Interest In A South/eastern Suburbs Brewgroup For Sydney

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"Baron Hardmans" Chief brewer.
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Guys I have been talking to Steve of ACT, who is in a brew club that does bulk buys of grains once a month.

I am in sydney south Bexley, I am considering throwing up a suggestion of a brewers club/bulk buy group to do something similar, reckon you'd be interested?

Numbers wise we'd probably need around 12-15 people, I know that Gerard(Or whomever) does discounts on 12 X 25kg bags(not sure how much).

Personally I think that people ranging around the suburbs from Lidcombe to Sutherland to North Ryde(Others welcome if happy to travel) would be about right.

And we could meet say at a place in the City 1 meet, St George area next ect.

Would be good for yeast swaps, recipe swaps, and just getting a bit of community going in the area.

Ideally meet 1 time a month or as circumstances permit.

Anyway before I get more suggestions going I'll see if this thread garners any interest.

Guys one of the purposes for the bulk buy side of things - If you you dont want to be in this then just turn up for a yarn.

Is because a lot of the recipes that I've seen involve the use of a up to 7-8 variety of hops/grains in the one brew. - Can be costly to get in 1 hit.

By buying bulk you get a excellent price and are able to do the sophisticated brew for a fraction of the cost.

And this from kit to ag's as well.

Just use craftbrewer for your hops, they already are cheap, you would have to be buying a few kilos to be getting a better discount than that, and i think the bulk buys from growers only come around once a year so just buy them from here.

The same can be said for grain, just orgainise a once a year bulk buy direct from the supplier, and buy all your grain in one hit

I also assume Drew that there would also be a club in NSW and most of these clubs will orgainise bulk buys on different things

EDIT : I always forget this bit

No affiliaton etc etc

I'd be interested in some sort of brew club. Not sure about the bulk buy, but worth talking about as you say.

I'd be in on the "club" aspect of it but not necessarily for bulk buy reasons.
For hops yearly may be sufficient, I'd have to talk to Ross to see if further discounts would be applicable.

The bulk buys for grain dont have to be monthly heck even quarterly would be sweet.

But I reckon meeting monthly would be good to just meet and talk shop.
If there's a chance to sit and chat about brewing, whilst having a beer, I'll be in it :)

As for the bulk buy, I think the comment about specialty grain is probably the way to go. If we got bag(s) and divided them up then maybe everybody wins.

I'm interested, not so much in the bulk buying aspects since i'm not really a large brewer just yet (although i can provide/swap about 10 different varieties of hops to ppl if they need them... too much hops :rolleyes: ), i'm in Stanmore which is more inner-west than south though. I know people already meet in the Nag's head but maybe somewhere where we could swap and taste some beers would be good? Even a restaurant somewhere central to everyone?
If your talking to Kurtz in Kanberra be very Kareful!

For the Club, ESB (Eastern Suburbs Brewclub) fell over with funds in the bank and a membership that wanted to kill each other.

So you can alway pick-up where ESB started.

Count me in for the club idea (not so much bulk buy as IMO grain is cheap and I like to be flexible).

Once a month sounds good. I live in Alexandria and rely on public transport which could be a problem.

Any other inner-west, south sydney people interested in studying for BJCP qualifications (even informally, ie no exams?). I think it was Berapnopod who tried to garner some interest but didn't seem to get much interest from this part of town.

More info can be found here

Well Im starting to mobilise the S/W of Sydney(our 1st b'day coming up on the 6/7/06)...Ray and the guys have the IBU's in the 'Gong..Teasy has got the Hills brewers going.....and Ive heard of ghosts meeting at ESB at Peakhurst still on the odd occasion, but not too sure; and I 'thought' mikem108 was starting to rally the Eastern subs guys over in Botany??

Nothing too formal for us down fees, no meetings on schedules and brewdays on the fly. Just starting to cut a bulk buy deal now...
Guys I have been talking to Steve of ACT, who is in a brew club that does bulk buys of grains once a month.

I am in sydney south Bexley, I am considering throwing up a suggestion of a brewers club/bulk buy group to do something similar, reckon you'd be interested?

Howdy DC and SE Sydneysiders,

If you are interested in bulk grains I can supply you guys with the freshest and cheapest malts in Aus.
PM me and I will send a pricelist.
If you are only at Bexley why not wander over the hill & have a chat to Mel @ ESB. He seems to be right in the middle of your area. You never know what may come of it.
Just a thought
Yeah I want sufficient numbers first I'd be after atleast 6-10 people, so if people who have showed interest in this can PM me their email then I'll start making a list.

Then we'll meet for a bit of greeting and to chew the fat somewhere and let the bulk buy side sort itself out, first meeting will be very informal though.

Worst thing that happens to groups like this is that they get very serious and put pressure on people.


In regards to interested parties outside of the area's that I mentioned if you're happy to travel to the city or St George/Sutherland area we are happy to have you.


Almost definately be interested in the future but I just want to see if I can get this baby off the ground before I go anything like that, meeting and sharing will be the main point of the group BB's will be a sidelight.

I really want to keep this a brewers group run by brewers rather then having a store affiliated with it, atleast to start with as I like I said in my previous post when things like these get too serious they fly apart.

Cheers all.

In regards to interested parties outside of the area's that I mentioned if you're happy to travel to the city or St George/Sutherland area we are happy to have you.



Cheers all.

Hi All,

Count me in for the meetings. I am in Redfern and can give a lift to neighbours in Alexandria. Although usually I am not too favourable to drinking and driving.

As for the bulk buys, I am not too sure, because I mainly do extract or mini mash brewing, on a mini fermenter :lol:

Also, this BJCP exam sounds good. Can somebody let me know if something is already ongoing?


Hi All,

Count me in for the meetings. I am in Redfern and can give a lift to neighbours in Alexandria. Although usually I am not too favourable to drinking and driving.

As for the bulk buys, I am not too sure, because I mainly do extract or mini mash brewing, on a mini fermenter :lol:

Also, this BJCP exam sounds good. Can somebody let me know if something is already ongoing?


Hi Laurent,

I'm v close to Redfern - Henderson Rd - near The Alexandria pub.

Maybe if this is a goer we can share the driving duties (although I don't have a car I can drive, and I can just walk home afterwards), or if we can convince a few others locally maybe we can try and guide the beer meet somewhere local?

That's 2 of us in the neighbourhood keen on the BJCP, only another 4-8 people needed to make it worthwhile. Any others?

If you would like to meet up for a beer sometime send me a PM.


Shonky if you are interested in joining the club PM me your email.

I am a public transport user myself, so I am not fussed what you's work out driving wise.

However one of the requirements for choosing a venue is the convenience for everyone. IE - In the city its a pisser to jump on a train or bus to where ever then no one is sober sam.

Shonky if you are interested in joining the club PM me your email.

I am a public transport user myself, so I am not fussed what you's work out driving wise.

However one of the requirements for choosing a venue is the convenience for everyone. IE - In the city its a pisser to jump on a train or bus to where ever then no one is sober sam.


I wonder what kind of venue others are using, because I don't know many public places with BYO beer :D
First gathering wont be BYO.

After we gather and confirm interest we can toss up idea's about a BYO venue.

I'll contact some other clubs and see what they do so I can get the ball rolling.
