Go Pies
I bet they said mandatory seat belt laws would never pass back in the late 60's too.....yet here we are.....
guh this is so old now. This is the Family First anti pornography idea. The only reason this idea saw the light was because Rudd told the FF party he'd put it forward in exchange for FF giving preference to ALP, it will never actually happen.
I hope it doesn't happen but a couple of successive governments have tried to float the idea. Just because it's completely ridiculous and unworkable doesn't mean there won't be pressure under the guise of "protect the children AT ALL COSTS"
I went to a protest for this some time last year and despite not being much of a protest man, will go again if it continues to be pushed. Astoundingly idiotic idea.
Doesn't matter who's in power. If the government proposes tramping on our freedoms they'll call 'em out for it.
Well if this is never going to actually happen I wish they stop pissing away millions of my tax dollars pretending it will :angry:
I think it was Regean who said something along the lines of 'left' and 'right' are false choices. The real choices are between freedom and slavery.
There's some merit to that argument.
I disagree in just about the strongest way imaginable. This is rhetoric that makes those who do nothing feel as though they are empowered - "Well, if I disagree with the current system my only alternatives are much worse. But if I do nothing then I'll be in a better position. Carry on, boys!"
There are not only two options (no matter what you call them). There are a great many choices available and just as many ways available to us to influence those who we choose to make those decisions for us.
Stephen was reduced to facepalms trying to tell people that the list will be controlled by the Classification Review Board - a third party, and a completely separate entity - based on submissions, rather than a blanket list of 'naughty stuff'.
:icon_offtopic:Couldnt sleep last night so I got up at 4.30am and thought I'd bake some sweet buns for breakfast, being retired and all that. I fired up the computer and googled "cinnamon buns". The link below was the result.
So dont send your 12 year old budding chefs off to the net without a quick look. I have to add that by the time I checked this out a couple or three times, I forgot about the baking.
The very same board that bans video games when they should just be 18+ because there is no adult classification in video games? The same board that thinks all computer games are for kids and kids alone? Great, I'm sure they'll do a fine job controlling content on the internet.. Anything complained about by any interest group will get a ban slapped on it to prevent letters to the Minister. It'll be a debacle.
This is one of the 'itsy bitsy points' I mentioned - if you're going to argue that 'X is bad', you need to be able to back it up with 'not X is good'. In this case, you are complaining that the having the Classification Board involved would be a bad thing. Would the problem be solved if it wasn't the Classification Board? What if it was a perfect system of accept/reject for refused classification material, or hell, some other criteria? No.The very same board that bans video games when they should just be 18+ because there is no adult classification in video games? The same board that thinks all computer games are for kids and kids alone? Great, I'm sure they'll do a fine job controlling content on the internet.. Anything complained about by any interest group will get a ban slapped on it to prevent letters to the Minister. It'll be a debacle.
perhaps getup could help out with a fair excise deal for microbreweries.