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I would like to say g'day to everyone on the forum. I am a new member here, who home brewed 10 years ago and stopped. Got the bug again, dusted off the old tub and getting excited. I hope to read and learn from other members, and try some of your ideas.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Cheers, :beer:


G'day BBB - welcome to AHB - you will learn lots here, ask questions however dumb they might sound to you. You're guaranteed good advice.

P.S. Probably best to buy a new fermenter before you start though :p
Welcome back to the family B3.

Cheers, Hoges.
G'day BBB, welcome to AHB.

There is a good little brewing community in the Lake Mac-Newcastle-Hunter area, even a few semi-regular gatherings if you shop at the right place. I'm up in the valley a bit but I'm sure some of the members who are a bit closer to you will say g'day too.


Thanks for the warm welcome, I am keen for some gatherings / beers, keep me posted :beerbang:
G'day to everybody,
Scotsman living in Hobart here. Been brewing on and off for about ten years but seriously (if you can say that!) for the last two. Finally managed to move away from the tins last year into the DME and hops which is a lot more fun and much better beers! Currently bottling but have started to buy up kegging equipment (all I need now is a CO2 tank,fridge and some kegs).
Hope to learn more from the site.
Gday, fellow Beer lovers.
Good to be aboard, heard of the site from a one of your fellow members Blackbock. Pissed off i missed the Pub Crawl on the w/e.
Been brewing this time around for about 18 months. I gave up after 2 failed batches back in the late 80's when i was 18. Started again due to 1. Love Beer and had tasted some great Homebrew over last 10 years, 2. save money. my theory is the more i drink the more i save (wife not to sure about that one).
Only been using Coopers kits so far, as havent had the time to commit to the serious stuff and going from scratch, but now that my Bikes off the road after getting tired and wanting to have a lie down. I have found abit more time, so keen to get serious.
Before I started brewing, I was a Tooheys Old drinker, but now even struggle with that. Work in the city, so lucky to spend a bit of time at Red Oak, the Belgium bier cafe, and the Bavarian. Think my tastes have matured.
Look forward to meeting you blokes some day.

My names FROGMAN.
And i'm a BREW-A-HOLIC.
Bring her around for a drink.
I've got nine in an enclosure in my family room.

ha, she'd pee herself and then run out crying.... its bad enough when we have a ghecko running around the house. Funny thing is her best friends loves frogs and got a tat of a green tree frog on her ankle, go figure.
Welcome aboard new members!

Hi All

Been posting for only a short time and came across this section so I thought I'd introduce myself. The names Citymorgue (the name matches my first ever email address, which I still use, 11yrs later).

Just got back into brewing after an 8yr break. started off young and brewed extremely basic kits. most good, a few bad and learned a few good lessons. Like confirming its not a good idea to shake all the sediment up in a stubby of HB beer (stout) and skul it (i did it to someone I didnt particularly like). Your garenteed to spew (which was bloody funny).

Now I'm older, but not a much wiser. Back into brewing. Chewing my way through basic - medium skill kits and working up to going AG at some stage. ie when I have the room.

Live in Melourne, VIC, have a wife and a 4mnth old girl. SO really I have 2 babys. my beer and my kid.

I love most beers (suprise suprise), as well as my top shelf spirits. Brewing mostly stouts and dark ales atm and wouold love to do a RIS.

Theres a wealth of info one here and I'm glad I found it. Look foward to chating to you.
G'day Fella's,

Just a quick g'day, and look forward to discussing everything beer related :party:

I'am just at the kit level but hope to progress to an all grain brewer in the distant future.

Snake. :super:
Hi all

I live in Melbourne with my wife and two year old son. I am very new to brewing, my wife got me a kit a couple of months ago.

I have made 2 brews, the first a standard coopers lager that came with the kit and the second (in the fermenter now) I experimented a bit using malt extract and some hops.

I hope to gain more experience in the months to come, and can see this forum being a real asset.

Welcome, MSR. I started out just the same way. :D

Good to see some experimentation. I'm sure you'll get many (too many) new ideas for more experiments here. :chug:
I'm sure your wife will come to regret the purchase :lol:

My fiance is regretting buying me my first keg..!
I'm sure your wife will come to regret the purchase :lol:

My fiance is regretting buying me my first keg..!

My wife is regretting getting me back into this brewing at all, but if she ever gets upset I just remind her that every litre of beer I drink - I've saved $9......and that confuses her long enough to give me time to run away.... :huh:

Welcome to all the new brewers, I'm sure you'll all learn heaps here. Including advice on how to hide receipts, sneak new purchases into the washhouse , spare room , kitchen, shed BREWERY , and then justify it all when the statement comes in the mail. (Covert Mail Interception is in the advanced course) .... :)

Hi all

I live in Melbourne with my wife and two year old son. I am very new to brewing, my wife got me a kit a couple of months ago.

I have made 2 brews, the first a standard coopers lager that came with the kit and the second (in the fermenter now) I experimented a bit using malt extract and some hops.

I hope to gain more experience in the months to come, and can see this forum being a real asset.


I really want to tell you something that will save you pain - you seem as though you are wanting to experiment and learn. Dont fall into the trap of trying to make home brew as cheaply as possible. Making 60 stubbies for $13 is easy but it will be rubbish. If you are just starting out and want to make something great - get yourself a Wort Kit. They cost about $40. Now some people (Kit & Kilo) think that is way too much for 60 stubbies. But add to this a little Hops and maybe a few other goodies ( grain adjuncts etc ) and you can make world class beer right at home - it is so easy! To buy world class beer will cost you $4 or $5 a stubbie - you can make the same for much less! It really can be done! Home brew has such a bad reputation because of 'Kit & Kilo' beer - K & K beer tastes like home brew not real beer! A Wort kit is just a kit beer that does not have the water boiled out of it - that boiling of kits takes away all the character. Wort kits are a great way to get started on the magic of trully senational beers made right at home - Please do some research for me and dont go through what I went through. Cheers!

Google: ESB Wort Kits - Artisinal Kits.
KoNg, my wife is regretting it already!!!!!!

bear09, thanks for the advice, I will look into wort kits like you suggested but not tell my other half. She would crucify me if she found out I spent $40 on a kit...

domonsura, sign me up! got busted yesterday when the delivery from the HB shop turned up whilst I was at work. First lesson, get everything delivered to work.
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