that boiling of kits takes away all the character. Wort kits are a great way to get started on the magic of trully senational beers made right at home - Please do some research for me and dont go through what I went through. Cheers!

Bear09, I think you are getting confused. A Wort Kit is an all grain beer, not a K&K.

And welcome to the new members :)
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