Interesting article on craft beer branding

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Good article indeed thanks for the link bloke!
First comment:
Being a non drinker of alcohol any article like this makes no sense to me. People consume alcohol for the effect not the taste/olfactory experience. Seems to me craft beer is like the Grange or Moet, it makes people think you are informed, rich, have taste, or like me, you are a bit of a tosser. People drink because there is alcohol in a bottle and the rest is a sales pitch. I suppose in an ideal hipster run society there will be a craft brewery for every person (adult) and a baby craft brewery producing non alcohol baby beers for the young.
Personally, I like the whole "localised branding" thing and I reckon it works well. To the point where I think an Australian Craft Beer should be named something very Australian and marketed to Americans in much the same way wines are.

What I loathe is the silly names. To me they devalue the product. If the beer needs to grab your attention on the shelf by being call Budgie Spew Rainbow Ale it's probably form over function ... and is most likely a bland lager leaning heavily on marketing to idiots to sell.
How did you know the name of my next Ale!
Subsequent posters gave that Paul tosser the rounds of the kitchen.

Growing up in the UK the old beer brands often had interesting names like White Shield, Old Peculier, Norseman Lager, Camerons Strongarm etc. However more often than not it was simply "Higsons Best Bitter" or "McEwans Scotch" so you knew what style you were getting.

The weird naming phenomenon strikes me as a bit American College Freshmen Geek - Old SquawsThunderthighs Stout - Grandad's jock strap false teeth Old Ale etc. Sort of devalues a lot of perhaps ok beers.
treefiddy said:
First comment:

Being a non drinker of alcohol any article like this makes no sense to me. People consume alcohol for the effect not the taste/olfactory experience. Seems to me craft beer is like the Grange or Moet, it makes people think you are informed, rich, have taste, or like me, you are a bit of a tosser. People drink because there is alcohol in a bottle and the rest is a sales pitch. I suppose in an ideal hipster run society there will be a craft brewery for every person (adult) and a baby craft brewery producing non alcohol baby beers for the young.

I actually agree with that statement for the majority of the drinkers. Why do you think all the megaswill companies are so rich? Because they make good products? It's the image that is built about the product that makes you buy it. There are a lot of people who currently drink microbrewery beer just because it's currently trendy, bit like wine was 10 years ago. People who drink beer for flavor are in the minority group.