Insulating Electric Urn (hlt)

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yuk! I don't want stuff stuck to my BM.

Nup. In the morning ill take a picture of the mat stuck to the metal. the mat itself has gone in the bin as it melted so much it becale useless. Mines a cheapo old urn i found at a market, but if id payed the $$ for a BM i might be more concerned.
I did my MT in wetsuit material.. Found it at work so have no idea on cost.
It's expensive stuff, from what I can tell its cheaper to buy and then cut-up a wetsuit than it is to get just the material.
Ive used one of the cheap camp mats. I found over the course of a few brews the mat began to warp and distort. It adheres strongly to the sides of the urn to the point that even a paint scraper wont remove it. I dont know if they are all the same but ill be finding something else to insulate with when I build my next setup.

Ouch! Maybe I was lucky that they had no rolls of the camping mat in when I wanted some for the Kettle, and I had to use the yoga mat. I haven't had any issues with the camping mat melting on the HLT and mash tun. Maybe they are not hot enough for problems. The yoga mat on the kettle has only done 2 runs so far, but (touch wood) so far all good.

The other material I did look at was micro fibre, but I'm not sure how well it would insulate.

I bought the scraps that Edak had left over & just finished fitting it....

View attachment 56375

Held temp at 57 for 15 minutes

Did a boil test on the vessel & then pointed my laser thermometer at the insulation and it was at 24 degrees, while the pot was at just over 90
Looking good Glen!

The silver stuff should last a long time because it is made specifically for insulation on water tanks.

The cost for this is 55/m as it is the 20mm thick version
Oh and for what it's worth, the rubbery stuff that beerbelly uses is nitrile rubber, which is also expensive.

Asbestos is cheap ;-)
I use the silver insulated rubber, silver on the inside. Works a treat and has a grid embossed on it which is easy to cut with a stanley knife to get around hadles and the dial on the urn.
Ouch! Maybe I was lucky that they had no rolls of the camping mat in when I wanted some for the Kettle, and I had to use the yoga mat. I haven't had any issues with the camping mat melting on the HLT and mash tun. Maybe they are not hot enough for problems. The yoga mat on the kettle has only done 2 runs so far, but (touch wood) so far all good.

The other material I did look at was micro fibre, but I'm not sure how well it would insulate.


I had the same problem, it's the spills and drips of wort between the mat and the kettle that stick, but a mash tun mightn't get hot enough for that to happen. I was doing BIAB, had to buy a new mat every 3 or 4 brews.
The silvery rubber looks good and blingy but if you think of it, if the ugly rubber is on the outside then the metal layer facing the vessel will be reflecting radiant heat back into the vessel and would therefore be a better insulator, one would think.

Tidal Pete did a blingy HLT - You ain't seen genuint bling till you've been to Pete's - and even though the material was fixed in place the metallic layer split and crazed and he had to remove it.
I use a camping mat but with an old towel underneath it which stops it melting. I leave it on during the boil without issues. If you need it more insulated just add more mats? Only issue is I can't see the site gauge but a little bit of guess work never hurt a brew right?
going down a hill said:
I use the silver insulated rubber, silver on the inside. Works a treat and has a grid embossed on it which is easy to cut with a stanley knife to get around hadles and the dial on the urn.
Where from and how much mate? Im doing a new HLT build and am looking ofr inspiration for the lagging material to use.
It sounds the same as the stuff I got, called "thermoshield" I think, from Clarke rubber. Something like $32 per square metre. Bit pricey, but 1m is enough for my 2 urns.
Got some stuff called Formshield, adhesive one side and silver the other, he said it's used for stuff like Care fire walls, got the 10mm stuff..

The fun begins anew
I've just done my first batch with the foil backed foam from Clark rubber and it works brilliantly.

I wrapped it around twice, (foil facing in) making cutouts for the handles, power cord, temp switch, sight tube and tap. I used sticky backed velcro to hold it where I needed.

I also wrapped my usual blankets, towels etc around it.

Previously, I needed to check my temp during mash because it would drop by about 2-3 deg over 60 min.

Today the temp barely budged at all, maybe 0.1 deg max.

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