fair enough. It's been a while since I looked at what was going on so if I'm mistaken then I'll research my facts a little.I'm not a supporter of the censorship, but I will point out a glaring misconception - I even felt sorry for Sen. Conroy during whatever public opinion show it was he appeared on when every second question stated the above as fact... facepalm was the result.
- "What's that extra k for?"
- "That's a typo..."
I don't mind at all for one second if anyone is against this idea (I'm not for it myself) but I really want to hit the roof when people act like it has ******* ANYTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH DEMOCRACY! Democracy is not defined as "free and un-restricted access to everything". There is NOTHING un-democratic about this proposal.
A kind of state censorship that, sadly, the majority of the the public is for. Hence it is not only semantically democratic but enacting the will of the people.
Don't like it? Move back to Soviet Russia, hippy!